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Chapter 1273 Crisis!Legendary Dracolich

Chapter 1273 Crisis!Legendary Dracolich

The flames in the sky almost swallowed the death sky above the sky. Kunming didn't use the array map immediately, and Wu Yi used the "Nine Lights Array Map" to protect himself. His skills were as supportive as possible. Combination, except for Xu negative, he is the strongest supporter, and the Nine Lights Formation appears in the "Guardian" state, and the consumption is the lowest.

The triple incomplete domain covered the entire battle area. Under the attack of the emperor's corpse, many shadow angels were forcibly photographed. Although they could not be directly photographed on the ground, the height of the descent was enough for Aunt Gongsun to attack.Since Aunt Gongsun joined Calabash City, she stayed in the territory most of the time and did not participate in any battles, so her growth stopped immediately. Aunt Gongsun still has not been able to break through the holy rank, but she is not completely unable to fly. She can fly with The skill can step into the air to a certain extent, but the maximum height can only reach three meters. Without the assistance of teammates, she is completely unable to fight with flying units. However, as long as she can fight head-on, the twelve or three shadow angels are really completely defeated. But Mrs. Gongsun.


——System: You are affected by the skill "Curse of the Lich" of the dracolich "Uar", attack -10%, defense -10%, and skill effect -10%.

——System: You are affected by the domain of the dracolich "Uo", personal combat power -15%, negative resistance -30%, healing effect -25%.If you have a curse-type negative status, you will lose 15% of your upper limit of health every 5 seconds.

Domain, legend!It turned out to be a rare dracolich!
During the first battle, Wu Yi felt that the comprehensive attributes of these shadow angels far exceeded the upper limit of legendary units. It is very likely that there is an undead general hidden in the dark, but he has not been able to determine the location.

Dracolich is a very special existence among the undead. They do not belong to bone dragons, nor do they belong to liches. They are new species formed under a series of extremely harsh conditions after the death of giant dragons, and they cannot reproduce normally.Because of their rarity, dracoliches are all in elite form, not in the form of arms, and their basic combat power is extremely strong, so there is no one below the holy rank.

For this special undead creature, Wu Yi has only seen it in very few ancient books, and his ability is not very clear, but just one field is enough to turn the tide of battle.

Exorcism!Too imaginary!

Wu Yi's reaction was not slow, he had to remove the curse on everyone first, otherwise the 15% loss of life every 5 seconds was really unbearable.At the same time, the battle formation began to shrink. Under the effect of Zhu Rong's double incomplete domain, it can reduce the influence of the opponent's domain on everyone to a certain extent, and compress the advantage of the legendary rank to the greatest extent.


With a deep dragon roar, a translucent giant dragon's shadow appeared in the sky. This is probably the most disgusting part of the dracolich. The concealment ability is too strong, coupled with the suppression of levels, even Xu negative It is difficult to determine his location.However, if the perfect concealment cannot be attacked, even the domain will not be able to take effect.

The moment the dracolich opened the domain and the curse appeared, the subsequent attacks were also suppressed. The roar of the dragon filled the entire battlefield. The powerful attack and multiple curse effects continued to take effect. Wu Yi almost instantly Wu Minxi, who lost more than one-third of his health without the protection of the array, was even worse for Wu Minxi, whose level was less than ninth. , At the same time, Kunming also fully assisted Wu Yi to open the array. Wu Yi's ability alone cannot fully stimulate the ability of the array, let alone last.

In a burst of bright blue-purple light, nine huge stars spanned the sky. The nine stars constantly attracted the various skill effects of the surrounding enemies, and finally barely survived the sudden attack.At the same time, Xu Negative showed her powerful auxiliary ability, various positive probability attributes were greatly improved, and the resistance to negative states also increased.

More or less high-level undead have a certain ability to curse, and the same is true for Shadow Angels. The state of curse combined with the effect of the dracolich domain is perfect.

After the failure of the first wave of raids, under the leadership of the dracolich, the remaining Shadow Angels started to attack frantically, their bodies glowing with blood, and their speed and attack increased instantly.At this time, the emperor's corpse can only be used as a sandbag to resist beating, try to block the damage of the dracolich as much as possible, fortunately, he has no vital points, and he can also be immune to most of the curse effects, otherwise it will Once again, the scene of the emperor's corpse fighting against Li Yuanba will collapse in an instant. This is also the gap between a real legend and a fake legend!
Right now, Ma Zhong no longer cares about continuing to fly in the air. This guy is very good at hiding. He has been hiding behind Kunming who is assisting Wu Yi in maintaining the formation. Arrows and shadows shoot and kill those shadow angels silently, and sneak attack the dragon from time to time. Lich.Whether it is a dracolich or a shadow angel, they can fully trigger Ma Zhong's talent. At this time, Ma Zhong's attack is the strongest among the crowd, and it is the only one that can threaten the dracolich. However, the threat referred to here , it's just the fatal effect with an extremely low probability, under the suppression of two levels, the damage alone is really powerless.

Wu Minxi's damage can be completely ignored, but as the only professional of the holy light department among the nine, this guy carries a lot of holy water on his back, throwing holy water to attack, and using the holy light to help his teammates relieve the negative state, purely throwing money Offensive, but the effect is quite good. He has replaced Wu Yi's previous position and has become the main support of the team.

No, it's too strong!

A few moments after the battle, the Shadow Angels died a lot, but the dracolich became stronger and stronger. A large transparent hole appeared in the abdomen of the emperor's corpse. If they continued dragging, they could kill all the Shadow Angels, but But this dracolich could kill all of them and be buried with his subordinates!The combination of nine of them is still far from being able to challenge the legend.


We must find a way to retreat!

At this time, the team's state is more supported by Wu Minxi's holy water. Once the holy water on him is exhausted, the curse will break out in an all-round way. All the skills of the dracolich are accompanied by more than one kind of curse. Wu Yi had already used the skills stored in the Bingyu Spiritual Rejuvenation Bottle. Once the damage reduction effect of the formation map was gone, they would not be able to withstand the legendary damage at all.

God drop?That would die faster!
Do you want to summon the demigod clone of the beast?

(End of this chapter)

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