Chapter 1232

When the light of dawn tore through the night and descended on the land, the fleet that had appeared from Ghost Crab Island had finally arrived in the surrounding waters. As for the six warships that set out from Hulucheng City, it would take some time to arrive.Starting from Ghost Crab Island is the navy under the command of Yu Dayou. Except for a small number of infantry, the fleet mainly transports the war equipment needed to defend the city.

Since the League of Seven Sins gave him an excellent excuse, Wu Yi will naturally cherish it. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he will simply solve the hidden dangers of Penglai City at once. There will be a qualitative leap in power.Xiaguang City, Calabash City, Penglai City, Dragon Soul City, the four cities are connected as one, coupled with his powerful sea power, he will become a force that can rival Zhenhai City.

As for offending the Liu family of Shenyu City, Wu Yi is not worried at all, and he has no intention of rebelling. He will always send the Hongyu Empire to the grave, and His Majesty the Emperor will protect him.

It's a pity that it's a bit difficult to counterattack Iron Tooth City, and he has to consider the issue of Donghai Kingdom. It's definitely a sinkhole. It's better to block Li Shimin to the north and try the water of Donghai Kingdom.

"I'm leaving first, you should keep an eye on it here." The next thing is to go to Zhenhai City first, Wu Yi has no time to spend here.

"Boss, how long will it take for reinforcements?" Long Zhantian asked nervously. Without reinforcements, he would not be able to withstand Li Shimin's next attack.

"Hurry up! Don't worry, we will definitely arrive before the next siege." Calabash City's reinforcements traveled by water. Although the distance was much longer than Iron Tooth City to Dragon Soul City, the speed was faster. With the battleship here, there is no need to consider that war equipment will slow down the marching speed. The only question now is how long Penglai City can hold him back.

Wu Yi stepped onto the teleportation formation and teleported directly to Zhenhai City. Ever since the East China Sea Fleet went north from the Bailong River to support the northern battlefield, Yunlin returned from the imperial capital and stayed in Zhenhai City.What he has to do now is to obtain Yunlin's consent, only in this way can he face the opponent in Penglai City without any worries.

"Poluhou, you look very tired, what's wrong?"

When I saw Yunlin again, he seemed to be even older. He was just a high-ranking and powerful man, and he didn't have much fighting power. Therefore, it was quite rare for him to live a long life. Naturally, it was impossible to compete with those demigods. Old Monster Vs.

"Yes, last night I stood firm in Dragon Soul City, and managed to repel the attack of the rebels with great difficulty."

"Rebels? Li Shimin?" Before Dragon Soul City announced its attachment to Wu Yi, Yunlin even specially sent someone to gourd city to congratulate him. He naturally knew the location of Dragon Soul City and would attack the rebels there, only those from Iron Tooth City Li Shimin.

"It's him! The sleeping King of the East China Sea in Guanchao Cliff may have awakened. Li Shimin didn't want to stay in Iron Tooth City and fight against the upcoming East China Sea Kingdom, so he chose to go south." Wu Yi briefly explained what happened this time, Yunlin knew about Chaochao Cliff, after all, there are still some people in the Taoist sect who are interested in the empire.

"This is a good thing. As long as this rebel army can be wiped out this time, it can be regarded as a great increase in the power of the empire, and there is hope for your duke position." This rebel army nests in the east, but he only has the military power of the East China Sea Fleet in his hands, and Calabash City has been fighting on multiple fronts recently, so he can't force it too much, but now that the rebel army is actively attacking, the meaning is completely different .

"I will send a messenger to inform Old General Meng Ao, and ask him to cooperate with you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Wu Yi shook his head: "Your Majesty, don't bother, I have already met old General Meng Ao, and he will try his best to hold back Li Shimin's main force."

"Then why did you come to Zhenhai City this time? Do you want reinforcements? I'm afraid you will be disappointed. You know, except for a few standing troops in Zhenhai City, the main force has already gone north. I have no right to give you those warships." .”

"No! This time I'm coming down to see the Grand Duke, because I want to pacify Penglai City first!"

"Penglai City?" Yunlin looked at Wu Yi, obviously asking him to continue talking.

"The Grand Duke also knows that there is a Longxiang mountain range between Calabash City and Dragon Soul City. If you want to reinforce Dragon Soul City, the fastest way is to go around by water, but the places where you can land are all in the position of Penglai City. Last night At the most critical moment of the war, a rebel army of 3 people came from Penglai City, almost bringing Dragon Soul City to its end. I have received a secret report before that Penglai City is related to the Seven Sins League in the north. The army's second wave of attack will come soon, once the Hulucheng army forcibly lands in Penglai City, and then Penglai City blocks the road, then the north of Longxiang Mountain will be completely fallen!" How exaggerated is Wu Yi? Said, anyway, there is a certain delay in the NPC's information, and in this urgent time, there is no time for Yunlin to confirm the authenticity.

"But you have to know that Penglai City is now the territory of Duke Liu. If there is no solid evidence to prove that Penglai City is in collusion with the rebels, then if you move Penglai City, it will be tantamount to rebellion!" Yunlin said with a serious face.

"This is the reason why we came down to look for the Grand Duke! Grand Duke, we can't delay for a moment now. Once Li Shimin is allowed to use Dragon Soul City to gain a foothold, then we will not be able to touch him in a short time. Instead, we need the empire to deal with Donghai Kingdom. The question is, will Penglai City go all out to eradicate Li Shimin? At that time, I am afraid that I can only withdraw the army from the north and stick to the territory in the southeast."

Threat?not count!

Wu Yi was just forcing Yunlin to make a choice, whether to choose him, a marquis who would fight for his country, or choose a Penglai city with unknown intentions!
Yunlin stared at Wu Yi for a long time without saying a word. How could he fail to understand the meaning of Wu Yi's words. If the southeast border was supported by Zhenhai City in the past, most of it is now supported by Calabash City. with.In the past six months, Calabash City has developed too fast, but the other party was "promoted" by him. He knew very well how to choose.

"Okay! This scapegoat can help you, but you have to deal with Li Shimin, otherwise, you can explain it to Duke Liu yourself!"

The Liu family of Shenyu City?
This is indeed one of the oldest and most glorious families in the Hongyu Empire, and it has been deeply favored by the emperor for generations. However, since the death of the old duke, the royal family has been very dissatisfied with what the Liu family in Shenyu City has done in recent years. The Second Young Master not only had no success in guarding, but also lost Shenmu City. Now when the northern border is in such a crisis, only one general was dispatched there.

That's right, Ran Min was assigned by the high-level officials of the empire!

It's time to "remind" this ancient family. Penglai City is a good choice, just an insignificant small city.

"I will do my best!" Wu Yi was secretly happy. He understood what Yunlin meant. Yunlin was afraid that after "selling" Penglai City to him, he would let Li Shimin do nothing. How could this be possible.

(End of this chapter)

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