Chapter 542

"It's probably like this. Although she got the wrong partner, it at least explains a truth. Even she can see how obvious the affection in Lu Yanghong's eyes is. Now you can rest assured!"

Yin Chang couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, but anxiety soon returned to her face.

"Then when she confirmed with you whether she gave up or you backed down, why didn't you admit it directly, so that she could give up directly?"

Wen Qing tapped Yin Chang's head directly with her knuckles.

"You're dizzy, I'll admit it directly, you want me and Lu Yanghong's scandals to be all over the sky, don't you! Is there anyone who cheats on your boyfriend like you?"

After touching her hair, it was almost blown, and handed her the hair dryer, "Blow it for me!"

Yin Chang took the hair dryer, stood up, and walked to the dressing table where Wen Qing was sitting. Wen Qing was putting on her makeup while she helped dry her hair.

"That's not what I mean. I just think that although Ni Jiayue is a bit of a loser, she seems to care about you. She came here to tell you about this kind of thing. If it's really you and Lu Yanghong In love, maybe she really gave up!"

Wen Qing directly rolled a huge white eye, "She cares about me as much as you said, and the temptation is almost the same!"

"I think so? Although there must be some elements of probing! And don't you think that at the reporter's door just now, the reporter's question made you quite embarrassed, but she came here and let you get away with a few words to avoid embarrassment?" ?”

Wen Qing turned her head and looked at Yin Chang, "Is there any? Why do I think she is trying to embarrass me?"

"I don't think so. Looking at her status, you won't be able to tell whether your clothes are genuine or A. Anyway, I don't think she has much malice towards you, and your relationship was pretty good before. She just It's because I can't understand you and me being nice!"

Wen Qing sighed.

"So this person still has a big problem. Even if she doesn't like you, how can she interfere with other people's right to make friends! Don't think too much, she is not as kind as you said, and I am not already Advise her to give up!"

"But with your statement, she will feel that she has been provoked, and she will not give up!"

Wen Qing took the hair dryer in her hand, pressed pause, and her face became serious.

"Chang Chang, your current state is very wrong. You are too worried about gains and losses and too nervous. Do you still remember what you said to persuade me every time Huo Ziyan and I had problems?"

"Although everyone's situation is different, the reason is the same. The problem between you and Lu Yanghong is your own business, and has nothing to do with other people. The most important thing is that you don't have any problems now."

Yin Chang looked down at Wen Qing's serious expression, and felt that he was too sensitive, so he pursed his lips and smiled.

"Understood, if you are so reasonable, then hurry up and make peace with Mr. Huo tonight, and set an example for me!"

Wen Qing, "..."


After the simple styling and makeup were done, Wen Qing and Yin Chang returned to the banquet hall because they felt troublesome and didn't go for a massage.

Wen Qing took out her mobile phone, there were several missed calls and text messages.

The missed calls were all made by Tang Boxing.

The text message was sent by Su Yichen, probably asking if she was attending the reception at Jiuzun, and wanted to chat with her some time.

Wen Qing knew what she wanted to talk about. The misunderstanding between her and Huo Ziyan was more or less caused by him. Huo Ziyan also called him and questioned him the night she ran away from home.

(End of this chapter)

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