Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 237 A few women are already drinking happily inside

Chapter 237 A few women are already drinking happily inside
The most clear one here is Shu Xuan, because she knows that even if she eats delicious western food and drinks high-quality red wine here, she feels even more tasteless.

Although at the hotpot restaurant yesterday, she already knew that Huo Ziyan was very kind to Wen Qing, but she didn't expect it to be this good.

She had paid attention to this man when she was following the news of the imperial capital. At first, it was limited to his status, wealth and handsome appearance, which moved her heart but felt elusive.

And after seeing him with Wen Qing yesterday, when she returned home, she got an in-depth understanding of all his news and gossip.

He is a myth in the business circle of the imperial capital. He is sitting on billions of assets, but he is a self-disciplined person.

According to some gossip rumors, he once had a girlfriend, Feng Siwei, who is now the girlfriend of Song Yeshu of the Song family. The two should be childhood sweethearts. Song Yeshu together.

Shu Xuan couldn't help thinking, what made Feng Siwei abandon a childhood sweetheart like Huo Ziyan and choose Song Yeshu instead?

Although climbing up the Song family can be said to be the envy of countless women, it is difficult to be a daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, not to mention that Huo Ziyan's own conditions are no worse than any wealthy family!
After this incident, Huo Ziyan didn't have any gossip, and he didn't show his true face before, and no one paid much attention to his emotional world.

Until a few months ago, if the time is about the time when Wen Qing returned to the imperial capital, he showed his true face in front of the media. Such a young and handsome man with such a business status naturally attracted all kinds of attention.

Become the object that both the wealthy daughter of the imperial capital and the top female stars want to cling to.

It's just that he rejected them all. It can be said that no one can attract him.

And Wen Qing was able to fall in love with him after Wen's family went bankrupt and her marriage was regretted by an excellent rich second generation like Su Yichen.

The media once reported a piece of news about Wen Qing. At a reception held by Lixing Entertainment Company, she dressed up and walked in.

The reporter speculated that she wanted to enter the entertainment industry because of the Wen family's debts.

Including some starlets broke the news in some post bars, she not only recommended herself in front of the famous director Feng Kang in the imperial capital, but also took the initiative to find Tang Boxing and Huo Ziyan.

Could it be that she hooked up with Huo Ziyan at that time, and was favored by this man, then her luck is really not so good.

Not only was it successful, but it was also able to make Huo Ziyan treat her so well.

Originally, she thought that Huo Ziyan's identity was just for fun to Wen Qing at most, and she was greedy for new things, but the girlfriend at the beginning of today.

Ah!girlfriend!In the first 22 years, she was the daughter of a rich man in the imperial capital, but after she fell down, she became Huo Ziyan's girlfriend.

All the good things in this world are really taken up by her alone.

After eating, the students said that it was rare to get together once, and they wanted to go to a bar or a club to drink and talk together. It happened that the second floor of the hotel where Wen Qing and Huo Ziyan lived was a large leisure club, so they decided to go together.

Since the teacher's family still had their grandson with them, they naturally went back first.

After seeing off the teacher, because of drinking, a group of seven people called two taxis and drove to Wen Qing's hotel, and came back to pick up the car the next day.

When Huo Ziyan was going through the reservation procedures at the cashier counter of the hotel, several women were already drinking happily inside.

(End of this chapter)

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