Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 265 And you're here, you won't make me cold, will you?

Chapter 265 And you're here, you won't make me cold, will you?
Wen Qing's mood has gradually calmed down, she sat on the sofa, combed her hair, and snorted coldly, "Didn't you remind me of this yourself? You think that I am more interested in people of the same age, if I If you show no interest, it will not insult your IQ!"

Huo Ziyan looked at him with deeper eyes, and said lightly, "So you feel sorry that it wasn't him that you met at the bar half a year ago?"

Wen Qing looked at his expression, the more he said it, the more he seemed to be taking it seriously. She didn't know if this man was really delusional or what, he was still making fun of her just now.

"All right, all right, if you say you're sorry, then you're sorry!"

Huo Ziyan looked at Wen Qing expressionlessly, her expression calm and calm.

And the movement of Wen Qing sitting on the sofa combing her hair was getting more and more rigid by his stare. She was originally looking up at him, but she lowered her head unnaturally to avoid his gaze at the moment.

Thinking of what she said a few times before, this man's attitude, and knowing his bottom line, she also knew that it was better not to make such a joke.

Just as she thought about it, she opened her mouth to explain to him, and saw that he had turned around in her line of sight. He was about to walk towards the balcony, but he probably thought of something, so he turned his head and left the bedroom.

Wen Qing looked at his back in a daze, did she just slam the door and leave when she was angry?
Shouldn't this be a trick played by a woman like her?
Wen Qing immediately stood up, ready to follow out, to see where this man was going, wouldn't she really leave her in the hotel alone!
Before he reached the door, he saw Huo Ziyan returning to the living room from the outside, holding a cigarette and a lighter in his hand.

It turned out to be going to the living room to get cigarettes.

Suddenly seeing Wen Qing standing at the door of the bedroom, the man glanced at her and walked to the balcony without asking any questions.

Wen Qing just watched helplessly as he ignored her for a rare moment, and walked to the balcony alone with a tall but lonely back.

Some grievances, but some distressed.

At this moment, she couldn't help thinking, why is this man more cautious than women, isn't she joking?

But there was another voice saying that she knew he didn't like making jokes like this, so she shouldn't say it in the future.

Wen Qing paused, and followed to the balcony, watching Huo Ziyan leaning on the balcony railing, holding a lit cigarette in his hand.

The temperature on the balcony was still a bit cold in the morning, and Wen Qing came out without a coat.

She just got close to the man, and wanted to lean in, but before she touched the man's shoulder, she was hugged by the half-turned man's arm, which made her feel much warmer.

Huo Ziyan looked at the woman in her arms who was looking up at her at a loss, and was about to pinch off the cigarette when Wen Qing stopped her.

"No, you can smoke! I'm fine!"

Huo Ziyan paused, turned his head and took a sharp puff, and extinguished the rest of the cigarette.

"It's so cold and you don't even have a coat on. What are you doing out here?" Huo Ziyan's lips were pressed against the side of the woman's face when he spoke, and there was still a bit of tobacco smell in his breath, matching the unique breath of a man, adding more Intense allure.

"Aren't you wearing a coat too? And if you're here, you won't make me cold, will you?" Wen Qing leaned on her chest and said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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