Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 268 Wen Qing was so ashamed that she didn't want to say anything

Chapter 268 Wen Qing was so ashamed that she didn't want to say anything

Then he raised his head and looked at the two men, "Where's your girlfriend, why didn't you bring it here! Eric, didn't you talk about a girlfriend?"

Tang Boxing has been playing around all the time, he has no positive personality, he seems to have no shortage of female companions on any occasion, but it is not clear whether he has a real girlfriend or not.

But Eric, Huo Ziyan heard that he just talked about a girlfriend.

Tang Boxing said with a smile, "How can I be so lucky as you? In such an urgent situation as being chased to a bar by others, I can pick up such a stunning girlfriend. I'm ashamed to bring a female star back to perfuse you, so it's better Come here alone!"

Eric sized Wen Qing up, and said cautiously, "Don't bring her here, I'm a gentle female college student, if I get to know my sister-in-law and become tough, I can't bear that slap !"

After speaking, the two laughed.

Wen Qing was so ashamed that she didn't want to say anything!
Xiang Nuan watched their interaction, she had actually heard Tang Boxing and Eric talk about her before Wen Qing came over, so she searched for Wen Qing's photos on the Internet beforehand.

Coincidentally, Wen Qing is also well-known among the daughters of the imperial capital. Although there were not many photos leaked before, it was easy to search because of the news that broke out a while ago.

Although looking at her through the screen, she already felt astonishingly beautiful, but Xiang Nuan stayed with these men in the past few years, and met countless famous ladies, daughters, stars, and top beauties.

What's more, Sister Siwei was also very beautiful, a kind of gentle and light beauty, and the photos on Wen Qing's website were too cold and arrogant, such a feeling was not particularly pleasing in front of outsiders.

In addition, because most of the news found in the search are negative news some time ago, the overall image gives people the feeling of downcast and decadent.

Beauty is beautiful, but it didn't surprise Xiang Nuan to such an extent. What's more, after reading the news, I knew she was a rich lady who liked to cause trouble. No, she should be a former rich lady who could be seen by brother Ziyan In fact, it was nothing more than accidentally saving him in a bar, and then he must have relied on his beauty to help her out of trouble with the help of brother Ziyan's power and money when Wen's family went bankrupt.

Moreover, it can be seen from the news that during this process, there was news that she was still entangled with her ex-fiancé. Such a virtue is not worthy of brother Ziyan, but not sister Siwei at all.

Although Xiang Nuan knew that Sister Siwei and Brother Ziyan broke up because of Sister Siwei, but everything was wrong.

But even so, he shouldn't be looking for such a woman, not to mention she just heard them say that she slapped the man last night for no reason!

Such a willful and arrogant young lady's temper must not last long with brother Ziyan. Brother Ziyan should match the kind of gentle woman who can take care of him.

This woman, apart from her appearance, is simply worthless.

But at this moment, after Xiang Nuan saw the real person, she suddenly felt that she was too beautiful to describe how beautiful she was.

When she ran over just now, although she was ignoring her intentionally on the surface, she had actually sized her up unintentionally.

The way she smiles is really a bit like the feeling in ancient Chinese poems that "a smile is all about the city and the country".

(End of this chapter)

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