Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 297 She's Actually Embarrassed To Be So Immodest In Front Of Outsiders

Chapter 297 She's Actually Embarrassed To Be So Immodest In Front Of Outsiders

Wen Qing frowned when she heard the man's words, not understanding what he meant.

He had just clearly shown his dislike for this man, and with his character, he didn't do such a showy thing.

The same thing he didn't understand was the young man on the opposite side. If he had deliberately ignored it before, since the man talked to him, he had already clearly shown his strong possessiveness, dislike and disdain for him. .

Why did he suddenly agree to let him shoot?

Before he had a chance to think more, Huo Ziyan continued, "I took this photo for you because at least one thing you said was right, that is, my girlfriend is the most beautiful in the audience! Although this is not a beauty pageant, I won a No." .1 It's good to make her happy!"

Wen Qinghan...

What I just said is clear and logical, the beauty of a character must match the natural landscape in order to capture the characteristics of the character, and suddenly I said this again.

She is actually quite embarrassed to be so immodest in front of outsiders.

Although she often emphasizes that she is the most beautiful in front of him, it is actually an interactive teasing between the two.

Take his arm, "Stop joking, I don't want to shoot, let's go!"

Huo Ziyan turned around, "When he was lobbying you just now, didn't you also feel tempted to take a picture?"

Wen Qing blushed, a little annoyed, "I didn't say I wanted to take pictures just now, even if I did, I don't want to take pictures now!"

"But it's so embarrassing to refuse so many invitations!"


The young guy watched their interaction, but he was not very willing to shoot at this point.

Even though he still thinks this beauty is beautiful, he is very confident in his shooting skills.

It's just that the man said that he got the first place because of the beauty's own conditions. If he can't get it, it's his own problem.

But... just now, I made the request twice and three times, and now if I say I don't want to shoot, it seems that it is really like what this man said, because of my guilty conscience and timidity caused by my limited level.

Huo Ziyan didn't give him extra time to think, and suddenly stretched out his hand, "Lend me your camera first!"

The man stared straight at the young man in front of him. At this time, there was no extra expression, he was calm, without the irony shown before, and the words he said were polite, which made people hear An ingenious aura that no one can resist.

It seemed that everything was taken for granted, and he really handed over the camera to him so naturally.

Huo Ziyan pressed the function button of the SLR camera a few times, returned it to him, and said, "Pick up the camera and aim it!"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and grabbed Wen Qing, looked behind Wen Qing, moved her slightly, looked at the sides of the two of them, the corners of her lips curled up, and before she could react, she lowered her head and kissed her touched her lips.

When she realized it, she subconsciously wanted to push it away, but she knew that Huo Ziyan was actually declaring her ownership because of what the young man said just now, so after thinking about it, she pushed it symbolically, allowing him to kiss her .

It's just that Wen Qing soon felt that something was wrong. Didn't she just take pictures and declare ownership?
Originally, he thought it would be enough to stick his lips to hers and just pretend, but he didn't touch her lips for a while, and he gave a deep passionate kiss directly in front of the young man.

(End of this chapter)

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