The best lord of online games

Chapter 1277 The Great Harvest

Chapter 1277 The Great Harvest

The dracolich died in battle, and there were still many skeletons that had been revived around them. These skeletons were too slow to be covered by the sacred place before. As for the shadow angel, if Wu Yi remembered correctly, they seemed to have run away before. Three or five of them were scattered. After all, the Shadow Angel was completely useless at the last moment of the previous battle, and the Dragon Lich didn't want his subordinates to die without thinking.

Now it is much easier to capture the shadow angel. This is also a task, but I don't know how many merits I can get.

Zhu Rong and Zhou Tai went to catch the shadow angels, Wu Minxi followed Aunt Gongsun to kill the skeletons for experience, and Wu Yi also released the evil spirits in the ghost gourd.The situation of the emperor's corpse is not good. It is impossible to recover by itself. We can only get some undead materials and use corpse refining to assist. For such an exaggerated injury, life healing will have no effect.

As it happened, the dracolich exploded a bunch of stuff, most of which were materials.

Lich's Heart (Holy): Necklace, Holy Light Resistance +10%, Curse Basic Skill Level +1, Physical Damage Immunity +25%, Skill Consumption -15%, with the skill "Virtualization".Equipment Requirements: Curse class, special soul body. (Virtualization - you can enter the hidden state after ten seconds of preparation, and get out of the hidden state after attacking.)
Blood Vial of the Holy Dragon (Special): A failed artifact imitation.Increase the life of self and all soldiers under it by +10%, life recovery speed +35%, immunity to 5% deterrence-type negative status, and all dragon (sub-dragon) units' combat power is additionally +10%.

The equipment released by the dracolich is only two accessories, one holy grade and one strategic equipment.Lich Heart has occupational restrictions, only evil spirits can use it here, but this attribute is not very meaningful to evil spirits, so we can only hang it up for now, and hand it over to Ning Tianhao when we go back. He was originally a curse priest. And turned to the White Soul Clan, which is very suitable for this accessory.

In terms of value, the holy dragon blood bottle is much higher than the heart of the lich. No matter how poor the strategic equipment is, it is equivalent to legendary equipment. As long as you bring it to the commander, you can add 10% of the upper limit of life to the entire army. Added to the [-] army, how much life is that?Astronomical figures!For the time being, Zhou Tai is hanging on to it. If there is a flying dragon knight as a unit, the value of this piece of equipment can be maximized.

In addition to the two accessories and a large number of materials, there is also a milky white, heart-shaped crystal, only the size of a palm, which is exactly the same as the angel's heart recorded in the mission.

Angel Heart: ? ? ?
It is the heart of an angel. The heart of an angel has a special effect on the angel family. There are long-term collection tasks hanging in the twilight barrier. In order to weaken the twilight barrier, it is not surprising that the undead have the same quest. It is possible to get the first angel heart in this way. , can be regarded as an unexpected harvest, but, can't see the attributes!

Every time you submit an Angel Heart, you will get the same merit value, so you don't have to keep it in your hand all the time. You can pay as much as you have, and you can exchange for meritorious service to exchange for troops.

After cleaning the battlefield, Wu Yi also joined the ranks of cleaning the skeletons. The level of these skeletons is not low, but only 25 of them can be exchanged for a little meritorious value. The harvest of the melee battlefield, now Wu Yi has reached the ninth and fourth ranks, and he has directly surpassed No. Directly through the elixir, I have pushed my intelligence attribute to 2, and when I reach the ninth and tenth ranks, I can try to advance to the holy rank.

At this stage, the player's famous general attributes are very low. As long as they participate in the battle of killing legends, they can more or less get a few points of force (intelligence). There will be a special title.

This unique fault space will collapse a small part every once in a while, and it won’t be long before this space will disappear completely. Xu Negative is trying to figure out the way out. Everyone wants to go out, and they have to rely on her. It's the right one.

There are still 85 parts of the concentrated holy water that opened the "sacred place" before, and a thousand parts of concentrated holy water are needed to open the smallest sacred place, but these holy water will not be swallowed directly, in fact, only [-] parts will be burned at the first time. The remaining portion will be used to maintain the sacred place. If the coverage of the sacred place is to be expanded, the burning of holy water will be accelerated. That is to say, as long as there is enough holy water, the holy place supported by the shining holy grail will count It is no problem to cover the entire twilight barrier, but that kind of consumption is definitely astronomical, and it is not something Wu Yi can support.

The final cleaning was over soon, and behind Zhou Tai's giant dragon hung three shadow angels tied into rice dumplings. The mission did not require the number of captives, so it would be best if there were two more.

After a thrilling battle, Wu Yi earned [-] points of merit, and Wu Minxi smashed the holy water to grab a small amount of merit. Wu Minxi was different from other aborigines. Even if he settled in Calabash City, his merit would not fall to Wu Yi. On the head, but it doesn't matter, it's the same with Wu Minxi's achievements in exchange for materials.

"Miss Xu, is there any result?" Wu Yi came to Xu Negative's side again. Because he had used the destiny divination many times, Xu Negative's two intelligence attributes that had been temporarily reduced before could not be recovered, but fortunately, he did not continue. Go down again.

In this short period of time, the surrounding area collapsed more than three times, and the speed of the collapse here is obviously getting faster and faster, so it is necessary to leave here as soon as possible.

Xu Negative nodded: "Come with me!"

A group of people followed Xu negative to a place where a large area had collapsed, and only a crack in the black space could be seen. They used fate coins to open a stable passage for everyone to leave.Since the fault space can drag people in, it naturally has a way to leave.

"Hoo! It's finally out!"

Returning to the position before the ruined battlefield again, everyone felt a sense of narrow escape, this time it was really too dangerous.Wu Minxi is now carrying a hundred bottles of concentrated holy water. He is full of confidence and plans to fight a big battle. However, after a big battle, he has been promoted by two levels, and he is about to rush to the ninth level. This kind of good thing is usually not It's unthinkable, not to mention that there is still a lot of holy water for him to squander.

"Miss Xu, is this far from the location of the previous divination?" If not, Wu Yi plans to return to the Twilight Barrier after finding another angel heart. Can be more convenient for the next task.

Wu Yi had already made up his mind, he had three days, and on the last day, he would think about the Griffin issue.

"Give me that angel's heart first!" Xu Negative stretched out his hand to Wu Yi. With the real object, she can perform more accurate divination, and the cost of divination will also be much lower.

Wu Yi handed over the angel heart to Xu negative, and he almost forgot about it. If he continues to do the task of angel heart, then he can't hand in all the angel heart, he must keep it for a while. Give Xu negative as an introduction to divination.

(End of this chapter)

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