The best lord of online games

Chapter 1011 New Force: The Barbarian Alliance

Chapter 1011 New Force: The Barbarian Alliance

The procedure of adopting a son is much more complicated than making a sworn brother. Liu Bei is very busy today, after chatting about some trivial matters, he continued to take Liu Yu to communicate with some new nobles.

"You guys are so early!" After greeting each other with the surrounding nobles and making some connections, Wu Yi came to Zhao Ziyun's table and sat down.

"It seems that Liu Bei thinks highly of you, and actually asked Zhang Juzheng to pick you up. What's the secret between you two?" Zhao Ziyun turned around and stared at Wu Yi with an interrogating posture.

"It's said that the Shu Han is a group of bases, you won't be with Liu Bei..." Wu Jiutian looked back and forth between him and Liu Bei several times with "corrupt" eyes, the meaning is self-evident.

"Get lost! That's a friendship established from the bottom, friendship, understand!" Wu Yi took a sip from the wine glass that Zhao Ziyun had filled in advance on the table and said.The relationship between him and Liu Bei is more derived from Guan Yu's line. After all, when Guan Yu first appeared on the stage, he had a great chance to win Guan Yu. Unfortunately, people are not as good as the system.

Without Guan Yu's relationship, everyone would start from scratch, so why would Hulucheng have the closest relationship with Liu Bei?
"You young couple have a tacit understanding. I remember that the nose was not the nose, and the eyes were not the eyes. Why? Do things in advance?" Wu Yi joked. Compared with him and Zhao Xueyin, these two people are friends of Huanxi.Thinking back to when we first met, Wu Jiutian never gave Zhao Ziyun a good face.

"Hmph!" Gao Leng returned to Gao Leng, Wu Jiutian was still very thin-skinned in this kind of matter, he snorted coldly and turned his head to the side.

Zhao Ziyun just smiled heartlessly, and in the end he did not forget to give Wu Yi a cheap and smug look.After the two had a drink, Zhao Ziyun pointed to the front right and said, "Look at the guy next to Fuxi, do you know who it is?"

"Who is it?" Wu Yi followed Zhao Ziyun's direction and looked over. Next to Fuxi stood a player dressed as a knight, with a full beard and a macho image.But he sure doesn't know.

"Mo Yun, the president of a new guild."

"You still care about this?" Wu Yi looked at Zhao Ziyun in surprise. There are many new guilds like this, but they are not a threat to them at all.

"Don't underestimate him, he's holding Changsun Sheng in his hand! It's unclear whether there are other fierce people, but Changsun Sheng, you know what it means! And this guy's timing and publicity are quite in place, and now It's nothing, it probably has the potential to compete for the top ten guilds in the future." Zhao Ziyun introduced solemnly.

Changsun Sheng, a famous general in the Sui Dynasty, a diplomat, a military strategist, and an excellent archer, played the Turks quite badly.However, his fame is not as great as his son and daughter.The eldest grandson Wuji, the fourth son of Changsun Sheng, is the head of the 24 heroes of Tang Taizong Lingyan Pavilion. With the eldest grandson Wuji, there is no need to talk about daughters, right?Empress Wende's eldest grandson Wugou!
This family is quite a force!Empress Changsun has written [-] volumes of "Nvrui", and her abilities should be quite different from ordinary historical beauties.

"Competing for the top ten? Is it that exaggerated?" Wu Yi admitted that the representative of Changsun Sheng has a lot of potential, but the top ten guilds cannot be filled by a few famous generals!After all, now is not the original time. It is not an ordinary difficulty to counterattack the upper ranks when the major powers of the chosen ones have taken a lot of opportunities.

"His guild is called 'Mie Yi League', what do you think!" Zhao Ziyun rolled his eyes and said unhappily.

Destroy the Yi League! ?

Wu Yi smiled wryly, as Zhao Ziyun said, the timing was well chosen!There are a lot of angry youths in today's society. In reality, most of them are just talking about it, but it is different in the game.

At this time, with such a guild name, there is no need to worry about the popularity of the guild. Most of the non-guild elite players who focused on adventure before will probably receive a lot. With momentum, there is no shortage of guild members. As long as the core strength can Hold on, keep hyping and hype, and you will be able to squeeze into the top [-] soon.As for competing for the top ten guilds, unless he can come up with a group of top players, it will be impossible in a short time.

"As long as you don't become hostile to us, you can gossip together if it's okay." On this point, Wu Yi is very open-minded. He never thought about fighting the world alone.Right now, his plan is to continue to consolidate the foundation of the south, gain a foothold in the north, and dominate the East China Sea.As long as he doesn't make trouble for him, it has nothing to do with him whether the Mieyi League can enter the top ten guilds.

"You said it so lightly, the north is already crowded, okay?" Zhao Ziyun said depressingly.

Leaving aside the melee of the empire, the foreign race, and the rebels, Xiang Yu and Liu Bei are the heroes squatting in the north, and recently Min Ran has squeezed in.The power of God's Chosen is even more frightening. The Seven Sins League, Hetu League, Changshan League, Dynasty, Heaven, plus a Supreme in the north, half of the top ten guilds are here. The words are right.

If more forces join in, the other parties will definitely get less. Even if it doesn't affect it now, it will definitely be a big hidden danger in the future.

"The territory of the Mieyi League is also set in the north?" Wu Yi is a little surprised. It takes a lot of courage to set the old nest in the north at this time. It seems that there is a mess here. During the war, everything It may happen that if the territory of the Chosen One is destroyed, the blow will be no less than that of the aborigines.

"It's in the north of the central part, but Moyun wants to grab a foreign or rebel city as a base and nail it to the north!"

"What are you afraid of, you can surrender, they can't surrender, who knows what will happen in the end!" Wu Yi sneered, but he still didn't have the courage to put all his eggs in one basket!Since they took the name "Mie Yi League", their position is already doomed.It is possible to create a rebellion against the Hongyu Empire, but it is absolutely impossible to die with a foreign race!
"Fucking surrender, can't you say something good?" Zhao Ziyun gave Wu Yi a dissatisfied look, and then helped Wu Yi fill up the wine glass. "Are you sure Huo Shao is fine, so you don't need to transfer Wei Qing over? I feel that Huo Shao is still a little younger than his uncle now."

"Huo Qubing has no chance to grow up if he wants to squat in the south!" How can Wu Yi not know that Wei Qing is stronger now, but now Hulu City is only defensive in the southern battlefield, and there will be no war in the short term. In the long run, Huo Qubing should be let go Growth is more profitable, otherwise, if Wei Qing does not come, there will be Geng Yan!
"As long as you don't bump into the main force of the alien race, it's not a big problem!"

"Then I don't worry, I have already made an agreement with your daughter-in-law, if we have the opportunity to act together, we will first raise our reputation."

(End of this chapter)

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