Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 325 It's Great for One Person to Do Whatever He Wants

Chapter 325 It's Great That A Person Can Do Whatever He Wants

Wen Qing was taken aback, had he never eaten spicy food before?
It's just that such a question flashed by, and she didn't have any thoughts.

Tang Boxing sent a voice message to Huo Ziyan to tell them where they are now.

"He didn't say he would definitely come. If he doesn't want to come at all, if you send him a voice like this, he will have to come."

Tang Boxing glanced at Wen Qing with a sneer, "If he doesn't want to come, even if I send him a hundred voice messages, he won't come. There is never the word "must" in his dictionary!"

Wen Qing lowered her eyes and smiled at the corner of her mouth, which was a response to his words.

"Oh! That's very good. It's very good for a person to be able to do as he pleases!"

Their meals were all served one after another. Tang Boxing was not too hungry, so he ordered another bottle of red wine.

After the red wine was served, Wen Qing also said that she wanted to drink it together, and said that the wine would only taste good if it was shared.

"You are really troublesome. Buying a mobile phone all at once, eating again, and now drinking, can't you wait for Huo Ziyan to come?"

"Didn't he come over already? Just drink a little wine from you, what are you doing so stingy, you are my leader, I let him treat this meal and this bottle of wine!"

As Wen Qing said, she took the red wine and added it to herself, ignoring Tang Boxing's disgusted eyes, and touched his glass directly, "Come on, let's drink it quickly, we will probably drink it when he comes No more!"

Tang Boxing took a sip, "It sounded like you were afraid of him. Remember when he took you to Jiuchonghea, you were afraid of his submissiveness. In the end, you didn't drink one cup after another, let alone now To you, Zi Yan almost had the word "loyal dog" engraved on his head, as if he wouldn't drink it if he didn't let you drink it!"

Wen Qing drank the wine in the glass, "Of course he won't let me drink, he knows my drinking capacity, what I just said was that we won't be able to drink later!"


"He is very stingy and has set a lot of rules for me. In the morning, he even told me that I am not allowed to contact any man, and I can't even give anyone a look! You should be included in this list of other men!"

Tang Boxing laughed a few times, "It sounds like you are obedient!"

Wen Qing was really hungry. She drank a glass of wine on an empty stomach just now. Facing the western food that she usually didn't find delicious, she felt delicious at this moment, so she immediately ate it heartily. The young lady's elegant and slow impression, one bite after another, the speed is very fast, and the taste is very delicious.

It's just that she is a beautiful woman. Even so, eating will not look ugly and rough, but it will make her more vivid, natural and concentrated.

After eating half of it, her stomach was not as hungry as before, and Wen Qing remembered what Tang Boxing had just said.

She raised her head, tilted her head, seemed to be remembering something, laughed, and said, "I'm really obedient, I've been with him for so long, except for a few times, I'm generally pretty She is very obedient, just like the last time in Jiuchongtian, it wasn't because he let her drink by herself, so I drank cup after cup so happily!"

She took another sip of wine, her eyes narrowed slightly, she seemed to be a little drunk, but she knew that she was extremely sober at the moment, "You guys are all wrong, all of you feel that Huo Ziyan has changed, it seems that it is because of me It’s changed, actually, you’ve said it the other way around, it’s me who really became a human being, and he really hasn’t changed at all! He’s still the handsome, tall, extraordinary, outstanding, and overbearing man Huo Ziyan!"

(End of this chapter)

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