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Chapter 1230 Resurrection of Elements, Blessed General

Chapter 1230 Resurrection of Elements, Blessed General


Zhu Rong, who was covered in raging flames all over his body, rushed into the enemy's formation, instantly engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, Cheng Yaojin and his general flag were also instantly swallowed up, illuminating half of the sky, forming a strange scene on the battlefield scenery.

Zhu Rong's fighting style has always been the most violent, and she is better at overwhelming people with power. As long as she can't be suppressed, the two incomplete fields that have been opened and the passive flames that have been spreading are enough to drag people to collapse .After the emperor's corpse plunged headlong into the sea of ​​flames, it had already disappeared. This was also a problem for Zhu Rong during the battle, that is, the obscuring vision regardless of enemy and friend.

Wu Yi looked nervously at the flickering sea of ​​flames, but this time the fire element did not last long. A light blue ball of light opened up the sea of ​​flames, and then spread rapidly to the surroundings. Under the shroud, it instantly extinguished and disappeared, and calmness was restored again.

field!This is real territory!

Ma Dan, unexpectedly hiding a legendary strong man, is really tolerable!

The water system domain is the temple of tides?

The relationship between Li Shimin and the Temple of Chaos is really close. At this time, the Temple of Chaos is willing to dispatch legendary strongmen to help Li Shimin fight.This legendary powerhouse did not make a move before because he was not sure to protect himself when he rushed to the city. You must know that when attacking the city, whether it is the strength of the army or the joint attack of the magic tower, it is enough to threaten the legendary The power of a master.

But if the other party delivered it to the door, it would be completely different.

"Huo Jun!" Wu Yi yelled, and he stared closely at Zhu Rong and the emperor's corpse that were shrouded in the domain. Zhu Rong's two incomplete domains propped up a small crimson area in the complete water system domain. , the situation of the imperial corpse is similar, the only difference is that his domain is light black.

The most correct way is to fight the domain with the domain, but it is very likely that whether it is Zhu Rong or the emperor's corpse, their domains are incomplete. It is only in terms of being able to reduce the pressure of the field on them.

A holy rank, a false legend, is still too dangerous when facing a real legend, so Wu Yi immediately asked Huo Jun to provide remote support.

There is only one way Huo Jun can support, and that is the power of the army!Although there are only 5000 soldiers who provide Huo Jun with the strength of the army, don't forget that among the 5000 soldiers, the lowest level is the super soldiers of the ninth level, and there are even [-] Tianzun Dao soldiers of the ninth level. In terms of the upper limit of the strength of the army, it is actually not too small.

A group of light yellow army pressed on the light blue field, and immediately suppressed the field by a circle. Unfortunately, Huo Jun had fewer chances to participate in the battle before. Up to now, he is still one step away from being first-class. The use of the power of the army is very rough, and it is impossible to use the power of the army to launch the strongest attack.

But being able to do this is enough. As long as the role of the domain is limited, the gap between the legend and the holy rank is just a simple difference in basic attributes. , he happens to have rough skin and thick flesh, so let's play slowly.

While being entangled by the emperor's corpse, the legendary master violently squeezed a dark blue, ice-like crystal ball in his hand. At the same time, a light drizzle began to fall from the sky. Light blue light continuously flickered, and these light quickly condensed into a body with water elements.

Elemental resurrection! ?
This skill is equivalent to the legendary Great Resurrection of the God of Light, but resurrection is a magical skill that only gods can master, but elemental resurrection is different. Elemental resurrection is only for elemental creatures, and it is not a real resurrection. A dead elemental creature is equivalent to a replica.

How many water elements were killed when attacking the city defense barrier before?How could there be [-] to [-]? If a legendary power wants to revive such a huge amount of water elements, it must rely on external force, and this external force is the water magic spar carried by the siege soldiers before, even if most of them The soldiers were all killed in battle, but the water magic spar remained on the battlefield and under the city wall. This was enough. The resurrected water elemental army instantly reversed the disadvantage of the attacking side.

So this is Cheng Yaojin's trump card!

The appearance of the water element instantly replaced the original siege army, and launched a charge on the city wall. The water element is also an element, as long as it is an element, it has a characteristic. They all move by floating. It is much easier to rush up the city wall by the ladder than ordinary soldiers, and they have a lot of magic skills.

But it doesn't matter, it is not so easy to break through the city wall.Due to the characteristics of the arms, neither the Heavenly Venerable Taoist Soldiers nor the Sunset Arrow Guards are suitable to stand in the front. This is the time for the Dragon Soul Cannon Fodder to perform.People from the Dragon Soul blocked the front line in exchange for the space for the [-] soldiers of Calabash City to output with peace of mind. At the same time, the water magic tower, which was not good at damage to water elements, was fully converted to support. After all, they are summoned creatures, and they are not subject to the commander attribute bonus, and their combat power does not have any increase.

The flames of war had already reached the top of the city. When the legendary strong man was temporarily restrained by the emperor's corpse, Zhu Rong continued to attack Cheng Yaojin. At this time, Cheng Yaojin was not Zhu Rong's opponent in a one-on-one fight. Zhou Cang, who was guarding him, was also incapable, and had no choice but to continue to use the power of the army.

In order to provide sufficient conditions for the resurrection of the elements, the army controlled by Cheng Yaojin suffered a lot of losses. Now the deployment of the army has to be carefully planned. If it cannot spread, even using Vulcan's Wrath or Red Lotus Hell will not have a very good effect. At this time, it can only rely on pure combat power.

After Zhu Rong shot Zhou Cang, he finally found a chance to face Cheng Yaojin, and resisted the force of the army. The golden dragon roaring halberd in Zhu Rong's hand was like an angry dragon soaring into the abyss, and the tip of the halberd pointed straight at Cheng Yaojin's head like a shooting star. left breast.However, when the halberd touched Cheng Yaojin, a faint golden light suddenly flashed across his chest, and his body retreated seven or eight steps after the impact, but he did not suffer any damage. This is definitely not something that equipment can do. Effect!

Is this the effect of "Fortune General"?It's really weird!

Wu Yi still knows too little about the "lucky" attribute, and people with "lucky" abilities are also extremely rare. He only knows that once he enters the lucky state, the trigger probability of some original low-probability events will be infinitely reduced. Magnification, such as damage immunity!
However, as long as there is no meteorite falling from the sky to hit Dragon Soul City tonight, then the most dangerous battle in Dragon Soul City will be passed safely. It won't take long for those water elements to be wiped out. Without water elements, The rest of the soldiers still don't want to rush to the top of the city. It is impossible for Cheng Yaojin to capture Dragon Soul City, but most of the city's defenses have collapsed because of this, and it will be difficult to defend it again.

(End of this chapter)

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