Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 239 Wen Qing, the company is in a hurry, I will book the room first

Chapter 239 Wen Qing, the company is in a hurry, I'm going back to my room first

And Shu Xuan, who had been sitting next to Amy without saying a word, watching them coldly, looked at Wen Qing who seemed a little drunk at this time, directly slapped Huo Ziyan's arm away in front of everyone, and ran to sit next to Clarie.

She looked at Huo Ziyan's handsome and upright figure, with an extraordinary temperament, and at first glance she was not an idle person like them.

These students are not very clear about Huo Ziyan's true identity, but she knows very well when he was treated like this by a woman.

Shu Xuan doesn't believe that with his high and noble status today, he is really good enough to condone Wen Qing's lack of face in front of outsiders. Maybe it's because she subconsciously wants to see what she wants to see.

But to her disappointment, Huo Ziyan just smiled and watched Wen Qing sit on the sofa, and then said to the students next to her, "Play well, Wen Qing can't drink anymore, please take care of her." !"

Then he looked around the position in the box, and really listened to Wen Qing's words, and sat down beside Joshua kindly.

Shu Xuan's hand was clenched again, the girls were still chatting non-stop because of Wen Qing's menstrual period and her relationship with Huo Ziyan, she listened to each other, and didn't say anything. Join them in a crazy vibe.

Although she and them are classmates in the university, they are not in the same dormitory. Except for the relationship with Amy inside, the relationship with others is not particularly good.

So she just listened to their chat, looked at Wen Qing's direction, and occasionally looked at Huo Ziyan, as if she was lost in thought.

Huo Ziyan sat down and chatted with Joshua, maybe because they didn't have much in common, so they didn't continue after chatting for a while, and Joshua continued to drink there.

And Huo Ziyan looked at Wen Qing and them laughing and laughing, and lowered his head to find a clean cup for a drink.

A woman's hand reached out and handed him an empty glass.

Huo Ziyan raised his head and saw Shu Xuan.

Huo Ziyan naturally remembered this so-called nominal relative. She seemed a little different today from yesterday. If yesterday she had a typical oriental face and a westerner's sexy, gaudy and high-profile attire, then today she looks much more conservative.

A green gauze dress with a long thin coat over it. It doesn't have such a heavy makeup, but it looks pure.

And compared to the relationship with Wen Qingla who pretended to be affectionate yesterday, she seemed much quieter on today's occasion.

It's just that no matter how she dresses up or what purpose she has, as long as it doesn't affect Wen Qing, he won't care.

He wanted to directly refuse the cup she handed over, but he saw Joshua sitting next to him, and Wen Qing who was smiling in the distance. He didn't want the atmosphere to be too embarrassing, so he smiled politely and said, "Thank you!"

Shu Xuan looked at Huo Ziyan's rare smile to her, shook her head for a while, then returned to her seat and sat down, not saying much, continued to drink the wine in her glass, but her eyes drifted to the man from time to time. side.

After drinking for a while, Huo Ziyan's cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller ID was Tan Yi, and she said a few words to him before hanging up.

Then he walked in front of Wen Qing and the other girls, bent down, and said, "Wen Qing, the company is in a hurry, I'm going back to my room first!"

Wen Qing drank a lot before, now she has some stamina, coupled with the non-stop flickering lights in the box, she was dizzy, thinking that Huo Ziyan wanted her to go back to the room together!

Get up from the sofa, lean on Huo Ziyan's body, raise your face, put your arms around him, and said drunkenly, "I don't want to leave now, I want to play again, I finally saw them, I Would you like to play more tonight?"

Then he put his head close to him and whispered into his ear, "Anyway, I can't accompany you today, so just let me play more!"

Fearing that he would lose control, the man knew that he had to get out of here quickly.

With a hoarse voice and forbearance, "Okay! Don't drink anymore! Play as long as you want. If it's too late, just open a few rooms for them alone!"

Then he told a few girls his room number, and told them that Wen Qing was a little drunk, and she must help send her to the room later, or let him come down to pick her up.

Just as she was about to leave, Wen Qing suddenly hugged Huo Ziyan again. Maybe it was the man's performance these past two days that moved her too much, or maybe it was because she was too happy with her classmates just now, and the chat was too high, or at this moment Drunk people are even more unscrupulous.

In front of everyone in the box, Wen Qing raised her face on tiptoe and kissed the man's lips, so she quickly left, put her face on him, and said, "Thank you, Huo Ziyan, I am very happy today, very special Be happy, I will definitely make it up to you in a few days!"

Wen Qing naturally felt the pain from her arm, frowned, and said, "It hurts, Huo Ziyan, what's wrong with you?"

After Huo Ziyan heard the woman's voice, he quickly let go of his hand and tried his best to suppress his breathing.

I don't even know what happened to me today.

Probably because she seldom took the initiative to show her kindness to herself like this, so she was a little excited and uncontrollable all of a sudden.

"I'm fine, I'll go back to the room first, you guys have fun, remember not to drink!"

After speaking, he immediately left the box!
(End of this chapter)

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