Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 263 How do you see that I am fascinated...

Chapter 263 How do you see that I am fascinated...

Huo Ziyan lowered his head, kissed her face again, and said softly, "Go to sleep!"

Seeing Wen Qing's eyes finally closed, Huo Ziyan didn't wake her up again this time, but instead made a sound, and mouthed 'I love you'.

He always thought that if you like it, you have to get it, as long as you give her enough what she wants, she will always be able to impress her in the end.

But now he understands that for the person he loves, it is not only to satisfy her with these material things, but to use his heart to understand what she really needs.

He didn't tell her love directly because he knew that Wen Qing was an extremely insecure person, that is to say, if she didn't feel it, she would be suspicious.

Then he must want her to really feel that at the right time, after she has absolute trust in him, he will tell her that he loves her.

Of course, it would be best if he could get the same love from her at that time.

Although the two slept late the day before, Huo Ziyan woke up at the usual time the next morning.

Knowing that the woman was extremely tired last night, he didn't wake her up and got out of bed lightly.

After the man got up, he called for breakfast service, then called Tan Yi and asked about his meeting with clients last night.

After making the phone call, she looked up at the bedside. The woman had already woken up a bit, but she was still staring at him in a daze.

Huo Ziyan walked over and sat by the bed, stroking the woman's lazy eyebrows, "Are you still sleeping?"

Wen Qing narrowed her sleepy eyes and looked at Huo Ziyan's energetic appearance at the moment.

Thinking that this man was still awake when she seemed to be falling asleep last night, and now that he is fully dressed, there is really such a huge difference in physical strength between men and women, and it is because this man is really born with a different physique.

She naturally didn't know that Huo Ziyan had been trained in the United States, not to mention that he slept for a few hours last night, even if he didn't sleep for a night, it didn't have a great impact on his energy for the time being.

It's just that I was still lying on the bed early in the morning, but I saw a man sitting by the bed not far away, wearing straight black trousers and a casual light blue shirt on his upper body, matching his handsome face, the corners of his lips curled up. A gentle smile, a refined and well-dressed feeling.

Huo Ziyan kept staring at the woman lying on the bed, not knowing what to write, and was lost in thought.

"How can I be fascinated by it..."

Warmth raised his head, his face flushed instantly.

"You are not so beautiful, how can I see you fascinated!"

With a smile on his lips, the man just looked at her quietly.

Looking at Wen Qing, she was really a little embarrassed, so she just wanted to bring up a topic.

"Didn't you go to bed very late last night? Why are you so energetic and get up so early, aren't you tired?"

"Not tired, don't say I didn't do anything last night, even if I did, I could get up earlier than you!"

Listening to what the man meant, Wen Qing felt how every time this man could divert his words to this aspect.

I wanted to refute again, but thinking that no matter how shameless I was, I would definitely be inferior to this man, so I just kept quiet.

He opened the quilt, sat up from the bed, and was about to get dressed and get out of bed to wash.

Huo Ziyan naturally did not continue this topic.

He took out her clothes from the closet, asked her opinion, and helped her put them on.

(End of this chapter)

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