Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 342 She Loves Su Yichen So Much, Is It Possible?

Chapter 342 She Loves Su Yichen So Much, Is It Possible?

It suddenly occurred to Wen Qing that when she went back to the villa alone at noon yesterday, she saw Eric's girlfriend Aisha. It should be because Huo Ziyan returned to New York, and he deliberately brought them here to introduce them to each other.

That girl should be an American with a Western appearance, but with straight blond hair, fair skin, and a gentle and sweet temperament, she feels more like an oriental woman.

No wonder when they arrived at the villa on the first day, Eric jokingly said that he was afraid that her temper would spoil her girlfriend.

When we met yesterday, she just greeted her briefly, because she had something on her mind, she quickly went upstairs, and soon after, she went out with Tang Boxing to buy a mobile phone.

They came here on purpose, she didn't even have a proper chat with them before leaving, and in the end she didn't go back to the villa with Huo Ziyan.

In the eyes of outsiders, is he just a withdrawn and out-of-group person?

Xiang Nuan suddenly came to mind.

Maybe they all think so!

She should be particularly unpleasant, or else...

"They're fine!" Wen Qing said lightly, not wanting Yin Chang to worry about her.

"Well! Well, I think you and Mr. Huo are very suitable in all aspects!" Suddenly thinking of something, Yin Chang's eyes brightened, "Qingqing, a big gossip happened in the capital these days!"

"Huh?" Wen Qing tilted her head on purpose, "I read the news every day, haven't you seen any male god you like announce their relationship?"

After eating too much, Yin Chang wiped his hands with a wet towel a few times, and put his hands on the table with the palms down, "All you can see are trending searches, they have nothing to do with us, they are not gossip!"

"Oh?" Wen Qing looked at Yin Chang, seeming a little interested.

"It's the female celebrity I hate who got dumped!"

Seeing her excited face, Wen Qing clicked her tongue directly, "You hate a lot of female celebrities, and you hate all the female celebrities who have had scandals with your male god, this is what you said has something to do with you, right? !"

"It really doesn't have much to do with me, but..." Yin Chang raised his eyebrows, "Then if it's Tai Wen, the popular and pure actress, does it have something to do with you indirectly!"

Wen Qing frowned slightly, and finally understood why Yin Chang was so mysterious, but she was surprised by what she said, "You said, Tai Wen and Su Yichen broke up?"

"Who else would it be if it weren't for Su Yichen? It deserves it. At the beginning, I poached you, but in the end, I still didn't have the good fortune to enjoy this fortune! I also said that when I overheard her sisters chatting with her before at the company. Su Yichen's mother objected to their being together, and even found out about her past dark history!"

"Black history?"

"It's just that after breaking up with Su Yichen, I went into the entertainment industry alone without any background. I don't know the details about some unspoken rules that I encountered!"

Wen Qing lowered her head, and suddenly remembered what Tai Wen said to her in the bathroom of the Imperial Hotel.

[Miss Wen, a sweet girl like you, even if you seek benevolence and benevolence now, Mr. Huo will come from the sky to help you when you are down and help you solve some of your difficulties, but for you, it is impossible to be called real What's more, with my status and status, I have no background, no background, no friends, and no golden halo, and every step is even more difficult. I have experienced all the situations you have experienced, and It's deeper than what you've experienced, and it's not as lucky as you! 】

No wonder she felt that Tai Wen was a little unusual at that time, and said a lot of inexplicable things to her.

It's just that she didn't like herself very much in the first place, and she was used to talking sarcasticly and so on, and didn't think it had any deep meaning.

Was that what she was saying?

But when she thought of the firm and persistent feelings she had with Su Yichen every time, she couldn't believe it.

She loves Su Yichen so much, is it possible?
(End of this chapter)

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