The best lord of online games

Chapter 1218 Yan Liang was captured

Chapter 1218 Yan Liang was captured
The coalition army seems to be powerful, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, the coach will not be the only one.

Just like in front of you, this Sea God Guild has 1 reinforcements, almost no cannon fodder, but Yang Shuang, who has the strongest command ability, only has 1 peacock bow guards, and he can only draw 1 people. The power of the formed army.The rest belonged to the Sea God Guild, among which players accounted for more than [-] points, and the aborigines also had more than [-] soldiers, but their coach was an aborigine with a command of only [-] years old, and his talents and specialties were quite average. , he couldn't use the strength of the army to enter a long-distance attack, and naturally it was impossible to cooperate with Yang Shuang to kill the emperor's corpse.

But if you can't kill it, don't you shoot?Obviously impossible!
Yang Shuang, who was in the guard of the Peacock Demon Bow, immediately waved his hand, and a golden sword light condensed by the power of the army suddenly descended. It touched the left chest of the emperor's corpse, which looked extremely shocking.

However, the emperor's corpse is a refined corpse, and the corpse emperor in the corpse refinement is an undead creature, so what if his heart is pierced?This is not his vital point at all, at most it can cause serious damage.


The sword of military strength dissipated slowly, and the somewhat frightening mouth of the emperor's corpse let out a piercing roar. The wound on his chest did not shed any blood, but only emitted a slight black smoke.

After all, the refining corpse is a man-made thing, and it does not possess superior wisdom like Gao Gao. The fighting power of the emperor's corpse is stronger, but it is less flexible when fighting.Fortunately, he is quite durable, as long as he is not completely annihilated, he can rely on his talent "killing" and the racial ability "indestructible corpse" to continuously recover his combat power. As long as he kills fast enough, the effect will be better than leading a group of Pastor is better.

If one blow fails, Yang Shuang can no longer continue. He only has [-] soldiers. If he consumes the power of the army wantonly, then his [-] troops will soon be useless on the battlefield.The power of an army has always been a double-edged sword. It may become a decisive blow, but it may also ruin the entire army!
The focus of the competition in the Central Plains is only on the famous generals such as Wei Qing and Xiao Mahe. They don't know the existence of Li Mi, let alone the existence of the newly refined emperor's corpse. It is precisely because of these that the lightning The rush to help will be hindered, and Lu Wenlong alone will not be able to break through the blockade of these two people. If the stalemate continues, as the casualties of both sides increase, the emperor's corpse will transform into more and more zombies.

After weighing the pros and cons, Yang Shuang decisively took his [-] Peacock Demon Bow Guards up to a higher sky, bypassing the main force of the Nanshan Nursing Home, intending to unite with the remnant army in Xianyue Town to jointly attack the weak defense of the opponent The area, that is, the east!Since it has the advantage of flying arms, it is natural to use it!

"Want to go?"

As a famous rebel in history, although An Lushan is slightly behind Yang Shuang, it does not mean that he is really weak. With the advantage of military strength, he is enough to make up for the gap between the first-rate and the second-rate to a certain extent. gap.

Of course, above the main force of the Nanshan Nursing Home, a yellow cloud soared into the sky. The second-rate commander's use of the power of the army was very rough, and the attack was far from sharp, but it was extremely easy to use power to suppress people. So what if such an attack would waste most of the army's power, I can afford it!
Faced with the impact of the power of the army, he can only fight with the power of the army, otherwise there will be large-scale casualties. As a last resort, Yang Shuang can only defend with the power of the army.After consuming a large amount of army power twice, even with Yang Shuang's ability bonus, the combat power of these peacock bow guards could not be maintained at the ninth level.

Then, a large number of long-distance professionals riding flying mounts, magicians using levitation, and ascetics with swords took off one after another, and followed the peacock bow guards in the sky from a distance. No matter where they attacked, they would be able to attack immediately Reinforcement at a time, although such casualties will increase a lot, but it can ensure that these people cannot rescue the remnant army of Xianyue Town who is surrounded by heavy forces. Without enough strength, even if Yan Liang can fly, he can't get away!

After the battle was stalemate for a while, the reinforcements from the Sea God Guild had to retreat temporarily, waiting for more reinforcements.In this battle, the casualties of both sides were extremely heavy. The losses of the Sea God Guild were mainly concentrated on the frontal battlefield. Such a result can only be achieved without the opponent's knowledge. Next time, when the opponent is prepared, the zombie army will not be able to spawn so easily.

The casualties on the side of the Nanshan Nursing Home were mostly concentrated in the subsequent tug-of-war with the Peacock Demon Bow Guard. When there were no flying units as support, the opponent wanted to play guerrilla warfare, which was very difficult to deal with.Even if the opponent had used the strength of the army twice before, causing his average combat power to drop to nine ranks, but in the end, the casualty ratio still exceeded one to five!

However, in the end, Nanshan Nursing Home won this battle, but it was not a big victory, but there was still a victory waiting for them to reap.The reinforcements retreated, and Xianyue Town, which had lost two city walls, had no power to fight anymore. When the reinforcements arrived, they failed to rush out several times. There is no strong commander or counselor to stabilize the morale of the army. At the moment when the reinforcements retreated, many defenders of Crescent Moon Town threw down their weapons and escaped to surrender. Right now, they only need to press in from all sides, and the dilapidated Crescent Moon Town will be destroyed. Can be easily taken off.

Attack the town!

Following An Lushan's order, the armies from the east and south invaded the town at the same time, and there was no need to bombard the city walls on the west and north, as long as they guarded the city gate and cut off their retreat.

When the morale of the aborigine army collapses, its combat power is far weaker than that of the players. At this time, the generals are extremely weak. They cannot integrate the army at all, and everything is powerless.

After beheading all the players of the Sea God Guild in Xianyue Town and capturing the original soldiers, only Yan Liang was left to fight alone. At this time, Yan Liang was surrounded by layers of shield guards holding heavy shields. Near the ruins of the East City, even if his ultimate move could open a gap and kill hundreds of people with one blow, he would be surrounded to death immediately afterward, and tenacious big nets were thrown towards him from all around. His big sword cut through the first, second, and third floors, but more nets fell on him, restricting his movement, and he lost his fighting power after a while, and was tightly bound on the first floor. Another layer of the big net.

(End of this chapter)

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