Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 363 It is so important to meet the right person at the right time

Chapter 363 It is so important to meet the right person at the right time

"Isn't it because Su Yichen has convinced her parents that you can be together again this time?"

Tai Wen smiled bitterly when she heard the words, and she herself felt very strange. The person she targeted and disliked the most before was Wen Qing.

They were not really familiar with each other, not even the group of sisters in her company.

But when she parted, he was the only one who shared the hidden password in her heart with her.

"His parents agreed at the beginning, not because they really compromised or really wanted us to be together, it was just at that time..." She raised her eyes to look at Wen Qing, there was a trace of hesitation in her eyes, and her words stopped.

Wen Qing never thought that she would connect with her heart, but at this moment, in the woman's slightly flickering eyes, she understood what she meant for no reason.
"I agree with Su Yichen to be with you, but the premise is that you must break up with me. The Wen family has been in decline. The Su family has always been on good terms with the Wen family. They want to get engaged with me, but there is no reason. To a certain extent, it bears the notoriety of a heartbroken man, but it is the fastest and most effective way, especially at that time Su Yichen's feelings for you and guilt overwhelmed all reason. As for your problems in the future, for them to find a reason to break up It's easier, right?"

When Tai Wen listened, she didn't express much expression, and she didn't refute. Perhaps even though she couldn't fully understand what Su Yichen's parents really thought, what Wen Qing said was similar to what she had experienced during this time.

It's not particularly surprising, but at this moment Wen Qing also has a sad feeling of being in a wealthy family, whether it's for herself, Su Yichen, or the woman across the way who once had a relationship with a wealthy nobleman.

"Won't you feel sorry for giving up like this? Can he solve the problems on his parents' side by himself, or do you have no confidence in him and feel that he doesn't love you enough?"

Tai Wen's eyes gradually dimmed following Wen Qing's words, she lowered her head and looked at the cup on the table, there was a sense of desolation for no reason, which made Wen Qing suddenly regret asking such a sensitive question, but Finally she answered.

"Whether he loves himself or not... I can only say that he loved him. Of course, he hasn't said he doesn't love him now. It's just that we are in the most beautiful stage of love budding. This time we are together, we have worked hard for each other, and we both want to return In the beginning, he was no longer the original person. This incident was just a trigger. In fact, I never felt safe when I was with him again, so that I always rejected you for no reason before, and Su Yichen was also constantly explaining Tired and tired, I broke up with him now, but I just don't want all the good things left in the past to disappear."

For a long while, no one spoke between them, and no one ended the topic. The two sat there and fell into their own thoughts.

Wen Qing doesn't think she is an emotional person, and it's normal to have feelings on and off.

But at this time, there was also a pain in the heart for no reason.

It is so important to meet the right person at the right time, at the right time and place.

"Okay, let's talk about something fun!"

Tai Wen raised her head suddenly, with a smile on her face, although it was not as bright as when she was with Su Yichen, but it was still sincere and sweet.

"I said just now that I'm getting married! I was able to meet you in the hospital before I left, and I was able to say sorry to you, which is also my end to the past of the imperial capital!"

(End of this chapter)

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