The best lord of online games

Chapter 1214 Purple Jade Dragon

Chapter 1214 Purple Jade Dragon

When Yao Yueshan entered the temple, she reported to the commander of the Saintess Guardian Corps, but at this moment, a sound of conch shells came from the mermaid's hometown, and countless mermaids lifted into the air and flew out of the barrier. An atmosphere of tension and panic began to permeate .

"What happened?"

Wu Yi looked into the distance with some surprise, could it be that the sea monster is attacking?impossible!Even if the sea monsters are rougher and thicker than the mermaids, they are not to the extent that they can ignore the poison in this sea area. This poison does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. This sea area received the same treatment as the mermaid clan.

The attention of the mermaid in the air is not just in front, but all the surrounding waters. Since Yao Yueshan has already taken it, there is no need to rush for a while. At this time, the mermaid queen was standing on the deck of the battleship with a group of priests and guards.

When Wu Yi flew onto the battleship, he also saw the source of the mermaid's vigilance. There were black corpses floating in the dark green poisonous water around them. Black scales.

"What is this?" Wu Yi knew a lot about sea beasts, but he had never seen this one before him.

"Purple Jade Dragon! The oldest species of sea snake." The mermaid queen looked at the snake corpses that kept floating up, with a deep worry on her face.

"Isn't this black?" The gap between the name and the appearance is too big.

"The lord sees these now. They are all in the first stage of the purple jade dragon. The purple jade dragon has eight transformation stages in total, and there are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple on top. When it reaches the last stage, the snake's body will be crystal clear. Such as jade, that's why it got its name. Whether it is growing or transforming, purple jade dragons need poison. The more poisonous they are, but if they are in clean water, they will die soon." The mermaid high priest explained to Wu Yi.

Rainbow colors!

When these purple jade dragons enter the mermaid hometown, the biggest impact on the mermaid clan is that it will make it more difficult for them to detoxify. If these purple jade dragons are all transformed to the top level, then the mermaid hometown will really be uninhabitable.

"Purple jade dragons have extremely strict requirements on the living environment. I thought they would have been extinct long ago, but I didn't expect..." The high priest looked bitter. A tsunami would be enough to sweep it away, but the reason why the venom of the hydra is so distasteful is that it will only spread and spread on its own, and is not affected by external forces. Whether it is a tsunami or a storm, it cannot make it move half a minute .

"Turn on the magic beam of light!" Wu Yi immediately ordered the soldiers on the battleship. Right now, the mermaids cannot go into the water. Although their skills are still sharp, there is no guarantee that they can clear them all. The magic light beams equipped on the six battleships are extremely effective. At this time, Wu Yi really felt that the mermaid's hometown is really big, more than twice the size of the five-color sea of ​​the sea clam clan.

The light of the magic light beam blasted into the water, immediately adding a layer of magnificent gleam to the dark green sea water. The firing interval of the magic light beam is longer than that of ordinary magic cannons, but this time can be shortened by physical cooling, but the surrounding The seawater is all eroded by poison, and it is obviously unrealistic to use this method.

The number of purple jade dragons entering the mermaid's hometown was beyond Wu Yi's imagination, but in a short moment, large pieces of purple jade dragon corpses appeared around, and a layer of black snake corpses floated on the dark green sea, which was amazing to see The human scalp is numb.

The sea is churning, and the tornado reaches the sky!At this moment, the powerhouses of the mermaid clan exploded, causing the entire mermaid hometown to churn instantly, and the countless purple jade dragons hidden under the water were smashed to pieces.Such a large number of purple jade dragons may be incomprehensible to ordinary people, but it is not difficult for the mermaids to kill them. Maybe if these purple jade dragons can transform to the highest stage, they can make the mermaids feel a little bit restrained.

In a short period of time, the number of Ziyulong was killed less than [-], but the face of the high priest became more and more gloomy, "Ziyulong has a suitable environment, and its reproductive ability is extremely terrifying. Killing like this alone is almost impossible to kill!"

Once the purple jade dragon starts to transform, it will become very difficult to deal with. At that time, it will be at least ten times more difficult for the mermaids to clear this poisonous sea area.

"Hurry up, send the children of the clan into the dark river, and let the holy maiden handle the artifact!" the Mermaid Queen ordered decisively.As a clan of gods, the mermaid clan has two artifacts, one is controlled by the saint, and the other is controlled by the queen, but for some reason, Wu Yi has never seen her take out the artifact controlled by the mermaid queen.

"According to ancient records, although Zi Yulong reproduces quickly in a suitable environment, it is not completely impossible to contain it. Lord, I need to ask you to help purchase some materials, the sooner the better." While speaking, the mermaid queen took out He drew a blank scroll, and with a faint blue light on his right index finger, he wrote quickly on the scroll, and handed it to Wu Yi when he finished writing.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, these items will be delivered to the mermaid's hometown in at most three days. If Your Majesty is willing to open the teleportation array, then I guarantee that these materials will be delivered within one day." Wu Yi carefully read all the information on the scroll. Writing materials, these things are not so rare, most of the warehouses in various cities have them, even if they are not available, he can get them in the shortest time, and the most time-consuming thing is the voyage on the road.

It can be seen from the sea clam race that it is not that there are no teleportation arrays among these special races that hide from the world, but they are xenophobic, or have no sense of security.After the Haiceng tribe's clan was rebuilt, their teleportation arrays had already communicated with Gourd City and Ghost Crab City.

"The teleportation array can be activated, but only 'access' level permissions can be activated at most, I am very sorry for that."

"Access" level requires the consent of the other party to pass every time the teleportation array is used. This is safer for both parties, but it will be more cumbersome and time-consuming to use.

"That's enough. This will make it much more convenient for me to come to the mermaid's hometown in the future. I will go back to Calabash City to prepare materials. When I come next time, I will bring Grandmaster Sun with me. I hope he can provide some help for the nobles."

"Thank you Lord!"

What happened to the mermaid clan indicates that the war in the sea is about to break out completely. In this battle, no matter whether it is the empire's two sea fleets, the sea clan, or the gourd city, they can't stay out of it. Whether it is really a sea monster or not is no longer important. If you want to control the right to speak in the sea, you must show the power that all forces will face up to in the next battle!

Obviously, with the current sea power of Calabash City, it is still a little bit short.

(End of this chapter)

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