Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 568 Finale 2 - They will no longer be a simple relationship in the eyes of others

Chapter 568 Finale [-] - They will no longer be a simple relationship in the eyes of others
He and Tang Boxing were the organizers of this Christmas event, but because of his own problems, Tang Boxing was handling all the affairs of the event by himself, and he also took time to help him solve his relationship problems.

Huo Ziyan nodded, no longer impulsive.

Everything needs to be considered carefully. No matter what happens inside, when the door is opened, he should handle and face it by himself, and should not drag others down.

Anxious waiting always makes the time infinitely long. When the hotel manager came with the key, Huo Ziyan seemed to feel that a century had passed.

At the same time, Yin Chang, Lu Yanghong, Ni Jiayue and other stars who were in the box on the other side rushed over after hearing the news.

Not wanting to make a scene known to everyone, Tang Boxing only let Yin Chang, Lu Yanghong and Ni Jiayue in, while the others were kept away by bodyguards.

But after all, there was too much movement here, and there were some people watching and discussing from a distance, but they didn't know exactly what happened.

Su Yichen also came over later, Tang Boxing glanced at Huo Ziyan, he just frowned slightly, but didn't stop him.

After the door was opened, Tang Boxing asked the clubhouse staff to keep it secret and avoid it first, and promised that all consequences would be borne by them.

Almost all the people who came to the clubhouse tonight were the top figures in the imperial capital, and the staff couldn't afford any mistakes, so naturally they hurriedly agreed and immediately dismissed the service staff in the clubhouse from the surrounding area.

With a sullen face, Huo Ziyan pushed open the door. The box is not big, and soon after opening it, he could have a clear view of the situation inside.

But even so, he still felt that the short few seconds he had entered was the most anxious and tormented period in his previous life.

The problem that was running through his head was far more complicated than what was going on here, or what he was dealing with.

Before today, his relationship with Wen Qing had not been made public.

Wen Qing was reluctant from the beginning, and on this issue, he was not as strong as he was when dealing with other issues, because he hoped that she would finally agree willingly.

It's just that in this box, although the hotel and Tang Boxing have already cleared the room, there are so many people outside and so many pairs of eyes watching.

He will take her out later, it is impossible to avoid everyone.

No matter how other people speculate about their relationship, in short, they will no longer be a pure relationship in the eyes of others.

It's just, is she willing...

When he was with her, he forced her a lot.

Forced her when she was too proud to dismiss him;

Forced her when she wanted to break away from him;

Even when she hated him so much that she slapped him in the face one by one, he still forced her to suppress all her arrogance and kindness.

He felt that she belonged to him, so naturally he couldn't let her temperament come his way.

But now, if the relationship is made public and she is unwilling...

She is bound to be disturbed by many criticisms from the outside world.

Things like the bankruptcy of the Wen family, her father's serious illness, and Su Yichen's divorce of her marriage will all be pointed out.

There will be people who make a big fuss and turn right and wrong.

Today in the lobby on the first floor, a reporter asked her if she and Su Yichen had gotten back together.

Afterwards, maybe they will over-interpret the relationship between the few of them, what's more, with the ability of some bad media to turn black and white, they may even adapt the fact that Su Yichen and her broke off the engagement to be caused by her empathy.

(End of this chapter)

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