Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 208 Then We Are Now Chapter Hotel

Chapter 208 Let's go back to the hotel now
"You designed this guardian star of happiness?"

Huo Ziyan didn't answer, and just looked at Wen Qing with deep eyes, like a deep pool under the water that made people sink into it.

Wen Qing was a little stunned, she could always feel Huo Ziyan's kindness to her, so even though she was forced to be together at first, but until now, she is sincerely willing to try to go on with this man.


Seeing her reflection in the man's scorching eyes, she was a little dazed.


Holding the man's hand, Wen Qing stared into his eyes, and said seriously, "Zi Yan, I only know that you treat me well, and being able to see such a scenery and own such a luxurious necklace is already a very happy thing! Thank you for the happiness star you created for me, she not only protects me, but should also protect all other people in this world! I am very satisfied."

After a pause, he continued, "Then we shouldn't be so selfish. Such a beautiful scenery should leave more footprints. Such a beautiful and special necklace should be worthy of any beautiful lady. I know you are rich , but it’s enough for us to have it, don’t privatize her, okay?”

Huo Ziyan hugged her, afraid that she would be cold, and put her hand into his arms, "I designed this for you, so you don't need to think about other issues! Indeed, Emily Jewelry wants it to be a This year's main product for Christmas, once launched, it will not be unique, are you sure?"

Enchanting pretentiousness is really a bad thing. Although Wen Qing really doesn't want such a beautiful accessory to be exclusive to herself, but thinking that it will be on sale so soon, she feels a little bit sad...

Seeing the woman's tangled look, Huo Ziyan's lips curled up slightly, "Pretentious!"

"You are hypocritical!" Wen Qing glared at him, "I didn't say I was reluctant."

Huo Ziyan caressed her slightly frowning brows, with a smile on her thin lips, "Well, whoever wrinkled her brows into a Sichuan character, and her face is full of entanglements!"

Wen Qing was ashamed and angry, "Huo! Ziyan! "

She didn't feel that she just said that those were her true thoughts. No matter how good or valuable something is, if only she owns it, and if she can't let this happiness continue and be shared, then she will lose its inherent value. significance.

"Then why can't you launch it later? For example, next year's Valentine's Day, then the Wen Qing special supply for these few months is also quite good!"

Seeing Wen Qing's shy and serious face, Huo Ziyan couldn't help laughing, and pecked her puffy cheek lightly, as if nothing was enough.

"Well! I listen to you!" After finishing speaking, Huo Ziyan stood up from the recliner, then hugged Wen Qing, and said in a hoarse voice close to her ear, "It's getting colder and colder outside, and it's already late. We should go back to our room!"

After eating, I enjoyed the starry night sky, and then I ate dessert. At this moment, the early morning has passed, and the time is indeed getting late.
Probably because they slept for too long on the plane, coupled with jet lag, neither of them actually felt sleepy.

But it is indeed a bit cold on the balcony, it should be because he went back to the hotel to rest, but the sexy and hoarse voice from the man's throat and the burning eyes made Wen Qing's heart pounding, "Then shall we go back to the hotel now?"

(End of this chapter)

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