Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 253 The agitated mood rises step by step again

Chapter 253 The agitated mood rises step by step again

"Ziyan, no matter what the problem is, it's better to explain the misunderstanding first, and you can solve the rest in private! Okay?"

Huo Ziyan didn't make a sound this time, probably acquiescing to Eric's words.

It's just that she didn't intend to let go of Wen Qing's arm, but it gradually became tighter and tighter. Wen Qing felt the pain in her arm, but she didn't respond.

Eric continued, "Sister-in-law, Ziyan contacted me because this woman gave him an aphrodisiac, and asked him to send him some injections to help him cure the medicine. I don't know how this woman got into the room, but I can Guaranteed, I will call Ziyan when I arrive, he is taking a shower with ice water in the bathroom to control the strength of the medicine, and his medicine is slowly released after being injected with the injection I brought from the hospital, it is absolutely impossible to have any relationship with this woman relation!"

Speaking of this, Wen Qing also basically understood the general process of the matter. The emotions that were already boiling had calmed down when she told Huo Ziyan that the game between them was over, but at this moment, because of Eric's explanation, the excitement The mood climbed step by step again.

Tears welled up in her eyes again, and she felt like she should say something, but couldn't.

Huo Ziyan's mood gradually calmed down at the moment, he turned his head and glanced coldly at Shu Xuan who was beside him, and also wanted to quickly deal with the situation here, and talk about it in private, so he quickly explained it to Wen Qing again .

The whole picture of the matter has become very clear.

Shu Xuan drugged Huo Ziyan in the private room. Originally, her intention was only to think of Wen Qing's menstrual period, and she would definitely not be able to cure Huo Ziyan, so Huo Ziyan would find other women, no matter who she was looking for, this would hit Wen Qing.

It's just that I didn't expect the opportunity to be so coincidental. Tan Yi's phone call came just in time, and Huo Ziyan wanted to go back to his room to deal with business.

Before leaving, not only Wen Qing noticed Huo Ziyan's abnormal state, but also Shu Xuan who had been sitting in the corner. Wen Qing didn't know the reason, but she knew it very well.

Shu Xuan immediately felt that this was an opportunity given to her by the heavens. If Huo Ziyan must find a woman, and if this woman happens to be herself..., then it would be great.

She didn't stay in the box for long, and didn't say hello to anyone, she got up and went upstairs, and deliberately took off her coat on the elevator, revealing her sexy dress.

After pestering for a while and entering the room, she took off her upper body dress in an attempt to seduce Huo Ziyan, because she knew very well the potency of this medicine, no matter how tenacious ordinary people are, they would basically be unable to resist it.

The moment he hugged Huo Ziyan, Huo Ziyan almost lost control, but he pushed her away with the last bit of reason, and then put her on the bedroom table. They borrowed the glue from the waiter in the morning for sticking hard objects. All fell directly on the sofa and pushed the woman up.

The glue is very viscous, the sofa and Shu Xuan's back are stuck together immediately, and it hurts like a fire when it is moved a little bit, Huo Ziyan will not be able to deal with her affairs for a while, and he is afraid that she will make some lascivious sounds , disturbed her will, so she simply blocked her mouth with tape!
Now that the truth came out, Eric called the hotel staff. Because it was the presidential suite, the hotel management staff rushed over immediately and notified Shu Xuan's family.

(End of this chapter)

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