The best lord of online games

Chapter 1066: God Weapon System Started

Chapter 1066: God Weapon System Started

Wu Yi didn't know how far this task had to be investigated before he could complete the task, but right now he still had another request for Yunlin.


"What else is there?" This time, Yunlin will personally come forward to help Wu Yi set up the mansion, which is already based on his previous achievements in the north.

"I heard that there are nine great magic soldiers in the empire, and I yearn for it. I want to collect a set of magic weapon illustrations and put them in the library of the territory, so as to better promote the legendary stories behind the magic soldiers to the people."

The masters of the Nine Great Weapons are all very representative figures of the Hongyu Empire. To promote the Nine Great Weapons is tantamount to gaining fame for the empire. It is impossible for Yunlin to disagree with such a good thing, right?According to Wu Yi's understanding, there are many versions of the magic weapon illustrated book, and the possibility that the exquisite illustrated book has special attributes cannot be ruled out!
"That's right! You have a very good idea. Many nobles have collections of the Divine Weapon Illustrated Book. When you leave later, I will give you a set!"

"Thank you Grand Duke, I will go north now!"

"Alright! When you come back, the affairs of the imperial capital will be almost done."

In the end, Yunlin personally sent Wu Yi out of the house, and Wu Yi patted his backpack excitedly. As he expected, there are nine volumes of illustrations, one volume is nothing, but together they have special attributes.

Nine Gods Soldiers Illustrated Book (Special): Increase the morale of soldiers in the territory +5%, the production related to forging +5%, and the training speed of soldiers +5%.

There are not many attributes, so it’s better than nothing, isn’t the territory just adding up to a lot, better than a whiteboard!
After getting the illustrated book, Wu Yi didn't delay much, and returned to Calabash City directly through the teleportation array. Anyway, he still has to come to the Imperial Capital for a day or two, and it won't be too late to do the rest when he comes next time.

"My lord, this is really a surprise for the next one. These are all top-notch boutique illustrations!"

Looking at the nine-volume illustrated book in front of him, Song Yingxing continued to observe it with a look of surprise. The illustrated book is too large to be directly included in "Heavenly Craftsmanship", and can only be photocopied by magic. The original version has to be hung in the Library Pavilion , but photocopying also depends on the quality!
"Mr. Song, the territory of weaving blueprints is trying its best to collect them, and it will take another three or two days at most to collect them all."

"Thank you for your trouble, my lord. I got this item by accident when I was traveling around the world. It's useless to keep it. I might as well give it to my lord." Song Yingxing took out a small wooden box and presented it to Wu Yi.

——System: Congratulations on successfully completing the special part of the mission "Assisting Song Yingxing in compiling "Heavenly Creation of Things"" "Collecting the illustrated book of nine great magic weapons". You will be rewarded with [-] reputation and some experience.


Only [-] reputation?Wu Yi was a little bit disappointed. Doesn't every link in this chain of missions only have experience and reputation?By the way, it's not only prestigious, Wu Yi looked at the poplar wooden box in his hand, isn't there another one!It's a bit overwhelming, and I don't know what it is.

——System: The Chosen Wu Yi successfully completed the relevant tasks, and the "Exclusive Magical Weapon" system was activated to create his own exclusive magic weapon!For details, please go to the neutral place "Ten Directions Realm" through the teleportation array to inquire.

Just when Wu Yi was about to open the box to have a look, new system messages popped up, and there were three messages in a row with the same content, and they were directly posted on the big advertisement, the whole server announcement.

Divine weapon system?

Fuck!This is a bum!
Wu Yi was excited at the moment, not only him, but all the players who saw this announcement were excited to create their own exclusive magic weapon!Exclusive equipment is out!Not to mention exclusive equipment, it must be stronger than holy equipment, but there will definitely be some enhancements in attributes.As soon as this system comes out, such as Xiang Yu's Overlord Spear, Li Yuanba's Golden Hammer, Lu Bu's Fangtian Painting Halberd, Yue Fei's Liquan Spear... will definitely appear in the world soon.

At this time, those who are shopping, leveling, and watching the scenery, as long as they are not on the battlefield, all rushed to the teleportation array, planning to go to the new map "Shifangjie" as soon as possible to check the specific details of the exclusive magic weapon .Now that the magic weapon system comes out, it not only indicates that the famous magic weapons in history will reappear in "Golden Age", but also indicates that players can also have their own exclusive magic weapons. How exciting is this!
Wu Yi is also running to the teleportation formation. Now Song Yingxing is watching the illustrated book of the Nine Great Divine Weapons and has no time to talk to him. The second task of writing the book can be delayed as long as he can. For the highest completion of his task, there is no rush.

Speaking of which, among the famous historical generals in Calabash City, there is not a single weapon that is more famous, not to mention commanders like Wei Qing, Ma Chao has the blessing of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so he is famous, but most people only know that Ma Chao's weapon is A gun, but do you know what kind of gun it is?In this regard, Ma Chao is far inferior to Liu, Guan, Zhang, and Zhao. Among the Three Kingdoms, apart from Lu Bu's weapons, they are the most famous.

How to find this exclusive artifact?

When Wu Yi ran to the teleportation array, there was indeed an additional place for teleportation, the Ten Square Realm!This should be an independent space that does not belong to the main world.

The scene in front of him changed, and Wu Yi appeared in a small town, the sky was dark, black clouds billowed, and there was a huge volcano at the end of his field of vision. The black clouds that lingered in the sky were probably because of this volcano.

"God's Chosen One, welcome to Shifang City. This is the South Teleportation Square. Here is a simplified map of the whole city. If you need it, you can check it yourself." At this moment, a guard in red heavy armor left. Come up, and briefly introduce a few sentences, Hongyu Empire has never had such a good attitude as a city guard.

Wu Yi was the first batch of God's Chosen to rush to Shifang City. At this time, there are dozens of players in the South Teleportation Plaza, and they are still increasing, and the speed of increase is getting faster and faster. It has to be blocked.

Walking to the big map on the side of the square, Wu Yi became familiar with Shifang City as if no one else was there. He is now considered to be the strongest group of influencers among the players. When they saw him, many people around him enthusiastically fought with him. call.

"The lord of May Day is so anxious to pay attention to the divine soldiers!"

"Yes! As long as it can improve the strength, I will pay attention to it!" This is not a perfunctory statement, but a fact. Now there are many holy ranks in Calabash City. It is still far away from the holy rank to the legend. There is no doubt that the exclusive magic weapon It is an excellent way to improve personal strength, and it is also the fastest way.Strengthening high-level power is what Wu Yi has been doing all the time.

"Boss Wuyi, is your studio still accepting people? Give me a spot, the eighth-level shadow assassin, definitely awesome!"

"Assassins have a useless thing, can they go to the battlefield? Boss Wuyi, my younger brother is Leifa, and his output is absolutely leveraged." It's not that assassins can't go to the battlefield, but they have too high requirements for timing, and they are not as capable as magicians. mix.

"What the hell are you talking about, one-on-one, a trash magician, believe it or not, I can't get you out of the house after killing you."

The people around him quarreled without saying a word, which made Wu Yi feel dizzy for a while. His studio is not a guild, and the members of the studio are all paid. How could it be possible to open up income like a guild? Besides, At this stage, those who have just stepped into the eighth level can no longer be called elites. Elites are above the eighth level and sixth level!

"Thank you for looking up to me, but there is no plan to recruit new ones recently. There should be plans after the Spring Festival. Brothers who have ideas can pay attention to the external information platform of Calabash City."

(End of this chapter)

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