Chapter 1228
Li Shimin didn't kill Wu Yi, but let him leave Iron Tooth City. He still has this kind of heart. Besides, what's the point of killing a God Chosen? any sense.

Wu Yi, who left Iron Tooth City, removed his disguise and went directly to Meng Ao's camp. He needed Meng Ao to hold Li Shimin here.It is true that Calabash City looks much stronger than the current Li Shimin, but don't forget that once Dragon Soul City starts fighting, Calabash City will be fighting on the third front.In this way, it is not him dragging the Central Plains in Baoyue City, but the Central Plains is dragging him!At the same time, it is impossible for Mayi City in the north to divide his troops back for the time being. It is too far away. It is impossible for him to transport troops in a teleportation formation unless it is a last resort. The cost is too high. However, is it possible to transport one or two generals? question.

Right now, Xiao Mahe has returned from Shifang City. With him, Baoyue City's top combat power is enough. Before the battle of Dragon Soul City is over, Wu Yi does not plan to send experts to Shifang City for the time being.Zhu Rong can advance to Dragon Soul City. With her there, at least to a certain extent, the opponent's strong attack can be delayed. After Huo Jun arranges the army on board, he will also come over through the teleportation array, and he will lead the air force that is about to reach Dragon Soul City , The combat power can be stronger, but unfortunately, Huo Jun's ability cannot be added to the defense force of the Dragon Soul Guild.

What's more, Wu Yi intends to get the emperor's corpse back from Li Mi's hands. Before the main force of Calabash City lands, the army in Dragon Soul City will be extremely scarce. With the emperor's corpse, at least it can block the opponent's commander at a critical moment. An attack or two.As for the forces of the Dragon Soul Guild that entered Baoyue City, Wu Yi didn't plan to call them back. The fighting power was mediocre in the first place, and a lot of time was wasted going back and forth.

At this time, Wu Yi can only act as the "porter". There is no way, he has the moonlight donkey, and he is the fastest to travel everywhere.

After receiving the news, the worried Long Zhantian also committed suicide and returned to the city. Right now, he is leading all the people in Dragon Soul City to arrange a large number of simple and practical traps around the city. War consumables such as energy spars have been moved to various preparation areas for easy replenishment.

Now that he knew Wu Yi's attitude, Li Shimin naturally had to speed up his actions. After Wu Yi left Iron Tooth City, the second batch of troops, led by Li Daozong, went south overnight with a large number of war equipment, preparing to meet Cheng Yaojin.

"Hurry up, hurry up and set up a few more layers of traps."

Dragon Soul City, Long Zhantian jumped up and down and roared. Around the city, in addition to terrain traps, there are also a large number of magic traps. Magic traps are more powerful, but this belongs to the scope of skills, and corresponding skills can also be used There are many occupations that have such skills, but is there such a thing in Cheng Yaojin's former army?
"General Huo, do you think there is anything else that needs to be prepared?" After finishing all this, Long Zhantian was still uneasy and found Huo Jun who arrived first.

"Dragon City Lord don't need to be so nervous. The rebel army is so fast. They must not carry large siege equipment. If they want to attack by force, I am confident that they can hold the city without losing it." Huo Jun smiled lightly, as long as the city defense is not lost , He has the confidence to deal with any offensive.

"That's good, that's good!" As long as he can hold on, until the main force of Calabash City arrives, the crisis will be resolved.

All the forces in Dragon Soul City have been handed over to Huo Jun. Zhu Rong stood alone on the head of the North City. After turning into a witch clan, she became more belligerent.

As time went by, Wu Yi had brought the emperor's corpse to Dragon Soul City again. After estimating the speed of Cheng Yaojin's march, he hurriedly went offline and slept for nearly three hours. When he went online again, In Dragon Soul City, the sound of killing was already shaking the sky, and the flames were full of flames.


A huge explosion sounded from the sky above Dragon Soul City. During the non-stop explosion, the barrier of the city pool flickered and swayed, blocking the view of the city to a certain extent.

It's an enchantment blasting crystal!It seems that the online time is still a bit late.

Even if Wu Yidang rushed to the North City with the emperor's corpse, the light over there was the most intense, and the city defense equipment on the city wall roared, constantly venting terrifying damage. Such damage is not something soldiers can resist, as long as they touch the , all of them were directly killed in seconds, but it's just a pity that the Dragon Soul Guild has just attached to Wu Yi not long ago, and many of the special war equipment in Calabash City have not been sent to Dragon Soul City. In Wu Yi's view, the city defense of Dragon Soul City is really a bit Weak.

When Wu Yifei went to the top of the city, he finally saw the siege battle in front of him clearly. The ground in front of the city wall had become potholed, which was obviously caused by the temporary traps before, but Wu Yi was a little surprised by the siege battle in front of him. .

A large number of water elementals launched a desperate charge towards the city. These water elementals are not creatures of the elemental world, but formed by magic. These water elementals are wrapped in a large number of enchantment blasting crystals. As long as they are close to the enchantment, these water elementals will They will all explode at the same time, producing a terrifying impact on the enchantment.

Can you still play like this?
However, there are not many water elementals that can break through the barriers and approach the barrier. Even if each water elemental explodes, the damage is extremely considerable, but it is not enough to break the barrier of the city defense in a short time.Huo Jun, Zhu Rong, Long Zhantian and others are all here. Wu Yi looks at Cheng Yaojin under the banner of the army in the distance. The ability is also quite good, so it is extremely difficult to behead him in the army.

But just as Wu Yi was thinking about it, a large number of cracks suddenly appeared on the barrier of the city defense, and then shattered violently in an explosion, making Wu Yi, who didn't know the whole story, dumbfounded.

So fast! ?

how come!
Wu Yi was a little surprised. The enchantment blasting crystal has a significant effect on the enchantment, but after all, the explosion range is small, and at the same time, it cannot enter a long-distance attack. If you want to attack the enchantment, you must get close. What exactly does Cheng Yaojin use? The way to smash a large number of enchantment blasting crystals on the city defense barrier of Dragon Soul City?These water elements?Obviously impossible!

"How could this be?" Wu Yi immediately turned his head to look at Long Zhantian, whose face turned black.

"There was a traitor in the guild, and a large number of enchantment blasting crystals were directly detonated at the beginning of the war, so..." Long Zhantian gritted his teeth and said with an ugly face.


Wu Yi was extremely speechless after hearing this. Such things as traitors are always unavoidable in the game. I just don’t know which side the traitor who cheated Dragon Soul at this critical moment is from, but obviously the other party is Standing on Li Shimin's side.

However, Huo Jun didn't say anything about it. The enchantment blasting crystal only has a miraculous effect on the enchantment, and has no effect on the city wall at all. As long as the opponent does not have a large number of powerful war equipment, he is confident that he can block any attack in a short time. enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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