Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 210 Knowing Me So Much, I Don’t Know What I Like To Eat

Chapter 210 Knowing Me So Much, I Don’t Know What I Like To Eat

With the last bit of strength in her body, Wen Qing raised one leg and prepared to kick it.

With Huo Ziyan's identity, what a sensitive person, he had already sensed Wen Qing's movements when he just made a move, he quickly pressed his hands on her knees, and retracted his forceful kissing movements, but the deep His eyes still locked on the woman in front of him with a sense of presence.

The other pillow in his hand flew out at such a close distance, this time the man didn't dodge it, and hit him directly,

The man laughed happily in his ear.

In the end, under Huo Ziyan's rigid threat of either doing it or going out to eat, Wen Qing half-pushed and half-heartedly went out with him.

The temperature outside was a bit low, about 5 degrees, Huo Ziyan wrapped a thin scarf around her neck.

“There is a famous hot pot restaurant in Chinatown!”

Seeing Wen Qing, the co-pilot, swiping her phone boredly, Huo Ziyan casually threw a sentence over.

Wen Qing, who was reading the news, her eyes lit up, she suddenly turned her head to look at Huo Ziyan, with a sincere smile on her lips that she hadn't seen since she woke up this morning.

While looking at the man, it suddenly occurred to him that he seemed to be still angry, so he immediately turned his head to look straight ahead and let out an oh.

It's just that the exquisite eyebrows and eyes have been completely stretched at this time, and Huo Ziyan's lips are slightly raised.

This is a newly opened hot pot restaurant. When Wen Qing was still studying in New York, she hadn't seen it when she occasionally ate nearby.

The decoration of the hot pot restaurant is relatively Chinese, and it looks very clean. The service staff are mainly Chinese, and being in it makes people feel like returning to their hometown.

The place is not small, there are dine-in and private rooms, Wen Qing actually wants to find a seat in the lobby near the glass, after all, she thinks that eating hot pot is to have a certain flavor, and there are only two people in the private room, it is too deserted, almost that taste .

But considering Huo Ziyan's identity, he probably doesn't like to eat in places with too many people and too noisy.

As soon as he asked the waiter if there was a private room, Huo Ziyan immediately interrupted him. He knew what Wen Qing was thinking just now by seeing Wen Qing's expression, and without saying anything, she walked directly to the side of the hall next to the glass wall.

Help her open the seat, and then sit down on the opposite side.

Wen Qing didn't expect that this man would let go of his identity and take care of her like this, just as he was about to say thank you, the man's voice drifted over, "Don't be too moved, it's also necessary to properly meet the needs of the lady, and it can't just be in that aspect Satisfied, it seems that I am too purposeful!"

The woman had already made a thank you mouth shape, and seeing the humble tone of the man opposite him, who was still handsome and gentle on the surface, Wen Qing narrowed her eyes.

Every time she forgets about that thing, he always has to keep reminding him, as if he can't move his tongue if he doesn't show that aspect, and he can't expect to have a good conversation with him.

Huo Ziyan took the menu on the table and put it in front of the sullen Wen Qing, "Beauty, choose what you want to eat!"

Wen Qing took a look and said coldly, "You know me so well, what do I like to eat?"

Huo Ziyan glanced at her, didn't say anything, and simply said a few dishes, but the women on the opposite side all refused for various reasons of dislike, and put on an appearance that this is all you have.

(End of this chapter)

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