Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 352 1 You must be in such a hurry, you can't wait a few more days

Chapter 352 You must be so anxious, you can't wait a few more days

Wen Qing didn't know what to say, and in fact, she couldn't say any words of comfort.

On the one hand, it's because of the man's expression at the moment, the sad memory of that period of childhood, on the surface it looks so painless and understatement, but inside it is full of despair.

What's more, he should be only four or five years old at that time. Originally, this age is not the age for remembering things, but maybe it's not easy to remember the ordinary happiness, but the bone-crushing pain will be engraved into his bone marrow over the years, not anyone's. A word or two of reassurance can offset that.

In fact, she doesn't need to ask about the later development of this story. It just depends on the fact that he has no father or mother by his side. The Song family probably regrets wanting to recognize him now, but he has been indifferent. Even the surname Song is unwilling to take it , I knew that the ending of that past event must be very tragic.

On the other hand, it was their original intention to start this topic. Sometimes fate is always ingeniously arranged. Before today, although she had never asked about it, she actually wanted to know about his past.

If he had been so confiding to her before, maybe she would be more empathetic to experience his childhood experience than now.

It's just that at this moment, even though she was still surprised and moved by his unusual painful experience, besides being moved, she didn't seem to have any other superfluous feelings.

Wen Qing was deliberating how to continue their topic when a man's voice sounded from above her head again,

"Wen Qing, although our experiences are not exactly the same, I understand your feelings. I saw other people's sufferings, thought of my father, and brought myself into the scene, but you are not her. When it comes to problems, when I start to regret and regret, my mother has passed away, and you are not me. You are too young, even if you want to change, you can't do anything.

"Although the Wen family is no longer what it used to be, and my uncle is sick, but you have me, I will always be by your side to help you, and I will not let you leave any regrets within my ability!"

Wen Qing lowered her head, and tears could not help but fall from the corners of her eyes again. She didn't understand what it should be like to hear a man's heartfelt words at this moment, but for a moment, she suddenly hit the most vulnerable existence in her heart , giving her a warm illusion in such a late night.

But soon, she realized clearly that this was just an illusion.

"Thank you, Huo Ziyan, I will remember everything you did for me today!"

Either good or deceitful.The same made her unforgettable.

Wen Qing finally stopped crying, maybe her grief was not so surging in the first place.

"But I'm always uneasy, Ziyan..."

She tightly grabbed the man's clothes with her fingers, and looked at him with big watery eyes, eager eyes,

"Yin Chang has almost finished playing these three days, and you haven't finished your work here. I think it's okay to go back to the Imperial Capital first?"

Huo Ziyan frowned, she didn't expect that Wen Qing would suddenly make such a request to her, and she wanted to refuse reflexively.

But it was rare to see such a fragile and pleading look in the woman's eyes, thinking about her sudden loss of control just now, but he couldn't say any objection.

He came here with her, naturally he wanted to go back with her, but the sudden incident here was more difficult, and he had to deal with it as soon as possible.

The throat bone rolled, and the thin lips parted slightly, "You must be in such a hurry, can't you wait a few more days?"

(End of this chapter)

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