Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 370 Wen Qing slowly realized what a man's "thinking" means

Chapter 370 Wen Qing slowly realized what a man's "thinking" means

Although the reflex arc took a little longer, perhaps the purpose was to make up for the apology.

Her tone was relatively blunt, and there were not many gentle words hidden in it.

And the sentence "I miss you" is definitely not because she really misses him so much, but just listening to it, it is like a string of characters played in a loop, repeatedly bumping in the heart, and the body instantly Like crawling with blood-sucking worms, constantly sucking his blood.

Trying to calm down the constant pounding in my head.

"A few days?"

It was raining outside the window at night in the imperial capital, and the temperature was a little low. The air conditioner in the room was turned up very high. Wen Qing just came out of the shower, and her whole body was warm. After she just said that sentence, her face became even hotter. As if to spontaneously combust.

The man's sudden question made her a little confused, and she didn't react for a while, but the slow voice continued to speak.

"How many days has it been since you returned to the capital? Do you miss me so much?"


One second, two seconds...

Five seconds, ten seconds...

Maybe longer.

Wen Qing slowly realized what the man's "thinking" meant.

The man's words were unhurried and well-organized, but they bombarded Wen Qing's embarrassing thoughts just now into scum, and she couldn't speak for a while.

Before she could say anything, the obviously smiling voice came again, "It's rare to be in such a hurry. It really is the distance that creates beauty. If you don't see each other every day, it's like three autumns. Don't worry, I will get the matter over as soon as possible." Arrange to go back to the imperial capital, it's getting late, you go to bed early, I'm going out too, please..."

Before he could finish saying goodbye, Wen Qing hung up the phone directly.

Damn that bastard.

【It's rare to be in such a hurry】

To put it bluntly... how anxious and thoughtful.

Wen Qing walked slowly to the window, the night rain was pattering down, as far as she could see, strings of strings hit the ground, splashing water, making Wen Qing's thoughts gradually clearer.

She actually just said on the phone that she missed him.

Are you impulsive?

I still remember that a few days ago, he cheated her for other women, and she also decided to go back to the imperial capital by herself in advance because of this matter, in order to keep herself far away, and Siwei would be clearer.

Could it be because of the chat with Tai Wen today that she had such a big change and touch.

No matter what the current situation is, no matter how confused the thoughts are, no matter how the two of them will develop in the future, or even what the outcome will be, just live the present well and let each other's experience and process be better!
Since they are still together at the moment, if you say "I miss you", don't think too much about it.

Wen Qing looked out the window and smiled.


Wen Qing received a call from Manager Zhang and Yin Chang two days later in the afternoon. The company had already contacted the venue and arranged for Lu Yanghong's schedule, and asked her to go there the next morning to take a few groups of photos and try the lens first. And better communicate with the actor of the advertisement.

After all, it was her first job. Wen Qing was excited and nervous all night. She thought she would not be able to sleep. At first, she was indeed like this, but she was worried that the dark circles on her face would be more obvious when she woke up the next day, because Manager Zhang made repeated orders. Emphasize that tomorrow must be pure makeup, no makeup.

So when the wechat chat with Yin Chang ended after 11 o'clock in the evening, Wen Qing forced herself to sleep, and to sleep well.

(End of this chapter)

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