Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 291 This kind of her also makes him like her more and more

Chapter 291 This kind of her also makes him like her more and more

Wen Qing looked at the black-bellied man in front of her, pouted her lips, and shook the man's body, "Why are you doing this, you obviously agreed, but yesterday you just sang against me, making me uncomfortable!"

It made her so angry that she lost her temper indiscriminately.

Huo Ziyan reached out and picked up the woman and sat on him.

"Then I'd better refuse you!"

Wen Qing immediately turned her head and looked at Huo Ziyan, wanting to see if his expression was serious!
"You have to count on what you say, and you can't be so capricious!"

The corners of Huo Ziyan's lips curled up, "Then if I keep refusing, you won't let Yin Chang come over?"

"Of course not, Yin Chang can come here if he wants to, can you control it?"

The man sneered, "Then why are you talking so much! Last night, you deliberately acted cute in front of me and asked me if I could. I can't even control you, but I can control others!"

Wen Qing leaned into his broad arms and said, "I'm not trying to be cute, although I know that Yin Chang can come over whether you agree or not, but I just want to ask you, and I just want you to agree!"

A woman's words make a man's heart softer and softer, and this kind of her makes him like her more and more!

Wen Qing raised her head and looked at him, "Then why did you reject me again last night!"

Huo Ziyan looked at her with scorching eyes at this moment, those deep eyes, like an invisible black hole, seemed to suck her whole body in, "I just wanted to make you angry, and then came to look for me, afraid that you would be hurt after returning to the room. Just ignore me!"

Thinking of the undercurrent between the two of them from yesterday evening to bedtime, Wen Qing was silent for a moment, and then said, "It seems that you have been ignoring me, and I was the one who took the initiative to look for you yesterday!"

"Well, I'm very touched..."

"It's good to know that you are moved!"

It was about 07:30 in the morning when both of them were ready, had a simple breakfast together, changed into sports and leisure clothes and were ready to go out
At this time, the other three people in the villa have also gathered in the living room on the first floor. Today is Friday, and Xiang Nuan has classes in the afternoon, so she is relatively free in the morning. Originally, she and Eric proposed to be guides to take them out to play, but Huo Ziyan refused. After all, he is also very familiar with this place, so he can just bring Wen Qing with him.

Eric didn't care, Xiang Nuan was a little disappointed, but didn't say much.

As for Tang Boxing, who had been back to New York together for as long as Huo Ziyan, he deliberately asked to go with them and walk around the neighborhood, so Huo Ziyan was merciless
's refused.

The reason is that it’s okay to find a girlfriend if you are not serious, that’s your own problem. It’s not shameful to be single, but it’s shameful to rush to be a light bulb!

In the end, Tang Boxing could only curse him with a sullen face, and naturally he didn't really want to follow him after a few words that value sex over friends.

The car drove out of the villa area, and after driving for about 15 minutes, it came to a riverside, which was adjacent to a very poetic street, and Wen Qing was attracted by it from a distance.

Because maple trees are planted on both sides of the shore street, with luxuriant foliage, it looks like a large red coast skyline from a distance.

The golden and red maple leaves are connected with the morning glow, like a beautiful natural picture scroll, the street is wide and vehicles can pass, but the two of them discussed that they wanted to walk along the bank to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the street on the river bank, so they decided to Parked the car not far away.

After the car was parked, before Huo Ziyan reached the co-pilot to open the door for her, Wen Qing ran out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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