Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 294 Looking at her smiling like a flower standing beside 1

Chapter 294 Looking at her standing aside smiling like a flower

Coupled with her outstanding appearance, as well as the temperament and self-cultivation that ordinary girls of this age do not have, it naturally attracted the attention of many western men.

It's just that due to Huo Ziyan's calm and calm obstruction just now, not many people would really go to strike up a conversation, and the one standing in front of her now can be considered courageous, after all, the theme of his participation in this competition today It is to take the most beautiful pictures, and such a beauty fits the theme of today!

He felt that he was indeed famous.

But Huo Ziyan who was standing beside him didn't think his purpose was really so simple.

The young man looked at Wen Qing, in addition to being amazed and admiring, he also had the fascination that he could feel naturally as a man and the expression that only appeared when he was interested.

Although he doesn't look very old, people in western countries are relatively precocious and open-minded. Even sibling love is not a problem for them, not to mention Wen Qing's dress today, maybe he didn't feel it. Wen Qing is older than him.

After being with Wen Qing, the two of them basically didn't have much contact with the outside environment, so they didn't pay attention to it.

Just looking at her smiling like a flower standing aside, as long as she shows up in public a little bit, even if she is held by him all the time, some people will be eager to try.

Huo Ziyan's guess was not wrong, the American boy was indeed overwhelmed by Wen Qing's charm and smile at the moment, it was a kind of brilliance that he couldn't describe at all and couldn't move his eyes.

His photographic works are generally based on human figures, and he photographs a lot of western beauties, some with pure facial features and facial expressions, and some with body language, all kinds and shapes.

In the past, he always felt that oriental women were too rigid and monotonous, and their facial features were not three-dimensional and sexy enough, and their photography effects were far inferior to those of western women.

But at the moment when he saw her, he truly appreciated the mysterious and stunning beauty of an oriental beauty. A frown, a smile, no matter her appearance, temperament, even her smile, was enough to make him want to take thousands of photos.

"Beauty, I'm a photography student who is in the second year of college. My usual photos are mainly western characters. Although I often see oriental beauties on TV, I don't know much about them. Today I see you, I really love you." It turns out that oriental female talents are really amazing and beautiful, and I am simply amazed! You can say that you are very suitable for today's photography theme, and it is the most beautiful picture I have seen at the scene. If you waste a little time, be me Is your photography model okay?"

Although she has always been very confident about her beauty, Wen Qing was naturally very happy to be praised so directly and unabashedly by a handsome young man in a foreign country.

It's just that because she used to be the daughter of a wealthy family, although she was often photographed by the media, it was not a pose after all.Even if she wants to work in the entertainment industry in the future, being photographed should be a very common thing, but after all, it hasn't officially started yet, and it's just work.

For such a moment of leisure and play, suddenly a stranger deliberately poses for a photo on the side of the road. Maybe he is a very professional photographer and can really take beautiful pictures of her, but Wen Qing still feels that Too deliberate, don't like it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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