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Chapter 1216 The Second Batch of Reinforcements Arrives

Chapter 1216 The First Batch of Reinforcement Arrives

Baoyue City

"Boss Jin, we can't delay any longer. Tonight at the most, Crescent Moon Town is bound to be turned into ruins!" Boss East was in a hurry in front of Brother Jin. Since last night, he organized people to head towards the outside of Crescent Moon Town. The enemy's blockade launched more than a dozen counterattacks, but they all failed in the end, and they have not been able to pick up Yan Liang.

Whether it is delaying or not, Bosston has given up a long time ago. He just wants to take Yan Liang out now. If Yan Liang dies in battle, he will be very heartbroken, but it is not unacceptable. He is afraid that Yan Liang will die. No!Judging from the previous times of rushing into the battle, the opponent obviously wanted to catch them alive, so they did not hesitate to increase the casualties by nearly [-]%!
Although during this period, the strength of the Sea God Guild continued to return from outside, but the people from Nanshan Nursing Home and Dragon Soul also continued to enter Baoyue City. It is closer to the Central Plains.

"What's the hurry! In two hours at most, my first batch of troops will arrive. I want to see if I dare to put all my eggs in one basket this time on May [-]st." Brother Jin sneered. The Sea God Guild is his vassal force. Baoyue City is also bordering on Wuyi's forces, so this place deserves to be his front line against Calabash City. Therefore, it cannot be easily lost here. This is not only related to his face, but also his prestige among the subordinate forces under his command. Drag Wuyi's leg up.

"Two hours? You should be able to hold on for two hours!" Boseton sighed. With the Nanshan Nursing Home dragging along in Xianyue Town, the main force of the Dragon Soul almost turned the other areas of Baoyue City upside down. The original plan A lot of people and supplies that were withdrawn to the main city were robbed on the way, and the whole Baoyue City is now in chaos, but he can't care about these now.

He also asked King Dongping for help before, but the other party then kicked this burden back to the Central Plains, saying that the problem of the God-Chosen should be solved by the God-Chosen, and everything will wait until the imperial power in the south is eradicated. Almost scolded, Baoyue City and Dongping City are only separated by a Bee Chewing Valley, not to mention anything else, as long as Dongping King is willing to support an air force, they can reach the battlefield almost in a blink of an eye.

"Don't rush to die all the time, keep a group of elites, and wait for my troops to arrive in order to launch a counterattack. Even if Yan Liang is really captured, as long as they drag them, they can't transfer Yan Liang away." With the idea of ​​capturing famous generals, why didn't he?
At present, the army of Calabash City has not yet entered the arena, and only two vassal guilds have entered Baoyue City. The famous generals controlled by these two guilds, Brother Jin said that he doesn't like one, oh yes, there is one he can take a fancy to , Wei Rui!But he has already caught him, and Wei Rui has loosened up a bit recently, and he must be able to surrender soon.It doesn't matter if the famous general is weak, it's better than nothing, isn't it!And if you catch them alive, you can also weaken the strength of the hostile forces to the greatest extent and hit their morale, why not do it?
"Don't worry, Boss Jin. I have prepared [-] main forces here. As soon as Boss's reinforcements arrive, I will be able to cooperate immediately."

"That's good!" Jin Ge smiled lightly, thinking about his own affairs, what he really cared about was Wei Qing!Among the famous generals exposed under May [-]st, Wang Meng and Huo Qubing are the leaders in the north, and Wei Qing is the leader in the south. Wei Qing is in the south. As long as the battle in Baoyue City remains stalemate, he will definitely enter the field.It's just that if you want to capture a first-class commander, it is far more difficult than capturing a first-class military general, and you have to plan well.

Turning my attention back to the battlefield of Xianyue Town, the fighting here has almost never stopped. Either the troops from the Nanshan Nursing Home attacked the town, or the troops from the Sea God Guild attacked the front of the Nanshan Nursing Home from inside and outside. It took only two days for the battle to start, and both sides died in battle. There are already tens of thousands of personnel, and neither side has paid much, but the Nanshan Nursing Home, which has always taken the initiative, has gained a lot of equipment, which can be regarded as making up for the loss and making a small profit. It is a pure loss, without any gain.

The battle here has attracted a large number of game journalists. For this reason, an independent special area has been set up on the forum to track and report on this completely player-led battle.

"Bomb all the walls!"

After receiving the support of follow-up war equipment, the city defense barrier of Xianyue Town was finally broken, but Yan Yan was not in a hurry, and a strong attack would only bring greater losses. It doesn't make much sense, just flatten all the walls on all sides, and then it will be much easier to launch a general attack. As for Yan Liang, as long as he doesn't stand under the gunfire and commit suicide, there shouldn't be any problems.

At this time, Wei Qing still hasn't dispatched troops, but the Golden Corpse Army of the Demonic Army of Calabash City has already begun to gather on the border of Baoyue City. Tomorrow at the latest, the support army is bound to be able to kill here, so Yan Yan is not afraid Tow, moreover, someone from Calabash City had already arrived first, which made his heart sink even more.

Amidst the roar of energy cannons, time passed quickly, and the walls of the east city and south city were already in ruins. During this period, the Sea God's Guild still resolutely launched several harassments, but the effect was not obvious.As for Xianyue Town, it has lost the ability to fight back.The war equipment began to move to the west and north, and at the same time, the east and south also began to move forward, further shrinking the front and suppressing the morale of the opponent.

At this moment, a large number of reinforcements from the Sea God Guild rushed into the Viper Valley in the west and headed towards Crescent Moon Town. At the same time, there were overwhelming flying forces, the most striking of which were those wearing black leather armor and riding peacocks. Demon Archer, Peacock Demon Archer!This was originally a special unit of Peacock City, but through continuous raids in the Central Plains, they finally obtained the training method, allowing Jiuding City to have the first air cavalry.

The Peacock Demon Bow Guard is only rank nine, but its combat power should not be underestimated. The first batch of reinforcements in the Central Plains are [-] Peacock Demon Bow Guards, as well as Lu Wenlong and Yang Shuang!

In the air, besides the Peacock Archers, there are also a large number of elite players from the Sea God Guild, including archers, priests, and magicians. Their task is to assist and protect these Peacock Archers.

The first batch of reinforcements consisted of [-] troops, and they smashed through the blockade jointly set up by the Nanshan Nursing Home and Dragon Soul along the way, and rushed to the front of Xianyue Town in an extremely powerful manner.As a result, Yan Yan's plan to blast the wall had to be shelved, otherwise, those war instruments would be completely exposed to the enemy's soldiers.

The opponent's speed was somewhat beyond Yan Yan's expectations. There is no rush for a strong attack now, and the three lines of west, south, and north must be occupied right now, otherwise Yan Liang, who has been blocked for two days, will fly away.

 There are two more chapters soon

(End of this chapter)

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