Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 212 She Feels That This Is Not Comprehensible To Her World, She Doesn't Want To Know

Chapter 212 She Feels That This Is Not Comprehensible To Her World, She Doesn't Want To Know

Huo Ziyan came to the United States when he was very young, and his diet was mainly Western food. Naturally, he couldn't understand Wen Qing's love for chili, and said, "I think the chili here is very good. It has a spicy taste, but it is not too spicy. , the spicy taste of the imperial capital is too strong, the tongue is numb, this kind is very good!"

Wen Qing was still lamenting that the spicy taste here was not enough, but when Huo Ziyan said this, she shook her head and said, "No, the hot pot is still delicious in the imperial capital!"

Huo Ziyan disagreed, "No matter what it is, it is best to have it in moderation. You see, many people in the capital don't pay attention to balanced diet and exercise. They just want to enjoy themselves in time. If they eat too sweet, they will easily gain weight. In severe cases, they will get diabetes. Eat too much." Too spicy, easy to get angry, including sports, it should be moderate..."

"What do you mean there are many people in the imperial capital? Aren't you from the imperial capital? Isn't it just that if you stay in the United States for a long time, everything in the imperial capital is not good. You are still a native of the imperial capital, and you are here to worship foreigners!"

Huo Ziyan, "When did I express this meaning?"

"Just now, every sentence was expressed! You said that you didn't have that meaning!"

Huo Ziyan lowered his head silently, feeling that he probably really owed this woman in his previous life, and he had to confront her with every word, silently calming his rising anger, and comforting himself, don't be angry, don't be angry.

Wen Qing was just trying to get along with him, but she didn't hear the man's voice for a long time. When she looked up, she found that he was lowering her head and scalding raw beef. Thinking about how rare it was that he had nothing to say, her eyes were filled with joy Smiling, "Why don't you talk, you are still angry if you say a few words! I just think that the moon in foreign countries is always round, and you should appreciate the scenery at home."

"Did I say that the moons in foreign countries are always round?"

"You didn't say that directly, but you criticized the lifestyle of many people in the imperial capital as unhealthy, but why didn't you say that we have thousands of years of rich history and culture, and we are a populous country, so we naturally compare ourselves to improving our lifestyle. Other countries should be slower. Forget it, you will naturally not understand this, you are a rich person standing at the top of the pyramid, and of course you despise the livelihood of the people below!"

"Say it like you know it well!"

"Of course, don't look at me. I was born in Wen's family. During the winter and summer vacations of high school, I worked outside as an intern with Yin Chang. I have done a lot of work! Naturally, I know more than you!"

"How do you know that I don't understand, just because I look like I'm dressed in fine clothes, as if I don't lack anything?"

Wen Qing originally wanted to say that you are not only rich in fine clothes, you also have villas and luxury cars, and you are the richest person she has come into contact with.

Just looking at the man opposite him drinking a cup of tea with his head down, the broken hair on his forehead covered and fell down, forming a shadow to hide the man's expression at the moment, and the light and dark made him look particularly unreal.

She suddenly thought of the scene when they met for the first time in New York. He was being chased and killed. She didn't ask him about it because she saw that he was aloof now, and she took it for granted that all the problems should have been solved.

More importantly, whether it was killing or being killed, no matter what the reason was, she felt that this was beyond her world's comprehension, and she didn't want to know.

(End of this chapter)

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