Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 384 Don't Be Afraid, Close Your Eyes, I'll Take You Right Away

Chapter 384 Don't Be Afraid, Close Your Eyes, I'll Take You Back Immediately
"Besides, the police will come here soon, Huo Ziyan, even if you have the ability to kill people with guns, they will not do anything to you in the end, but you are now in the imperial capital, and you are the president of a listed company. What if there is any public opinion? not good……"

Wen Qing, who was standing beside her in a daze, actually didn't feel anything when the gunshot was fired just now. She looked at the disgusting man who stretched out his hand to her body not long ago, and watched the bullet pass by his side, and even There was also a flash of regret.

He was so disgusting, if they hadn't arrived in time, she might have been in endless humiliation and torture now.

Thinking of this, a stronger hatred surged in her heart, because this person deserved to die in the first place.

If at this moment his blood splashed all around her, would she be afraid?

She won't, Su Yichen doesn't understand him.

She once experienced a massacre and kidnapping. Even though she was terrified, she watched her partners screaming and screaming and falling in a pool of blood before her. In the end, only the will to survive remained. .

What's more, at this time, facing this person he loathes and hates.

But Su Yichen's words still woke her up. He was right. Huo Ziyan is the CEO of a listed company, so she cannot be charged with murder because of her.

She had already tidied up her clothes and pants before, and her strength has basically recovered. Although she was slapped a few times on the face, she still can't move.

She quickly got up, walked to the man's side and grabbed him, and said softly, "Huo Ziyan, don't..."

Huo Ziyan turned to look at her. At this time, he was not as embarrassed as he saw when he came in. Although the clothes on his body were a little messy and the redness and swelling on his face were clearly visible, covering part of the original delicate face, it was even more charming.

I remember the last time we separated and sent her back to the Imperial Capital at the New York airport, she was so exquisite and beautiful. After a few days, he would often worry about whether the weather in the Imperial Capital would change greatly and whether she would catch a cold, but he did not expect that his woman , To be bullied so far.

If it is said that many things in the past were due to being out of control, then now...

Huo Ziyan narrowed his eyes, turned his head and looked at Mr. Shu again, he was so scared that he backed away again and again, he didn't even dare to make a loud begging for mercy, his lips trembled like two disgusting pieces of fat There was trembling up and down.

Wen Qing put her arms around Huo Ziyan's waist, and buried her whole face in his chest, "Su Yichen is right, it's not worth killing someone for this kind of person, Huo Ziyan, I'm so tired, take me back!"

Su Yichen fixedly looked at Wen Qing, this former fiancée, with a softness he had never seen before, putting a woman's deepest vulnerability into a man's deepest dependence, everything made him so strange, he seemed Never really got to know the woman who had been his fiancée of 4 years.

Looking down at Wen Qing's head, her disheveled hair, her small and tired voice, Huo Ziyan gradually let go of her gun hand because of her consideration.

The coldness and violence in his eyes also gradually warmed up as she approached, and gradually receded.

Yes, you can't kill in front of her.

Putting the gun back, he hugged her by the waist, and made a soft voice, as if the cold Huo Ziyan who was about to kill with a gun just now was not himself,
"Don't be afraid, close your eyes, I'll take you back right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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