Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 380 It's None of My Business, I Didn't Let Huo Ziyan Do This

Chapter 380 It's None of My Business, I Didn't Let Huo Ziyan Do This

Losing power means that the money in his hand can only be eaten away. In just over half a month, he can feel that the friends who used to be in power around him have gone away, let alone those who were still pointing at him. A popular N-line actress.

He, who was aloof before, watched money and sex drain from his fingers just because of this woman.

He approached Wen Qing step by step, the woman's entire hair was messy, she looked extremely embarrassed, her delicate features were not covered with makeup, and there was an obvious slap print on her face, but she was still astonishingly beautiful, making people move Keep your eyes open.

He has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and he has seen and played with many beauties.

That day in the hotel, although he also noticed her beauty, but after all, there were many female celebrities that day, all of them were well-dressed, and she was surrounded by people like Tang Boxing and Huo Ziyan, so he didn't pay much attention to it, even if Later, he took the initiative to dispatch her because he was drunk.

In fact, he has always thought that beauties in the entertainment industry are beautiful. Unless they are special natural beauties like Ma Shiyi, the rest are basically the same without makeup.

It's just that when I look at it today, those so-called beauties are completely different from her. Even if they are compared with Ma Shiyi, they can be said to be on par.

Even now that she has no makeup, her skin is as good as high-grade porcelain, so beautiful that he can't wait to pounce on her immediately, no wonder Huo Ziyan will go to war for her.

Wen Qing frowned slightly, the man in front of her came in with an expression of disgust towards her, but at this moment his eyes became extremely disgusting.

She felt that instead of disgusting her with such eyes, it would be better to slap her a few times.

"You are two rough people. How can we be so unsympathetic and sympathetic to the delicate skin and tender flesh of our big beauty!" Mr. Shu smiled wretchedly, and said to the two bodyguards not far away, as if he had forgotten just now Who made the last slap.

Picking up her chin, "With such beauty, it's no wonder that Huo Ziyan is willing to work hard for you!"

This kind of contact made Wen Qing feel that goosebumps were coming out of her whole body, she turned her head to the side, and continued to push her body back slowly, just trying to keep a distance from this man who made her sick.

"What do you mean? What did Huo Ziyan do to you?"

The woman's question made the man who was still smiling, as if he had been stepped on a sore spot suddenly, and his face became fierce again. When Wen Qing was lowering her head and didn't notice it, a slap came over again, and her whole face was slapped to the side. When she got to the side, she felt that her neck was about to be twisted in pain, and she couldn't get it back again.

"What did you do, just for you bastard, he actually said in the industry that he wanted to block me. Now no one cooperates with me. Fortunately, an acquaintance in your company told me the news secretly, otherwise I would not Unexpectedly, it turns out that you bitch hooked up with Huo Ziyan, since he's going to kill me, then..."

She showed a disgusting smile again, "Even if you die at my hands today, you can only blame yourself for knowing Huo Ziyan!"

Wen Qing was slapped until her eyes stared, but she also understood the meaning of his words. She barely supported her body and said with difficulty,

"It's none of my business, I didn't let Huo Ziyan do this!"

(End of this chapter)

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