Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 203 The Main Purpose Is Traveling, By The Way To Participate In The Party

Chapter 203 The Main Purpose Is Traveling, By The Way To Participate In The Party
The two looked at each other, and the man's eyes made Wen Qing's heart tighten suddenly, "It's beautiful! I was wearing it today just because I met you!"

Huo Ziyan smiled happily, seeming very satisfied with the woman's answer, picked up the thin quilt next to her and covered her body like this.

"Go to sleep!" Thin lips kissed the man's forehead.

"Huh?" Wen Qing didn't react for a while, she looked at the quilt on her body suspiciously, and then looked at Huo Ziyan again, this man was so kind, so he just let her go.

Huo Ziyan looked seriously at the woman's astonished expression at the moment, and smiled, "Are you disappointed with this expression?"

After just waking up, he can naturally see her true thoughts.

He is a man, after being with Wen Qing, he knows the taste by taste, and he really likes to pursue excitement in this respect.

And on the plane, the experience should be pretty good, but he also understands her timidity and shyness.

Just now I lost control because of a momentary confusion.

Hearing the man's teasing words, Wen Qing's cheeks immediately turned red.I just thought that the man just..., suddenly stopped, would it be bad for her health? She seemed to have heard this saying before, but she was not sure, so she glanced at him, "Are you sure you want me to sleep?"

The man squinted his eyes, of course he knew what this woman was thinking, he pinched her chin and said sinisterly, "Is it because I don't let you sleep now, or you think it yourself!"


Wen Qing knocked off his hand on his face with a "slap", turned her face to one side, closed her eyes and ignored her.

Forget it, don't understand him!

Huo Ziyan also returned to her position and lay down with pursed lips. She was really uncomfortable. She just touched the cigarette in her pocket and wanted to smoke a cigarette, but she didn't take it out. She squeezed her fist and pulled her hand back.

Looking at Wen Qing who had already closed her eyes and was about to go to sleep beside her, no, it would disturb her.

Taking a few deep breaths, the man gradually closed his eyes.


New York time 21:00, Grand Suite at Four Seasons Hotel New York.

After nearly twelve hours of flying, they arrived at the hotel room they had booked in advance.

As soon as she got to the room, Wen Qing threw herself into the bathroom to relax, and then walked out wearing the bathrobe she had prepared in advance.

Huo Ziyan also washed in the other bathrooms in the suite at the same time, and was on the phone at this time.

Seeing Wen Qing come out, she said a few words before hanging up the phone.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, there is a party, let's go eat together!"

Wen Qing was looking at New York's bustling forest high-rises and the mirage-like city scenery from the window. After hearing the man's words suddenly, she asked suspiciously, "What party, didn't you say that you brought me out just to travel? You still want to participate What party?"

Huo Ziyan came to the window, hugged her, leaned over and kissed her on the lips, "The main purpose is to travel, and attend the party by the way!"

Wen Qing pouted, "I'm so tired after flying for nearly twelve hours. I just want to stay in the hotel. If you have something to do, go by yourself!"

"What do you mean by flying for 12 hours? You obviously lay down on the plane for 12 hours, and you are jet lagged. It's also night here, and I don't worry about you being alone in the hotel!"

"It's not the first time I've come here, so don't worry! Do you have any enemies? You won't be hunted down again!"

"So you have to follow me, or I can't guarantee your safety!"

(End of this chapter)

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