The best lord of online games

Chapter 1249 Cooperation?impossible!

Chapter 1249 Cooperation?impossible!

The battle of the strong came much faster than the battle of the army. The matter of the Yuzu sky island came and ended faster. This battle was really eye-opening for the world. All the strongest legions of the army died in battle, and the demigod who robbed the sky island also lost a total of eight people, which can be described as unprecedentedly tragic.

In the end, Sky Island of the Feather Clan completely collapsed, but in the end, the Daoist sect forcibly took away Sky Island's "God's Heart" in the chaotic battle by means of hidden backhands. The Heart of God is the core of Sky Island, but it can It is not known whether to use the heart of God to rebuild the empty island. For this reason, a demigod has also fallen from the Taoist sect.Among the eight demigods who fell, five of them were killed in the chaotic battle to seize the island, and the remaining three were the result of the deadly clash between the Temple of Light and the Temple of Underworld. In the end, the advantage of the Temple of Light was exchanged for two.

In this battle, the Yu Clan was basically disabled, and eight of the top ten priests died in battle. Fortunately, the Yu Emperor was not killed, otherwise the Yu Clan could be wiped out.After the sky island collapsed, Emperor Yu took the remaining clansmen and flew to the west, where he disappeared for the time being.Fortunately, it is the Yu clan, and if they want to switch to another race that is not born with the ability to fly, once the sky island collapses, it will basically be a dog.

Turning his gaze back to Iron Tooth City, Li Shimin brought Li Yuanba back in a hurry just after the battle in Dragon Soul City. Without the drag of the army, and with empty riders and steps, the speed is needless to say.

Li Xiuning's ability is pretty good. No matter what, she has a record in history. Coupled with the system's extra care for female generals, she definitely has a chance to sprint for a super famous general. But now, she is really far behind Meng Ao. Yes, if it wasn't for the advantage of strength and defense, it would have been defeated a long time ago. Even if it is not a complete Meng family army, it is not something that any one person can handle.

When the army of the East China Sea broke through Li Xiaogong's defense line, Xun Yu, who was in the main city, had sent more than ten messengers south to deliver letters to Li Shimin. At this time, every minute and every second might be related to their survival.


Calabash City

"Li Shimin's messenger? So fast?" Wu Yi, who had just walked down the tower where the Eye of Time and Space was located, was a little surprised. What did Li Shimin want to talk to him at this time?What else is there to talk about?

When Ma Zhong came back from studying art, it turned out that he was still thinking about how to arrange him, but he didn't expect that something would come to him so soon.

The courier has already been sent to Gourd City by Zhuge Jin. This time, it is just an ordinary messenger, not an official envoy. Besides, with the current relationship between the two parties, Li Shimin dares to send a famous and capable envoy to Gourd City. ?

"My lord hopes that your lord can consider this matter carefully, and it is best to give a reply as soon as possible." The messenger bowed and said after handing the letter to Wu Yi.

The messenger was obviously just a small soldier. Wu Yi didn't say anything, but just opened Li Shimin's letter. From the speed at which the messenger arrived, we knew that Li Shimin must attach great importance to this matter. What could it be?The content of the letter is not much, just said one thing.

Cooperate to resist the invasion of the East China Sea?
As far as the current situation is concerned, this is indeed an excellent plan. After all, the East China Sea is extremely strong now. Once it develops, it will not be able to resist the current Calabash City. At that time, let alone Penglai City, even if it is The Longxiang Mountains may not be able to stop the footsteps of the undead.For the lord of a party's power, hatred and so on are secondary, the key is profit!Obviously, in Li Shimin's view, cooperation is the way that is most in line with the interests of both parties.


"I'm not interested in what your lords said, you can go!" After reading the letter, Wu Yi threw out the letter paper in his hand. The letter paper fluttered in the air like a butterfly, and it took a while before it landed .

Before occupying Penglai City, he would have agreed to Li Shimin's proposal without thinking, but after occupying Penglai City, his thinking was completely different.Donghai Kingdom is very mysterious and puts a lot of pressure on him, but King Dongping puts even more pressure on him!Now that King Dongping is sweeping across the southern border, Calabash City can't wait like this forever, can it go back and deal with him after the opponent finishes sweeping the southern border?

It is true that Wu Yi has industries in the northern border and the sea, but after all, Calabash City is his old den. The northern border and the sea are too far away, so he can't send reinforcements immediately during the war, so he can't always rely on the teleportation array, right?It's okay to use the teleportation array once or twice, but he really can't afford it if there are too many!

Right now, he has occupied Penglai City, and he can just use Penglai City as a springboard to enter the Eastern Territory.Li Shimin is a dormant tiger, and now there is a chance to kill him, how could Wu Yi hesitate.As for the Donghai Kingdom, undead can easily arouse public indignation. As long as the Donghai Kingdom dares to make things big, the pot will no longer belong to him alone. Can't justify it!If he's lucky, he might be able to complete the task he has on the East China Sea by the way.

The messenger was just an ordinary soldier, so it was naturally impossible to persuade Wu Yi with the ability to "combat the Confucians with the tongue". After getting the answer, he could only leave sullenly.

This time, we must beat Li Shimin!
Wu Yi secretly encouraged himself in his heart. Based on what he saw through the Eye of Time and Space before, it can be said that Iron Tooth City has reached a critical moment. If it doesn't play well today, it will collapse.Li Shimin should still be on his way back now, right?It has to be said that he is really at a disadvantage in occupying a Dragon Soul City.

No, right now is definitely the weakest time for the escort of civilians going south from Iron Tooth City. Such a good opportunity cannot be wasted. He cannot attack civilians indiscriminately, but he can "rescue" civilians from the hands of the evil rebels. It doesn't matter if you can't take people away, as long as a large number of civilians escape from Li Shimin's grasp, he will have enough time to slowly search for these civilians. The civilians who escaped and became refugees will not be forcibly wiped out by the system.

It just so happened that Ma Zhong could not be more suitable for this task. He led the Sunset Arrow Guards to dispatch, and the maneuverability is high enough. There is no need to worry about being blocked by the army. With Ma Zhong's ability, if he is lucky, maybe You can also take the opportunity to kill one or two generals.Ma Zhong's growth in the process of learning art this time is not obvious, and the results of learning need to be experienced to show. That is to say, Ma Zhong will have a good growth period in the future, and it is unknown how long it will last. .

In this way, it can not only weaken Li Shimin's strength, but also increase his own population, so why not do it!

Next, it depends on how Li Shimin chooses. In the current situation, it is not his ability to blame, but his bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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