Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 390 And Miss Wen is a Woman Who Can Completely Match Mr. Huo's Demeanor

Chapter 390 And Ms. Wen is a woman who can completely match Mr. Huo's demeanor

But it was later discovered that this was not the case at all, and it was the exact opposite of what he had imagined.

She didn't deliberately cling to anything, but in his eyes, Mr. Huo, who had always been indifferent, noble and overpowering to the point of being unapproachable to strangers, when facing her, his eyes uncharacteristically revealed the tenderness and pampering that he had never seen before. .

That's definitely not the attitude he imagined to treat a beautiful canary or mistress at home, it's completely pampering and respecting a woman he likes.

At first he thought it was Ms. Wen's good luck, but until today, he realized that no one's good luck would just fall from the sky for no reason, it must be accompanied by innate cultivation and quality, while Wen Miss is a woman who can fully match Mr. Huo's demeanor.

After explaining the matter, both Wen Qing and Yin Chang felt that Huo Ziyan was too nervous and wanted to refuse, but Huo Ziyan gave him a look, not to mention Yin Chang, even Wen Qing was silent.

After all, what happened yesterday was also caused by the two of them making good claims.

After finishing speaking, Feng Zhe was still standing there. Normally, he would leave on his own after explaining things, but probably because the atmosphere was still quite dignified at this moment, Huo Ziyan didn't speak, and he didn't dare to leave voluntarily.

There was no sound for a long time, Wen Qing believed that with Huo Ziyan's meticulous character, it was not because he forgot to remind him.

And she also made a face to him a few times, but he still acted as if nothing had happened, just ate his breakfast silently, with his usual indifferent smile, and showed no other emotions, except for the one expressed by the smile itself. Be kind, and you can't see that he has any other ideas.

Wen Qing moved her hand to the bottom, and silently pinched the man's hand. When the man looked over, she gestured with her eyes for a long time, but he still didn't respond.

What does it mean……

Didn't we agree last night that this matter should be turned over?

Now that the matter is finished, what should be explained, what should be paid attention to, how embarrassing it is for Feng Zhe to stand there deliberately!

Sure enough, everything the man said in bed was a lie.


How did this man's image suddenly become that kind of image in her eyes, which is similar to that of the perverted dean of students in the school!

It is too inconsistent with his handsome and stalwart image on the surface.

Such an attitude made Yin Chang on the side a little embarrassed. After all, before Wen Qing came back yesterday, she was the person who could directly feel Feng Zhe's mood and situation.

Facing Mr. Huo's shame, knowing Wen Qing's anxiety and constant self-condemnation after being kidnapped by Mr. Shu.

Wen Qing thought that Huo Ziyan had made another mistake.

Feng Zhe thought Mr. Huo was still angry.

And Yin Chang thought that he had indirectly implicated Feng Zhe in being punished.

But Huo Ziyan didn't think about these things in his heart.

As he said yesterday, the cause and source of this matter lies with him, and he will reflect on himself and will not let the same thing happen again.

But for people in their position, in addition to early prevention, after-the-fact prevention is equally important.

Feng Zhe is his most effective assistant in security. He arranged for him to be Wen Qing's bodyguard and driver, which has clearly explained the matter and the importance of Wen Qing.

But because of the kidnapping, although it was not obvious before Lenovo, he also vaguely noticed that Feng Zhe's attitude towards Wen Qing, apart from basic respect and obedience, did not have a strong sense of mission, or he thought that doing things for her , just being loyal to his orders.

(End of this chapter)

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