Chapter 1057
A large number of siege vehicles rushed towards the city wall with an attack that covered the sky and covered the sun. The attack of the siege vehicles can ignore the city defense barrier and directly act on the city wall. Although the damage is far less direct than that of the energy cannon, it is still The most difficult thing to deal with is that for walls below the third class, the siege engine is an absolute killer.

However, for the walls of cities above the third class, the damage of the siege engine seems a little weak.If you can reach a first-class city, it is really high and deep, and it cannot be taken down by normal means.

The siege vehicles were also heavy and heavy, and many of them were directly hit by energy cannons during the process, but quite a few rushed through the line of fire.For the targets under the city walls, in historical wars, methods such as stone, wood and gold water were mostly used. At the beginning, this method was not uncommonly used by the gods, but at this stage, this ancient method has long been eliminated Yes, the functions attached to the siege engine are still quite powerful, and the current mainstream is high-end alchemy products!
Things like bombs are expensive, but the effect is very significant!It's just that it takes a lot of time to destroy a siege engine. After all, the things in the hands of the big forces are far from comparable to the strange things that were put together in the hands of the masters.

Every blow of the siege engine will knock down a huge piece of rubble from the city wall. The city defense enchantment is based on the city wall and the magic tower. Once one of the city walls is destroyed by more than a quarter, the enchantment will be destroyed. broken.Moreover, in fact, there is no need to destroy a quarter at all, as long as a large enough gap is opened in the city wall, it is enough for the enemy to break into the city.After all, although the enchantment can defend against most attacks, it cannot block the entry of enemies.

The siege engine came to the bottom of the city, which was already an extremely dangerous signal. The city defenders needed to rely on the city walls. Without the city walls, the advantage of the city defenders would disappear.

For Meng Gong, there is still no new order, just defend the city normally, see the tricks and dismantle the tricks, build a temporary barrier on the city wall, and the gods who guard the Star Extinguishing Ballista are a little anxious. If this continues, it will not take a day. Fort Horn will be destroyed.

On the south side of the high platform where Wu Daozi and the others were, there was also an altar made of white jade. Since Wu Daozi and the others were too prominent, not many people paid attention to it.There are mountain-like magic crystals piled up on the altar, revealing a breath of blindness. Around the altar are a group of gods and priests, as well as nearly ten thousand bright priests.

After assisting the new emperor to ascend the throne, the Guangming Temple has been completely tied to the chariot of the Hongyu Empire. Of course, they have also received a lot of benefits accordingly. The belief areas that originally belonged to other gods were annexed by the Guangming God Quite a few, as long as it is maintained, the state religion will no longer be a dream.

Therefore, apart from the new emperor Xiao Chenguang, the most urgent thing for foreign races to go south is the Temple of Light. Everything has to be spit out.At this time, there is no room for the Temple of Light to stop working hard!

On the various battlefields in the north, in addition to the regular defenders, there are also a large number of forces from the Temple of Light. Compared with the fear of fighting against the Temple of the Underworld, the Temple of Light has no consideration for aliens.

At this moment, all the priests chanted ancient rituals under the leadership of the priest. At this moment, they were the most devout believers praying to their gods.In a blink of an eye, bursts of divine radiance lit up on the altar paved with white jade, and the magic spar piled on it slowly melted in the divine radiance. After swallowing a large number of magic spar, these divine radiance became more and more brilliant up
After a while, these divine splendors fell on the walls, ground and all the buildings of the military fort, forming an illusory city immediately.

Kingdom of Light!

One of the ultimate moves of the Temple of Light, one of the three strongest skills along with Heaven's Gate and Holy Angel's Arrival!

This skill is more rare to see than the first two, at least it is the first time for the Chosen One to see it, even if it is the Chosen One who developed in the Temple of Light system, he has only seen it in books.Its function is to build an illusory city, which can be regarded as a BUFF for the city. While strengthening the defense, the city can obtain a special state that can repair itself.

The Kingdom of Light is quite sharp when defending the city, but this is an extremely expensive skill. Just look at the magic crystals that are constantly melting on the altar. This is definitely not something that ordinary forces can afford.This trick was not deployed in Yunmeng City before, mainly because the larger the coverage of the "Bright Divine Kingdom", the higher the requirements. With the scale of Yunmeng City, it needs to be presided over by at least a demigod-level powerhouse. Possibly, not to mention the resources consumed.

This is also one of Meng Gong's confidence to keep silent!The kingdom of light and the imperial landscape above are perfectly integrated, making the military fort really a kingdom of gods.

Not only confidence!To be precise, Meng Gong planned to use these backhands to make a big deal!
The eagle riders in the air kept pounced in the painting environment, and from time to time, many eagle riders could rush into the enchantment through good luck, but none of them were killed by arrows or magic in an instant.There is also a team of Flying Dragon Knights in the military fort leading Iron Eagle Guards to form another line of defense in the barrier.Even the Hongyu Empire doesn't have many Flying Dragon Knights of the ninth-level legendary rank, and they can only be used as a core in wars and as the power point of the air force.But fortunately, the huge group of legion magicians and archers is enough to make up for this shortcoming.

The siege battle was at a stalemate for a while, and with the blessing of the Kingdom of Light, the role of the siege engine was no longer so obvious. Now the only thing that can climb the city is the three-stage ladder.However, it is not an ordinary difficulty to gain a foothold in the city.

Time flies, and the god-chosen who assisted in defending the battle are all smiling at the soaring achievements. This time, the god-chosen who stayed in the No. 27 military castle undoubtedly made a lot of money.The siege was still going on, and there was already a mountain of corpses under the city. In order to prevent aliens from possessing the undead system, a large number of priests went to the top of the city to purify the corpses under the city.

The purified corpse can no longer be used as the casting material of the undead system, but it will not disappear.While the priest was rushing to purify, the priests among the alien races were also using the corpses to cast a large-scale curse, as if they wanted to grind the imperial defenders to death.

For the alien races going south, as long as they can gain a foothold in this fertile land, dead cannon fodder is not a big deal. As long as they can gain a foothold, they can move the entire tribe here and fulfill their thousand-year dream of returning.After the extreme northern fortress was destroyed, the second batch of alien troops had brought the entire group on the road to the south, and now they needed a site, a site that would allow them to develop stably!
(End of this chapter)

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