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Chapter 126 Chu Yi's Private Goods

Chapter 126 Chu Yi's Private Goods

Ma Zhong ran away!

The head of Wuyi Village felt that he had been hit hard, and he was not in the mood to go any further, so he immediately returned to Hulu Village.

Old man Huang is still not good at doing things. He didn't know how to keep such a big matter a secret. In a short period of time, the whole Hulu Village knew about it.Well, Wuyi Village Chief also forgot about this beforehand, he has no experience!Now Kou Xun is cleaning up the mess and going around to appease the local people. If Kou Xiaodi hadn't been well-educated, he would have scolded such a pig teammate.

Fortunately, the popularity and happiness of the people in Calabash Village are very high, and Kou Xun's talent bonus, there will be no problem for the time being. If it were changed to before, deserters will definitely appear .

"village head!"

Chu Yi!

This one has been stocking since Wu Yi brought it back to Gourd Village, dreaming of self-taught!Chu Yi at this time was very different from the first time he met him. He was not wearing the weird necromancer robe, and he was wearing a dark blue robe. He felt a bit like a scholar. During this period of time, he He has been following Kou Xun all the time, and the leaders have a fairly good evaluation of him. Except for the previous batch of refugees, very few people know his identity as a necromancer.

Chu Yi also had a great time in the village. He followed Kou Xun every day and felt like a leader.

"Didn't you let me learn from Kou Xun? Why are you running around!"

"I heard that there is going to be a war in the village. I have a good thing in my hand. It should be of some use. I can contribute it." Chu Yi whispered mysteriously not far from Wu Yi's ear.

"Oh, what?"

"I have learned a poison alchemy formula before. If you apply it on the arrow, it can increase the lethality a lot."


In Wu Yi's eyes, this thing is like food that can increase BUFF. It is a high-end item. The pharmacy in the city only supplies a small amount to the outside world, and the price is very high. The price starts with gold coins, but the effect is good.If you want to buy this kind of thing to equip the militia with bows and arrows, you will definitely vomit blood at a loss.

A standard-sized poison can only smear a hundred arrows, and this number will drop if it is used to smear melee weapons.Calculate the cost, even local tyrants can't afford it.

"Do you know how to formulate poison?" Village Chief Wuyi's eyes lit up immediately. Poison formula is a rare commodity, and there is no place to sell it on the market.Speaking of which, alchemists are really a rather chaotic profession, and they can get involved in any industry, but as far as medicine is concerned, alchemists only study special types, and they don't play regular types.

"Uh, this, I learned it secretly before, and I didn't learn it very successfully, but it should still be useful." Chu Yi was a little unconfident, and his voice became softer.

Stealing... You really know how to use your talent!

"Tell me about the specific effect."

"I have this recipe, take a look."

"Recipe? Didn't you learn it secretly? How come there is a formula."

"The recipe was researched by myself, and it is also a semi-finished product, so I can't teach it to others."

"..." There are really all kinds of weird things!Wu Yi took the formula from Chu Yi's hand and looked at it carefully.

Chu Gongzi No. 5 potion formula: poison, smear type, the target in the mission will suffer 15 points of poison damage per second, lasting 24 seconds, and it will expire after [-] hours of smearing.Required materials: fire copper powder, belly snake grass, magic crystal powder.The recipe cannot be used without completing the recipe.


This Mr. Chu's No. [-] potion... is paralyzing, this name is really disgusting, how shameless it is to give such a name to a potion!Wu Yi raised his head and glanced at Chu Yi, who was a little embarrassed. This girl is absolutely boring.

This poison is not only disgusting in its name, but its properties are far inferior to the high-quality products sold in pharmacies.It seems that the NPC is not completely restricting the sale of poison, but to give the player alchemist a way to survive.Although the poison property of this formula is not very good, no, it should be said to be very low, it can only cause 75 points of damage in total, but the cost is low, and it is very suitable for large-scale battles.

However, this poison also has a shortcoming, that is, the duration is too long, and the longer the poison is not, the better.If you are playing BOSS, then naturally the longer the duration, the better, and the duration is equal to the output.But the battle between arms is different. Ordinary arms of the same level are like water pirates with only Tier 15. They may not survive [-] seconds in a chaotic battle. This is a waste of output.

"Apart from the ingredients required in the formula, do you need anything else?"

Although there are many problems with this poison, Wu Yi still intends to use it. After all, he still has five arrow towers. When the time comes, the arrows used on the arrow towers will be coated with poison, which can also contribute more output.But as far as he knew, alchemists needed different tools for different tasks, and he didn't know if he needed to buy some back.

"No need, it's just a very low-level medicine. The tools I brought back before are enough."

"Okay, I'll go and prepare the materials for you right now. By the way, how efficient is your refining by yourself? I don't have much time for you." The three materials required for poison are not expensive, and the magic crystal powder is so-called It is the powder of magic spar, and these are generally powders made from scraps or inferior products.

"This... If you work hard, you should be able to refine it in a day, four to fifty bottles. After all, I'm not very good at this, and the formula is not perfect, so I can't improve it in a short time."

"Four or fifty bottles! It's almost enough."

Each bottle can be used to smear one hundred arrows, so it is calculated as forty bottles a day, and two hundred bottles can be produced in five days, which is enough for the militia archers in Hulu Village.This poison is actually quite suitable for leveling shooter players. As long as the price is cheap, many people will definitely use it. However, with this output, if it is sold cheaply, it will not earn the return fee!

Chu Yi, who was affirmed by the village head, left happily, while Wu Yi found the only middle-level lumberjack in the village. This uncle is already over 40, and it is unlikely that he will be promoted to a senior level. He is the only one!Normally he would not dare to let him enter the mountain alone, but now that there is a team of players to help him find resources in the mountain, Wu Yi simply let him rest in the village first.

But this time, the village chief Wuyi attaches great importance to this piece of bamboo forest, and needs the uncle lumberjack to inspect the goods.There are many kinds of wood for construction, but this is the first time Wu Yi has seen other than phoenix pattern bamboo that can be used for making musical instruments. It just so happens that he plans to develop Le Ji arms, so this bamboo forest naturally needs to be cultivated first.

PS: The first update!Thanks for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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