Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 219 I want to know everything about you including your menstrual period

Chapter 219 I want to know everything about you including your menstrual period

But now she is really uncomfortable. Her stomach hurts so badly that she can't wait to shrink her body together. Although there are several layers of paper towels under her body, her pants are already dirty. She just wants to finish it quickly and go back to the hotel. rest.

I just thought that since she was going to do it, she might as well just take it and forget it, and it doesn't matter if she turns her face on and denies her in the future.

Before it came to reality, Huo Ziyan had already picked up her body, turned Shu Xuan a certain distance away, and walked away, leaving only standing there still holding a sanitary pad in his hand, with a stiff smile with a trace of Shu Xuan watched the two leave coldly.

"Huo Ziyan, I'm on my period! I want the waiter to help me buy a pack of sanitary pads, but I don't have any cash with me." Buried on Huo Ziyan's neck, Wen Qing whispered.

"I know! You don't need to worry about it! It's hard to talk when you have a stomachache!" Although Huo Ziyan's face was gloomy at this time, the words of concern from his mouth gave Wen Qing a sense of peace of mind.

The man walked to the waiter and asked them to prepare a separate box.

They had been eating for a long time, and they suddenly wanted a private room. The waiter was a little surprised, but since they still had a spare private room, they took them into the private room without saying anything at the customer's request.

After entering, Huo Ziyan put Wen Qing down, picked up a thin cushion next to it, put it on the chair, and then helped Wen Qing to sit on it.

He took out a wad of dollar cash from his pocket and handed it to the waiter, explaining that his girlfriend was not feeling well and that he was going out to buy something, and asked them to help guard the door so that no one would disturb her.

The waiter was a little shocked when he saw the stack of cash, but he didn't dare to accept his money. He just said that they would pay attention at the door and would not let anyone in. The money can't be collected, and he only needs to pay for the box when he checks out Minimum spend is fine.

The waiter went out after that.

"It's the same seat where I just ate, and I don't need to prepare a special box!"

Huo Ziyan bowed his head and kissed Wen Qing's sweaty forehead, and said, "I'm afraid that that nominal relative will keep harassing you, bear with it, and rest here first, I'll go out and give you sanitary pads, and I'll be right back!"

Wen Qing's heart trembled slightly, she took his hand and said, "It's inconvenient and embarrassing for a man to go to the supermarket to buy this, you can ask the waiter to go!"

"It's nothing inconvenient, just tell me what are the requirements for the sanitary napkins you usually use!"


"Don't think too much, we live together, I have to know everything about you including your menstrual period!"

Looking at him with a serious face, without a hint of reluctance, as if helping her do something that looks more feminine and embarrassing, it's especially natural.At this time, the heart felt like a small hammer was beating non-stop, not heavy, but it couldn't be ignored.

After telling him the brand and specifications of the sanitary napkin, Huo Ziyan got up and was about to go out. As soon as he walked to the door, he looked back at Wen Qing, as if he remembered something.

Huo Ziyan suddenly took off his coat, walked to Wen Qing's seat again, raised Wen Qing's arm through it, and put his clothes on her.

Wen Qing looked at the men's jacket on her body, and then at Huo Ziyan, who had only a gray shirt left on her body at this time, she was a little astonished, and hurriedly prepared to take off her jacket, "I'm not cold, you should wear it by yourself, just wear one." The shirt will be sick!"

(End of this chapter)

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