Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 386 Don't worry, this matter is my fault and has nothing to do with anyone

Chapter 386 Don't worry, this matter is my fault and has nothing to do with anyone
Wen Qing had just come out of a state of shock, and she didn't have much energy to comfort him at this moment.

She actually understood why he said sorry. In the final analysis of today's matter, the reason for such a result was on his side. Fortunately, he arrived at the last moment and did not cause irreversible results.

The tears in the corners of my eyes couldn't help but slid down, "Fortunately you arrived in time, fortunately..."

She didn't say anything more, but Huo Ziyan knew what she meant, and hugged her even tighter into his arms.

Wen Qing was indeed very tired. After taking pictures for a whole day and suffering so much at night, she fell asleep in the man's arms after a while.

The light and steady breath blew on the man's skin, and it was a little cold. Huo Zi asked Tan Yi to turn up the temperature of the heater in the car by a few degrees.

Along the way, his eyes were tightly locked on the woman in his arms, and thousands of complicated emotions emerged in his eyes.

Wen Qing didn't sleep very soundly, as soon as the car stopped, Huo Ziyan slowly moved her to get out of the car, and she woke up.

After thinking about it, the man hugged her even tighter.

"Don't move, I'll just hold you and walk away!"

Normally Wen Qing would not say anything, but she heard Huo Ziyan calling in the car just now, thinking that there should be quite a few people in the villa.

"My leg is fine, I'll come down, or wait for everyone to watch!"

"It's okay, just watch, don't move!"

After walking a few steps forward, Feng Zhe, who had been waiting anxiously in the villa courtyard, came over and looked at her with a tense face. When he saw the injury on her face, he subconsciously glanced at his boss, and lowered his head. Nodding his head, the expression on his face became more serious.

"Mr. Huo, Miss Wen!"

He didn't say much, but the remorse on his face was obvious, he probably took the responsibility for this incident on himself, and Huo Ziyan must have had a bad complexion when the accident happened yesterday.

But..., he can't be blamed for this!

"Huo Ziyan..."

Continuing to walk forward, Wen Qing suddenly added the man's name and stopped in her footsteps.

"I was the one who insisted on Feng Zhe not sending me off this morning. He didn't want to, but he couldn't get through to your phone, and I was determined not to let him go. So don't blame him, okay?"

Huo Ziyan glanced at Wen Qing, raised his leg and continued walking inside.

"Huo Ziyan..." Wen Qing called out his name again.

"Miss Wen..."

"Don't worry, this matter is my fault and has nothing to do with anyone!"

Feng Zhe, who had been following behind him all the time, was just about to ask Wen Qing not to intercede for him, when Huo Ziyan's voice came out.

Wen Qing was a little dazed. His answer should be regarded as a promise, so she didn't make another sound.

When they were about to enter the door, Huo Ziyan still hugged her with a firm attitude, and Wen Qing didn't say anything more, after all, in this respect, she had always been unable to hold him back.

Walking into the hall, Yin Chang, who had been waiting anxiously on the sofa, saw Wen Qing being hugged by Huo Ziyan, and hurried over.

"Qingqing," the first thing she saw was the injury on her face, and tears fell down. Just now she knew that Huo Ziyan had arrived at the critical moment, but she didn't know if she had suffered any other injuries on her body.

"What's the matter with you? Where else are you injured? Is it your body or what's wrong with your feet? Can't you walk?"

Wen Qing, "..."

Being embraced by him in public would naturally cause misunderstandings.

"It's okay, I just hurt my face, everything else is fine! Don't worry!"

With a wink, Yin Chang understood what was going on, so he didn't ask again, as long as Wen Qing was fine!
(End of this chapter)

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