Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 306 The More You Contact, The Closer You Are, The More Reluctant You Are

Chapter 306 The More You Contact, The Closer You Are, The More Reluctant You Are
Whether it is in the imperial capital, or the food, clothing, housing and transportation for this trip, he has basically arranged everything.

In fact, she didn't have anything to spend money at first, but Yin Chang came here. If she went out alone with her, she was afraid that she would not have enough money. During the few months when she returned to the imperial capital, Yin Chang had been financially invisible all the time. help her.

Now that she came to New York to look for her, she definitely couldn't let her spend any more. Although Yin Chang didn't care at all, it was just that although her family had money, it was the same as before, with strict family education, and the family only paid for living expenses every month.

Huo Ziyan probably didn't expect that Wen Qing would take the initiative to talk to him about money. After all, he mentioned it before, and she clearly refused, looking at her in surprise.

Wen Qing thought that he wanted to know why she asked him to borrow money, so she naturally and honestly replied, "I don't have much savings, when you met me in the capital, I was just raising money and looking for a job , Yin Chang sponsored me a lot before, including looking at my current hair style!"

While talking, she pointed to her hairstyle, "It was done in a membership-based studio I used to do, it was very expensive, and she paid for it for me, so this time she came over, I think I will do the whole process. Come pay for her!"

Seeing him staring at her all the time, not knowing whether he was looking at her hairstyle or what she was thinking, I felt a little uneasy.

They have been getting along very well these days. Although he has always been more active in their relationship, she is actually very inferior in her heart. After all, in her opinion, if the relationship between the two involves money, even if she imagined There is so much simplicity in it, but it is actually mixed with impurities.

Although he was very rich and kept saying that she didn't have to worry about financial problems, her original intention was just to let him help find foreign doctors to perform surgery on her father.

The more he gives now, the more she can't really take it for granted.

The more contact, the closer, the more reluctant to let go, the more I don't want to let each other's feelings be flawed.

Whether he thinks so or not, but the actual feelings should be like this.

"I'm going to work soon, didn't you say you want me to be Emily's jewelry image spokesperson? At that time, I will pay you back if I get paid!"

Huo Ziyan didn't show any emotion, and said lightly, "How much are you going to charge for my company's image spokesperson?"

Wen Qing didn't realize the meaning of his words for a while, "Huh?"

Suddenly thought of a question, and blushed, "What do you mean? You don't want me to be your image spokesperson for free! Although I am not famous, I really shouldn't talk about such a big brand as an endorsement for me. Conditions, but you still have to give me some remuneration! And I have income, so my agent can get a commission!"

Originally Huo Ziyan wanted to chat with her, but now he couldn't help but laughed, and stretched out his hand to gently pinch Wen Qing's face, "Just because of your face, you have no reputation, and your temperament is so-so. , has a bad temper, becomes the spokesperson of a first-line brand without capital, and wants to be paid, you are all raised by me, and you want to raise a manager!"

Wen Qing's face was puffed up by Huo Ziyan, and after listening to his words, she finally realized that he was teasing herself, so she stretched out her hands and pinched his cheeks, "What's the matter, no matter how unknown you are, how can you lose your temper?" No, no money, that’s the woman you chose, you’ve talked about your girlfriend before, don’t know if your girlfriend doesn’t have a job, should you support her? What’s more, I still ask you to borrow money, and I will pay it back!”

(End of this chapter)

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