Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 315 Woman, do it a few times, it’s still a bit fresh, if you do it too much, it’s boring

Chapter 315 Woman, do it a few times, it’s still a bit fresh, if you do it too much, it’s boring
"Okay, time is urgent now, I'm going to take her to the hospital right away, since you're fine, I'll ask the staff to take you back!" After finishing speaking, he immediately picked up Xiang Nuan and turned to the several racecourse staff who had come over. After saying a few words, he hurriedly ran outside.

Wen Qing watched him leave without turning her head, and slowly stood up from the ground.

My head was a little dizzy, I don't know if it was the sequelae of the fall just now or the lack of oxygen in the brain caused by the sudden rise.

At this moment, Huo Ziyan's eyes are all in her mind.

It's obviously the same person, when he hugged her at the dinner table in the morning, the deep gaze from his lowered eyes shone with a dazzling, deep and charming light, looking at her warm body, as if he wanted to suck her whole body in .

But just now, when he looked at him again, it was completely strange and cold.

Wen Qing took a deep breath and covered her heart with her hands!

It hurts!

Did you fall down just now?Do you really want to go to the hospital?

No, it's a pain in the heart, a pain in the chest, maybe the doctor can't cure it!

She slowly followed the staff to the parking lot.

She didn't want to bother them to send her back, but she touched her pocket, she didn't bring any money to go out, so she couldn't go back at all.

In the past few days, she went in and out with Huo Ziyan every time. She didn't bring anything, and she didn't know the exact location of the villa.

It can be seen that these staff members knew them before, and as soon as Huo Ziyan explained, someone greeted her immediately.

Huo Ziyan in the front hugged Xiang Nuan, and carefully put her into the car, so intimate, so nervous, as if facing the most cherished thing in the world.

She suddenly remembered the conversation they had had over breakfast.

[From now on, except for me, you are not allowed to have any relationship with any man, even eating!You can’t even give anyone a look, you know]

She couldn't even give another man a look, but he hugged other women intimately in front of her.

He didn't even look at her except for the look just now, and he didn't even say to see her when he went home.

It turns out that words spoken on the same day can also be slapped in the face.

It just seemed that it wasn't his face that was hit, but his own.

He demanded so domineeringly, but he couldn't treat her equally.

It is nothing more than that their status is inherently unequal.

Su Yichen suddenly remembered.

It turns out that no matter which one you follow, don't hold out too much hope.

It wasn't there before, so it's just lost.

But now, it turned into heartache.

She laughed at herself, but she couldn't argue with him just because of this.

Too much, didn't Xiang Nuan get hurt because of her?

Women, if you do it a few times, it will still feel a little fresh, but if you do it too much, it will be boring!

Wen Qing was in a bad mood, knowing that it would be impolite to sit in the back seat alone, as if someone else was really her driver.

But I really didn't want to sit in the co-pilot with a relatively narrow space, so I didn't care too much.

"Miss Wen, your cell phone!"

Another staff member came running outside, panting before the car started, and gave her the mobile phone that she had just dropped on the ground.

"Oh, thank you!"

Wen Qing picked up the phone, tapped the screen, but there was no response, restarted the phone, still no response, the screen was black.

It probably just fell to the ground and broke.

Fortunately, the kind staff sent it here, or I can't find the phone after I go back, so I should worry again.

At least now even if it is broken, there is no need to worry about the photos inside will be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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