Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 466 Misunderstanding... He never thought about it

Chapter 466 Misunderstanding... He never thought about it

But occasionally she would be very angry, thinking that she didn't regard herself as a boyfriend, he was still like a man who just had a transactional relationship with her, otherwise, she needed to care so much about such a little snack money.

Sometimes he was in a bad mood, and when he returned to the car, he would vent his anger and bully her.

Sometimes when he bullied her badly, she would become emotional. Although she would no longer lose her temper like before, she would also turn cold and ignore him for a long time.

But more often, she would explain to him in a good-tempered manner, saying that it was because when they were in Wen's house, her father didn't let them eat so many snacks, and her behavior was only subconscious, and she didn't treat her as an outsider.

He even began to forget when did she start, she was no longer the same as before, always resisting him, fighting with reason in everything, showing off her quick tongue, but gradually becoming well-behaved, submissive, and even often tolerant His vexatiousness.

When she had a heated argument with him yesterday, she told about the things in New York that she had been patiently keeping silent.

Then at that time, she knew how she felt when she concealed the truth for the sake of Xiang Nuan.

She accidentally bumped into herself standing up for Feng Siwei on the top of the mountain, and tried to prove it to him that night but found out that she had lied to her. What kind of state of mind was she then.

Thinking about it now, she seemed to have something to say to him at the time, but she stopped immediately after he said those words, with that unbelievable look in her eyes, and she cried very sadly later, he thought it was because Her father's illness...

When did it start, she had already put away all the sharpness and sharpness in herself, as if she just wanted to be with him peacefully.

But..., does she really want to be with herself?

Yesterday he received a call from Tang Boxing, knowing that the media was going to break the news about the resurgence of her and Su Yichen's old relationship.

The editor still edits big pictures of hot styles. Although they are not celebrities, they are still famous figures in wealthy families. In addition, they are involved in the popular star Tai Wen who has now developed abroad, which can be regarded as big news.

The media was talking about a date, but Tang Boxing joked with him about a private meeting, simply because the media didn't know about Wen Qing's relationship with him.

The news was edited, and the screenshots were sent to him, but Tang Boxing had already blocked the news, so he asked himself to come back and check to see if there was any misunderstanding.

Misunderstanding... He didn't even think about it at the time.

The photo was taken so clearly, that she who was shopping in the men's clothing store with Su Yichen, had happy, shy, distressed, and occasionally shy expressions, without any scruples or concealment.

Even if he blocked all other images, he could still see a lively and charming her that he had never seen before.

Therefore, when Tang Boxing told him, he never thought that there would be any misunderstanding.

When Wen Qing tried to explain to him, he didn't think there would be any misunderstanding, it was just the same as every time in the past, he just found a reason to convince himself, and then coexisted peacefully as much as possible.

Because photos can't deceive people, even if they were taken secretly, but that kind of expression can't be photographed by any posing, it is natural and sincere.

Huo Ziyan looked down at the floor, without any superfluous expression, feeling a little decadent.

The more you think about it, the more confused your mood becomes.

But now, after venting his emotions, there is only worry more.

It's been almost 10 hours, so many people sent out and failed to find him, where will she go?

(End of this chapter)

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