Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 257 Since It's Instinct, Everything Is Natural

Chapter 257 Since it is instinct, everything becomes natural

"You said that you will do better in the future! Then Huo Ziyan, I promise you, I will do better! If there is any misunderstanding between you and me in the future, I will definitely not jump to judgment immediately. I I will give you 24 hours, you must remember, I will always leave you this 24-hour appeal period, if you still like me and want me, you must explain to me within 24 hours, know ?"

Huo Ziyan's ears were instantly exploded like the fireworks that he saw on the top of the mountain that day, making a huge bang, and all that appeared in front of his eyes were the gorgeous sparks that grew from small to large.

Being nice to Wen Qing, from the beginning it was to repay her for saving him, and he had to get her for no reason, but after realizing his feelings for her, it became an instinct.

Since it is instinct, then everything becomes a matter of course.

Although he said that no matter whether Wen Qing likes him or not, she must be with him, but even so, it doesn't mean he doesn't want her affection.

Looking out of the window, the night tonight is really beautiful. Although the starry sky in the city is not so obvious, but matching the man's state of mind at this time, it seems that he has returned to the bright starry sky that he saw on the top of the mountain that day.

Huo Ziyan held Wen Qing in her arms.

All the lights in the room were extinguished, but the silvery moonlight outside the window shone in, and the woman's fair cheeks could be vaguely seen at this time.

He looked at Wen Qing with deep and seductive eyes. It seems that taking her to New York this time has really gained a lot.

Huo Ziyan suddenly lifted the quilt, and hugged her into his arms!
Wen Qing was surprised for a moment, her eyes widened, "What do you want to do?"

"You don't seem to have a shower yet!"


I've been thinking about what happened just now, I really didn't take a shower, I've been tossing around for so long, I've sweated a lot, it's just...

"Huo despise me!"

"I despise you and I still hug you!"

"Put me down, I'll wash myself!"

There was a smile on the corner of the man's lips, as if he suddenly discovered something funny, "I just carried you into the bathroom to help you turn on the water, otherwise, you thought I would wash it for you!"

Wen Qing, "...huh! This is the best!"

"No matter how disappointed you are, you can only hold back now, and you can't mess around when you hum out of the sky. I will make it up to you when you recover! Be good!"

Wen Qing really couldn't stand this man's shameless brain circuit, and felt that it would be wise not to respond.

After carrying her to the bathroom and putting her on the soft stool, Huo Ziyan went to prepare the woman's clothes and sanitary pads and put them beside her.

He squatted down and said, "You wash first, then go to bed after washing, I have something to go out for a while, and I will be back soon!"

Wen Qing frowned, and quickly grabbed his hand, "What's the matter with you, isn't it already healed? Are you still not feeling well?"

Huo Ziyan looked at the woman's natural concern at the moment.

The corner of her lips curled up, and she leaned forward to kiss Wen Qing's soft and greasy face. "Don't worry, I'm fine, I just asked Eric to help with the matter, I'll take a look!"

"Okay," Wen Qing let go of the man's hand, "then you go!"

"Huo Ziyan," thought of something, and held the man's hand again, "How are you going to deal with Shu Xuan's matter?"

Mentioning this name, the man squinted his eyes, revealing a cruel look that rarely appeared in front of Wen Qing, "She will naturally pay some price for what she has done!"

(End of this chapter)

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