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Chapter 1245 Seizing the Island, Emperor Yu

Chapter 1245 Seizing the Island, Emperor Yu

The battle of Dragon Soul City has come to an end completely. This has not attracted the attention of many forces in the world. On the contrary, the army of undead killed from Guanchao Cliff is even more eye-catching. Pure undead forces are a threat to all living beings. It is not an exaggeration to say that the potential threat is the common enemy of the world.Is the Temple of Hades enough?Why has the Temple of the Underworld kept a low profile before?Isn't it because their "attributes" are not seen by the world!

Even now, the Temple of the Underworld is jumping up and down in the northern border, awesome, but with their courage, they dare not slaughter people, but for the forces of the undead, this is their "specialty"!They are good at turning all flesh and blood into corpses or bones. Human civilians have no effect on them, and they have no food to feed them. All they can do is turn these people into their own kind.

Once the undead forces fly up, it will be difficult to contain them. There is no way, the number is stuck there. If there is another invincible commander with a command value of 99 or [-], the picture will be too beautiful.

But obviously, the newly born Donghai Kingdom is far from reaching the level where the world can unite. Dingtian also pays attention to it, which is regarded as acquiescing, and whoever comes out of the sphere of influence will solve it.Now it is Li Shimin who is responsible. If Li Shimin runs away, then the empire will take over.

Perhaps it was the reason why the sun of the gods had passed, and the flames of war in the world were getting heavier and heavier. Yingzheng appointed Wu Qi as the commander, and led an army of 15 across the Great Wall, preparing to wipe out the remnants of the Demon Realm.

On the other hand, due to the sudden appearance of the Sky Island of the Yu Clan on the battlefield in the north, it aroused the prying eyes of the alien race, the rebels, and the empire. The weapon of war in the world, if it can be taken away...

It can be said that the appearance of Sky Island has become the fuse that intensified the war in the northern border. The armies of the three parties have been fighting fiercely in order to compete for an excellent position. But it is quite obvious that if there is another strong man like Emperor Wu, it is even more likely to play a decisive role in one fell swoop.

The turbulent northern border has attracted the attention of the world. Compared with the lineup here, Li Shimin, Calabash City, Meng Ao, and Guanchao Cliff in the eastern border are nothing more than small fights.

The value of an empty island is far more than an artifact, even in the age of the gods, and it is far more than it was at the beginning.Under the current conditions, it is difficult to create an artifact, but it is not impossible. It is just that the attributes are not as good as those shot by the gods, but it is absolutely impossible for Sky Island to complete the copy without the gods.

For this empty island, many ancient forces that did not participate in the war have also stepped out of peerless masters. An empty island is enough to allow a force to pass on more stably.If you want to compete for the sky island, it is obvious that the legendary rank is not qualified, and only demigods are eligible.In a short period of time, more than one-third of the world's demigod powerhouses have gathered in the northern border, and many of them have come with artifacts. World War I.

The tense atmosphere infinitely weakened the fight between the armies, and finally someone couldn't help but took the lead.

A golden light like a shooting star across the sky hit the protective barrier of Sky Island, and the golden light exploded, causing violent fluctuations in the barrier, emitting bursts of colorful light, and at the same time opened a A dark hole that could not be closed for a long time.

The protective enchantment of Sky Island is stronger than that of a first-class city, and there is only one thing in the world that can induce such power, and that is the Prison Breaking Bow of the Ning Clan, that is, the Prison King Clan of the Hongyu Empire!The Prison Breaking Bow is one of the strongest attacks among the known artifacts, plus the previous attack method, it can't be wrong!

The big hole in the enchantment slowly began to shrink. After all, as long as the enchantment is not completely destroyed, no matter what kind of attack method, the effect on the enchantment is only temporary.

Seeing this scene, the demigod powerhouses hiding in the dark couldn't bear it any longer, one by one silhouettes appeared in the surroundings abruptly, and a black awn rushed straight towards the big hole pierced by the Prison Breaking Bow. Dao ray is not an attack, but a person!This man was very burly, over two and a half meters tall, and his whole body was wrapped in a set of black full-body armor that lingered with a faint precious light. Except for a head of jet-black long hair, not an inch of skin was exposed.

But there is no need to guess the identity of this person, because his armor is so famous, known as the "Guardian of the Earth" with the strongest defense, and the signature artifact of the Earth Temple under the Elemental God Palace, it is precisely because of this artifact that this Only the strong demigods of the Earth Temple dared to rush to the front. It is said that even the Prison Breaking Bow could not break through the defense of the god armor with one arrow.

In order to compete for the empty island, it is obvious that all the major forces have come up with their own treasures at the bottom of the box. The foundation of the Temple of Elements is not as good as that of the other three major gods. Naturally, they want to win this empty island and win a trump card for the future decisive battle.

At the same time as a group of demigods appeared, a white figure appeared on the empty island. Before everyone could see clearly, a terrifying thunder flew out from the barrier and passed through the shrinking black hole. , and knocked the demigod who was wearing the Earth Guardian armor upside down and flew out.

"Everyone, this is too much. Don't you really want to fight to the death with my Yuzu?" With pure white wings and a tall body, he was dressed in exquisite white gold-patterned armor, with a crown on his head and a blue halberd in his hand. , like an angel.In the age of the gods, the wings were indeed attached to the light gods.

The crown on the head has already explained the other party's identity, Yu Clan Yuhuang, demigod rank!There is obviously something wrong with Sky Island of the Yu Clan, otherwise it would not be possible to hang here all the time!In the past, the Yu Clan was also very generous, and let some legendary powerhouses land on the empty island to show their friendship, but they did not expect to attract greedy wolves, especially the original ally, the Temple of Light!
Right now, the position where Yu Clan Kongdao hangs still belongs to Hongyu Empire's sphere of influence for the time being, but the power of these demigod powerhouses in the sky is a little messy, and some of them are disguised, and the number exceeds [-].The demigod powerhouses that are rarely seen in ordinary times seem to have become a bit of a cabbage for a moment, and the number of demigods appearing in some forces exceeds the understanding of them in the past.

"Swear to the death? Haha, the Yu clan and us have been sworn enemies since the age of the gods. It's too funny to say that." A mysterious man covered in thick black smoke laughed loudly. The appearance, needless to say, must be from the Temple of the Underworld.

The Emperor Yu looked at the location of the Temple of Light with an ugly expression: "What about you, people from the Temple of Light?"

But it is a pity that the people of the Temple of Light did not give him any response. The answer is already obvious, and the two sides are no longer allies.

"Then fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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