Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 281 Whenever something goes wrong between two people, it must be a problem between the two p

Chapter 281 Whenever something goes wrong between two people, it must be a problem between two people
Wen Qing shook her head desperately, but found that Yin Chang couldn't see it at all, and immediately responded, "No, no, he treats me very well, how could he treat me badly? It's not like you haven't seen how good she is to me." Here! Don't guess, I just woke up, so the sound is a little bit wrong!"

"Really? Then it's good that you're fine! Where's Huo Ziyan, isn't he by your side now?"

"We came to his friend's house today. I'm in the bedroom now. He should be chatting with his friend down there!"

"Oh! I almost forgot the purpose of looking for you today, Qingqing, you have to stay there for a few more days, my two-day training is over, and I also want to go to New York to have fun, is this convenient?"

"Okay, it must be convenient!"

Hearing that Yin Chang was coming, Wen Qing's first reaction was very happy, so she quickly agreed, but suddenly she thought of Huo Ziyan again.

When Huo Ziyan came, he expressed in front of him that he cared about Yin Chang and her being too close. Although he was definitely overthinking, she had already explained it.

And if she wants Yin Chang to come over and make decisions on her own, that's fine.

It's just... let's say hello to him!
"Wait a minute, how about I say hello to him later, and then notify you?"

"Ah..." Wen Qing suddenly felt a little disappointed when she heard Yin Chang's voice, "I still want to say hello, will he disagree! Didn't I explain it clearly? We have nothing to do!"

When Wen Qing first arrived in New York two days ago, she told Yin Chang about Huo Ziyan's misunderstanding of Huo Ziyan on WeChat, so when she said she wanted to discuss it, her first reaction was this.

"No, don't get me wrong, he has no problem with you! Because this trip was arranged by him, and I don't know how he will arrange it in the next few days, so it's better to say hello! Don't worry, the general situation is fine. Nothing will happen!"

After talking to Yin Chang and closing the phone, Wen Qing sat on the bed for a long time.

I didn't think about anything, just let it go until I felt a little hungry.

After getting out of bed and putting on her shoes and coat, she went downstairs, thinking of going down to see if there was something to eat.

Walking down from the second floor, you can see Tang Boxing and Eric sitting in the corner of the living room where the wine cabinet is.The two drank red wine and chatted.

Huo Ziyan and Xiang Nuan were not seen.

Eric saw Wen Qing who came down first, "Sister-in-law, you're awake!"

Wen Qing smiled.

After going downstairs, I looked around in the living room, but still didn't see Huo Ziyan.

Tang Boxing, "Zi Yan said that you might be hungry when you wake up, so I went out to buy you a midnight snack. We said we would save some food for you, but he didn't want it, probably because he didn't want you to eat the leftover food! Xiang Nuan took her there , wait a minute, he'll be right back!"

Wen Qing didn't expect that Huo Ziyan went to buy food for herself, and her depressed mood because she didn't see him when she came down just now eased a lot.

After saying hello, I was about to go to the garden of the villa to take a look. Before I reached the gate, I heard Tang Boxing's voice.

"Wen Qing, Xiang Nuan has a good relationship with Feng Siwei and is not familiar with you, so she speaks inappropriately. Don't blame her!"

Wen Qing turned her head and said, "It's okay, but if there is any problem between two people, it must be a problem between two people, what does it have to do with other people!"

After speaking, she opened the door and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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