Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 349 Wen Qing's abnormality today is not her own illusion

Chapter 349 Wen Qing's abnormality today is not her own illusion
Wen Qing stretched out her hand on her pajama pants from the thin blanket.

Opened the phone's Weibo, flipped through it a few times, and suddenly saw a picture and text content, staring at it motionlessly, as if attracted by the content, but in fact, she knew that she didn't feel anything.

She had seen it before, and she clearly knew what was written in it, although her vision was blurred at the moment.

After charging the phone outside, Huo Ziyan waited for a while, turned on the phone, checked all the missed calls and messages, replied a few messages briefly, and then returned to the room.

When he came in, he looked at the profile of the woman sitting on the sofa, her eyes drooped, she stared at the screen of the phone motionlessly, her whole face was filled with tears.

The man's pupils constricted in an instant, and the calm eyes were full of turbulent waves at this moment. He thought that he had misread, so he hurriedly and nervously walked over and sat beside Wen Qing, and brushed her face with his big, bony hands.

The woman's cheeks were full of tears, and she looked back at him with blurred and red eyes, showing an unusually strong emotion that he couldn't understand at this moment.

He had never seen Wen Qing like this before. Even though she slapped him a few days ago in the hotel because she misunderstood him and wanted to break up with him, she also burst into tears at that time, but she never showed such a desperate and desolate scene. eyes.

"What happened?"

Suddenly, she realized that Wen Qing's abnormality today was not her own illusion.

No wonder she was still sitting on the sofa waiting for him when she came back at this point. Although she had a calm expression and a smile on her face before, she always seemed to be hesitating to speak, and had something to say to him.

And what he just interrupted.

"What did you want to say when you called me this afternoon?"

Huo Ziyan took out a tissue from one side of the table, and gently wiped the tears on her face, but she couldn't stop the tears from gushing out of her eyes.

At this moment, although Wen Qing's eyes had been staring at him, they were completely out of focus.

The big eyes, the eyeballs are very black, but there is a feeling of laxity in his eyes.

"Wen Qing!" The woman's silence for a long time made him anxious.

"I called this afternoon to tell you..." Wen Qing's tears kept streaming out, but her tone was quiet, as if she was talking to Huo Ziyan, but also as if she was muttering to herself. "

"I accidentally saw a news article in the afternoon. It was a woman's self-report. She said that because she pursued her dream, she ignored her elderly parents, and even her mother was ill. She didn't have time to go back. She always thought nothing was wrong. After a while, I will have time, and it was not until my mother passed away suddenly that she suddenly realized what she had lost!"

Wen Qing told Huo Ziyan about the content of the news intermittently. When it came to the emotional part, her tears fell more violently, as if she could really feel all the emotions of the lady in it, regret, regret, and wanting to support her child. And the grief of not being there.

This was just a piece of news she found out, but as she spoke, the real reason for her grief seemed to be blurred in her heart, as if she was really affected by the emotions inside, and she was extremely sad.

"Seeing such news, you are so sad because you think of your father, right?"

She lowered her head, and tears kept falling down like unthreaded pearls, dripping into the bottom of the man's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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