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Chapter 1262 Riot Undead Army

Chapter 1262 Riot Undead Army
At the moment Li Yuanba successfully broke through, Geng Yan had already noticed him. There was no way, the legendary beam of promotion light was too amazing. When the emperor's corpse was hammered and flew out, Geng Yan had to use all his strength to suppress Li Yuanba, otherwise , A super-class legendary general will definitely tear your army into pieces, and if you want to mobilize the power of the army comfortably at that time, then you can only hehe.

Wu Yi Yujian flew to a certain height, and he paid special attention to Li Yuanba at this time. He has seen many super-class commanders, but so far he has only seen one super-class general, Xiang Yu!However, Xiang Yu and Li Yuanba are completely different types. Xiang Yu's combat power is not only reflected in himself, he is also the commander of the first army, and his command rate has also reached 95. Therefore, it is impossible to see from Xiang Yu what a super-class general will have. Can see a little, strong!Strong!

Against the might of an army?
The extraordinarily tough Li Yuanba, the power of the army seems to be far from being able to play its due role on him, but it should be more than that, otherwise, the name of this super general will be too useless, you know , the battlefield is far more than just the words of the commander.

However, in this way, the situation is not very optimistic for Calabash City!

Geng Yan had to allocate more troops to suppress Li Yuanba. He was already weaker than Li Shimin. With this increase and decrease, the situation will be moved back again.Li Yuanba beheaded by Zixu?This is impossible, Li Yuanba's position has always been where Li Shimin can support him with the strength of the army in the first place, so even if Zixu makes a move, there will be no results, it is better to be like now , hiding in the dark, putting pressure on Li Shimin, the arrow that has not left the string is the most terrifying!

"Let your refining corpse continue!" At this time, Zhang Yufeng flew to Wu Yi's side.

"Ah?" Wu Yi didn't understand what Zhang Yufeng meant, and then looked at the emperor's corpse. In addition to the attack just now, Li Yuanba had already hammered half of it, even if the emperor's corpse could rely on the characteristics of the race and use the corpses on the battlefield to speed up Reply, but it will take a certain amount of time to come back, not to mention, you can't take drugs when refining corpses.

If you have to continue to drag it up to the front, you have to kneel in less than a minute, the gap is too big!In the past, it was possible to rely on an incomplete version of the domain to suppress Li Yuanba's super high damage, but now it has become the one that is counter-suppressed. The complete domain is against the incomplete version. Just think about it and you will know the result.

"Don't worry, I'm here! It's a shame to use the strength of an army to suppress a general."

Looking at Zhang Yufeng, Wu Yi nodded silently, and Dang even used the corpse-controlling talisman to issue new orders to the emperor's corpse.Zhang Yufeng is different from Zixu, or it can be said that Fengshui masters are the most special of the five branches of Taoism. There is a big gap between the upper limit and the lower limit of their combat power. Resources, in a word, Feng Shui master is a profession that requires preparation in advance to exert superior combat effectiveness, except for mausoleums.Therefore, on the battlefield, feng shui masters need to be more careful. It is impossible to fly directly to the front line to force open the field.

Wu Yi absolutely believed in Zhang Yufeng. He helped Calabash City and was more pure than Zixu. It can be said that Zhang Yufeng is not much different from being under Wu Yi's command now, the difference is only a name.Of course, if Wu Yi really wanted to take down Zhang Yufeng, he might at least have to wait until the Zhang family's blood feud had come to an end.

Under Wu Yi's order, the emperor's corpse killed him again with a piece of corpse poison. At this time, the chest of the emperor's corpse was almost attached to the back, forming a huge depression, which looked very terrifying.At the same time, Wu Yi also released his evil ghost from the gourd of raising ghosts, allowing him to move freely on the battlefield. He can kill a few soldiers. a member of

When the emperor's corpse was dispatched, Zhang Yufeng took out his precious compass. It was said that this compass was a family heirloom of his Zhang family, but Wu Yi didn't know what it was.At this time, a faint golden light floated on the compass, and the pointer turned into a dragon swimming quickly on the compass.This compass is like an ocean, in which there is a real dragon.

On the way from the emperor's corpse to Li Yuanba, a strong force of the earth's veins emerged. The emperor's corpse ran all the way, and the power of the earth's veins merged into the body of the emperor's corpse, making his complexion begin to turn pale golden, and the wounds on the emperor's corpse recovered quickly. , At the same time, the power of the earth's veins formed a set of extremely gorgeous golden light battle armor all over his body, which set off the originally gloomy emperor's corpse in a heroic and extraordinary way.This is simply a transformation from beginning to end, a crow becomes a phoenix!
Can Feng Shui masters still play like this?Today is an eye-opener!
But in this way, the emperor's corpse is indeed capable of holding Li Yuanba back for a while.


When Calabash City and Li Shimin were fighting fiercely in the east of Dragon Soul City, the situation in Iron Tooth City had completely eroded, and more and more undead poured out from the tide watching cliff and entered Iron Tooth City.Obviously, it is impossible for the mausoleum under Guanchao Cliff to hold so many undead. Most of these undead will come from the original ghost king city in the underworld!

Meng Ao has been driven to the brink of death. With the strength of his troops, there is no way to stop these "happy" undead. He has already sent a request to the empire for help, but let alone reinforcements, even the priest of the Temple of Light he wanted , only less than a quarter of them came.For such a result, Meng Ao had nothing to say, he had expected it long ago, after all, the current strategy of the empire is still focusing on the war in the north.

These undead are fundamentally different from the forces of the human race. Even if they occupy Iron Tooth City, they don't bother to develop at all, but continue to spread to the surroundings.Anyway, with the underworld as the foundation, those skeletons and walking corpses don't feel sorry for dying. As long as they can slaughter more living people, their goal will be achieved.

What Meng Ao is most afraid of now is that it will cause a plague!

This is also the most common method used by the undead forces against the living forces. Once there are enough corpses and guided by the necromancers, it is easy to form a large-scale plague. Moreover, this kind of plague does not belong to the category of skills, but belongs to natural disasters!That is to say, ordinary purification skills have no effect on the plague. If it is not handled well, it may spread to less than half of the Hongyu Empire.

Right now, apart from the extermination of the undead of the previous refugees in the iron tooth city, the undead army has been divided into two teams, the main force is going north, and the other team is going south.The legion priests under Meng Ao's tent are far from enough to preside over the purification tasks everywhere. As a last resort, Meng Ao can only apply for a batch of supplies from the empire, and use this as a reward to issue tasks to the God's Chosen all over the world.

The Temple of Light has no time to spare, but there are also many light-type occupations among the chosen ones. Regardless of their level, as long as they have purification skills, this will at least free him up to stop the undead army and prevent The defense line will not be like the current situation, where you have to fight fires everywhere, exhausted.

 I have been running to Huaxi Hospital for the past two days, my cousin is in the hospital, because I am the closest here, so the update time for these two days is very late, please forgive me, it will be fine in two days, but two chapters will be added every day no matter how late .

  The writer isn't very good at writing about wars, so the most recent episodes will take more time.

(End of this chapter)

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