Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 339 When I want to treat you well, everything can be arranged so meticulously

Chapter 339 When I want to treat you well, everything can be arranged so meticulously

Wen Qing was so angry that she was outside, and Yin Chang was beside her, so she didn't know how to refute.

Turning his head to Yin Chang's side, "Let's go, ignore him!"

After finishing speaking, he dragged Yin Chang to the front.

Huo Ziyan watched them arm in arm from behind, his face darkened a few degrees.

He didn't feel much when the two of them were alone together, but now he can clearly see the difference.

He had never seen her so happy and intimate with him before.

Huo Ziyan carried the suitcase and walked forward quickly with long legs. When passing by Wen Qing's side, he deliberately bumped into her, but instead of walking with her, he walked directly in front of them.

Knowing that he is so stingy, it's just..., he never felt that he needed to be generous in this regard.

It is often heard that women will value sex and despise friends after falling in love. When it comes to Wen Qing, she can't even treat people equally.

And now that the society is so open, many women who emancipate their minds will advocate that if they feel that a man is really inappropriate, they can find happiness with a like-minded woman.

These two people did seem to be quite like-minded, and they walked in front of him arm in arm intimately, and let him stare at their backs, really thinking that he was moving.

Wen Qing was hit by him like this, although it didn't hurt, but her body shook to the side, and the man who caused the trouble didn't even look at her out of the corner of his eyes, and rushed in front of them, not to mention apologizing.


Yin Chang's opinion was obviously different, and he exclaimed directly, "Wow, so handsome!"

Wen Qing was speechless, "Why are you crazy, it's just a back view, so handsome!"

Yin Chang turned to look at Wen Qing, "Of course I'm not talking about the back, of course his back is really handsome! I mean..."

She giggled for a while, making Wen Qing a little puzzled, "Look at your expression of a nympho and chicken thief, you're in love with him!"

Yin Chang immediately made a gesture of raising a white flag, "I dare not! I can't control such a man. I'm talking about what he said just now. You guys fought fiercely last night. It's just..., It’s simply too strong! No wonder I said why you have so dark circles under your eyes today. I was still thinking about jet lag when I came to the United States, and I’m not used to it! Now that I think about it, you’ve been here for 4 years in college. What's the jet lag! You guys are really... how should I put it, not only the appearance is a match made in heaven, but also the physical strength is so good. I'm so touched that you still have the energy to pick up the plane after working all night! Mr. Huo So handsome!"


Wen Qing blushed, she didn't expect Yin Chang to say so much, but actually said these things, "Don't listen to his nonsense! It's not what he said at all!"

"Then you didn't refute just now!"

"I..., anyway, don't listen to his nonsense, he is misleading you!"

Wen Qing looked at Wen Qing and nodded sincerely, "Yeah, I won't be misled by him!"

He said not to be misled by him, but his expression obviously didn't mean that, and finally he laughed.

Wen Qing didn't say anything more, just stared at the instigator in front of him, wishing to stare a few holes out of his back.

He obviously woke up at three or four in the morning, but was misled by his words in the end, as if he had really spent the night with him.

But she went to explain it to Yin Chang in this way!
Do you want her to tell him what time she got up in the middle of the night, because this man was in heat, so they started doing it.

How to explain such details.

But at the same time, it occurred to her that when Huo Ziyan promised her to turn the car around instead of going back to the villa yesterday, he might have already decided to take her to a hotel in the city.

And she was too tired at the time, so she was taken to the P&G Hotel temporarily, took a shower and rested for a few hours, and worried that it would be too late to come back in the morning, so she drove her to the Four Seasons Hotel overnight.

This man, he is really, when he wants to treat you well, he can arrange everything so meticulously. He not only considers her physical condition, but also arranges the things around him so well.

(End of this chapter)

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