Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 320 That's No Time To Be With You At All, It's Useless To Think About It

Chapter 320 That's No Time To Be With You At All, It's Useless To Think About It

Huo Ziyan got into the car and left the parking lot soon after starting the car.

While driving, he turned on the Bluetooth headset and called Eric, and the call was quickly connected.

Erci's urgent voice came, "Ziyan, you finally turned on the phone. I heard that Xiang Nuan was injured at the racecourse and went to the hospital, but your phone calls are still disconnected. Is she okay, do you need us to go there?"

"No, she's fine, she can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow!"

"Oh, that's good! Ziyan, what's going on, Wen Qing was unhappy when she came back?"

Huo Ziyan looked at the road ahead, was silent for a while, and said, "How is she?"

"Tang Boxing and I went back to the villa before noon, and I brought my girlfriend Aisha here, thinking that you will leave in a few days, I will meet you today, and you will not be there when you come back, lunch When I was about to finish eating, I saw Wen Qing came back alone, her expression was not very good, and when I asked her, she just said that Xiang Nuan was injured at the racecourse, and you went to the hospital, and she refused to say anything else!"

"Then what did she have for lunch?"

"She said she had already eaten out and came back!"

Huo Ziyan paused, and asked the racecourse staff to take Wen Qing home directly. With her mood at the time, it was impossible for her to get off the car and have lunch before going back.

"Wen Qing can't get through the phone, let her answer the phone!"

"She's not here now, go out!"

Huo Ziyan's heart skipped a beat, "What do you mean she's gone out now, she's not familiar with that place, why did you let her go out by herself!"

"Don't worry, she said that her mobile phone was broken and probably can't be used anymore. I want to go out and buy a mobile phone. It's not convenient for me today, so Boxing will drive to accompany her!"


A large mobile phone counter on the seventh floor of the mall.

Tang Boxing looked at Wen Qing, who was standing there and kept picking. He had been depressed all the way here just now, and he didn't want to talk to him, but now he was dazzled by all kinds of exquisite mobile phone styles, and he was very happy. Almost.

"Are you saying you can't wait for Huo Ziyan to come back and let him choose with you? It's just a mobile phone, so it's necessary to choose for so long? Isn't buying a mobile phone just to choose one with good performance and full functions!"

Wen Qing stood beside him, and every time he wanted to move, she immediately stopped his body that wanted to leave or move. The reason was that she had no money, and she was afraid that it would be difficult to find it when payment was due, and she There is no communication tool!

She said without raising her head, "Huo Ziyan is going to accompany other women this afternoon. I'm in a bad mood, and I don't want him to accompany me to buy a mobile phone..."

Tang Boxing looked disdainful, "Whether you don't want to or you can't, don't you say that he spends time with other women, or that he has no time to accompany you at all, and it's useless if you think about it!"

Wen Qing raised her head and glared angrily, her face was written with an expression of telling the truth.

Said, "Choosing a mobile phone is a very simple thing, but I didn't expect you to bring me to such a high-end mobile phone store, which can be customized for mobile phones, inlaid with crystals, diamonds and gemstones. This is completely mobile phones. Hermès in the world, of course I have to choose slowly, I want to see whether the mobile phone with the function that suits my use is good-looking, and if it is not good-looking, should I choose the gemstone for the phone, or the phone for the gemstone?”

"Women are really troublesome! Then you choose slowly, I'll go out and smoke a cigarette first!"

(End of this chapter)

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