Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 235 Who Knows If Your Ways Are Extremely Wild?

Chapter 235 Who Knows If Your Ways Are Extremely Wild?
Wen Qing responded with a smile to the classmates who had already arrived, squinting her eyes and whispering in the man's ear, "Put away your dirty thoughts, haven't you been here for many years? You don't know how to hug and kiss." Is it polite? Besides, you are blind, didn't you see that she has a boyfriend?"

Huo Ziyan snorted coldly, "Then who knows if your ways are particularly wild?"

"...Get out! My classmates are all here, and only the teacher is left. Don't swear all day long!"

"Don't you still like the white moonlight that you like to follow your footsteps without going to Oxford and Cambridge? Why didn't you see it!"

Wen Qing glanced at the man, "Hmph! You are so vile! How can I let them come over and be bullied by you! I will secretly go to see them in two days!"

The man gave him a cool look, "You didn't get your skin itch last night, right?"

"Hmph! Bitch!"

Although Clarie, who was sitting at the dining table, didn't hear what they said specifically, she also noticed their interaction at this time, so she laughed exaggeratedly there, "Wendy, stop biting your ears, go back and make out."

Several other students present also laughed. After coming for a while, Shu Xuan, who was sitting next to Amy, looked a little unhappy, but she tried to smile like everyone else because of the situation of the classmates.

Wen Qing naturally also noticed Shu Xuan's face. She didn't really understand what Shu Xuan was thinking. Since she was so unhappy, why did she have to care about her relationship with her? They were not real. Relatives who are related by blood are not close friends.

Although she can understand what the teacher said to her, but understanding is understanding. She really doesn't understand what is this mentality that seems very repulsive but insists on participating.

"How long will Teacher Yang be here?"

Huo Ziyan's question brought Wen Qing back to her senses, raised her head and replied, "It should be soon, the family will go to the kindergarten to pick up their grandson, and then come over together!"

The man hugged Wen Qing's waist, "In the future, don't touch people who don't like to be in contact with. The teacher has his reasons, but everyone is different after all. Since you don't like it, don't force yourself!"

Wen Qing's heart skipped a beat, this man can easily guess what's in your heart through your expression.

I just don’t know if it’s lucky or unlucky for her to be so thoughtful. Such a man is rich and powerful. If he likes you, he not only has the ability to treat you well, but also knows how to treat you really well. good!but……

"How can people do whatever they want!"

After finishing speaking, she herself felt a little funny, obviously this man had arranged everything for her, but now she only had some small entanglements with Shu Xuan, but she still wanted to moan in front of him.

"You can do whatever you want with me!"

Wen Qing smiled and teased, "Don't tell me you want to do whatever you want with me!"

Probably because he didn't expect the woman to reply him so suddenly, the man was a little stunned by her words.

Wen Qing naturally realized what she said very quickly, and before the man could react, she blocked his words, "I won't tell you anymore, stinky rascal!"

Huo Ziyan, "..."

What did he say!

He didn't seem to say anything!

(End of this chapter)

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