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Chapter 1279 The Strong Human Race in the Twilight Barrier

Chapter 1279 The Strong Human Race in the Twilight Barrier

Holding the badge of merit, Wu Yi followed the sketch to the Sixth Army Battalion. This is the resting place arranged by Ye Jia for him. Since he had the opportunity, he just stopped by to take a look.The barracks in the twilight barrier are different from all the barracks Wu Yi has seen, or Wu Yi has only seen the barracks of the human race, so there is nothing to say, just set aside a piece of land to build some barracks, training grounds, etc. The overall difference They are not big, at most they are a bit more ornate, but the barracks in the twilight barrier are completely different.

The Twilight Barrier was originally a city of angels. Its barracks are in the air, in a sea of ​​clouds, and the buildings are also very beautiful. Angels, as flying arms, are very convenient whether they are defending the city or going out for battle.Later, after forming an alliance with the human race and having a large number of human troops in the twilight barrier, there was a regular military camp under the Yunzhong military camp.

"Welcome to the Twilight Barracks, a warrior from the human race! I am the logistics adjutant of the Sixth Army Battalion, do you need me to arrange a barracks for you?" When Wu Yi and his party entered the barracks, a burly angel in golden armor greeted him. When he came up, his tone was extraordinarily gentle.

Angels are very tall compared to humans. Even female angels are more than two meters tall, and some with extraordinary talents are more than three meters tall. Coupled with the wings behind them, they look extraordinarily huge.

"Thank you, sir. I want to get the angel warrior by the way." Wu Yi handed over the merit order to the logistics adjutant. The barracks must be needed. After all, he will stay here for three days, and it is too dangerous to sleep in the wild. And it is impossible for him to stay offline for three days.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to get a lot of meritorious service when you first arrived at the stronghold. It's really good." The logistics adjutant took the meritorious order and handed it over to the deputy behind him after confirmation.The angel soldiers are all in the sky, and the military camps on the ground are all prepared for the reinforcements of the people.There are nine military camps in the Twilight Barracks. It is said that except for the first and second military camps, there are only a few human races stationed in the other eight military camps.

"Come with me first!"

Wu Yi and his entourage followed the adjutant. Before they came to the military camp, they had already gone to the logistics hall, and all the materials had been taken, and the meritorious order would be recovered in the military camp.

The barracks was large, but empty and dead silent.

"Okay, you'll stay here temporarily from now on. This is the entry and exit order!" After arriving at the place, the adjutant took out a series of copper orders, except for the emperor's corpse, and sent out one side, on which everyone's identity information was entered. After that, they will be able to freely enter and exit the Sixth Army Battalion during the non-war period.

The military camp is divided into four districts, A, B, C, and D. This is District A and II. From this point, it can be seen how few human races are in the sixth military camp.The barracks also have the strong style of the angel family, gorgeous and tall, and the conditions are really nothing to say.

Soon, a group of angels flew down from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky. Needless to say, these were the angels exchanged by Wu Yi.The Archangels wear pure white robes, and the Cherubs wear light armor of silver.

"Okay, these are the angel fighters you exchanged for. Check it out. If there is no problem, then the delivery is over."

"No problem!" What else could be wrong with this thing, as long as the quantity is right, it's right.

"That's good. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me."

"Thank you, sir!" Looking at his thirty angels, Wu Yi was a little excited. Although the mere thirty legendary units were nothing in war, these thirty angels were his rise in the Doomsday God's Battlefield. Base.With these thirty angels, there may be three hundred or three thousand in the future. Dreams are always necessary, what if they come true!

The adjutant left with his deputy, and Wu Yi carefully checked the attributes of the angel.Although he has seen a lot of angels, and most of the time, the results of the angels' appearance are not very good, and the death of the angels gives people the illusion that the angels are extraordinarily good, but is this really the case?
Can angel

Race: Angel

Level: Ninth Legendary Level
Attack: 450
Defense: 450
Life: 9000
Skill: 12000
Feature 1: Bright Protoss—Healing (healed) effect +25%, damage bonus +15%, damage immunity +15%, and morale of all soldiers +10%.

Feature 2: Seal of Light Energy - Skill recovery speed +50%, healing and shielding skills +25%, at the same time, it can provide additional armor equivalent to 5% of its own attack power for the healing (shield) target .

Feature 3: Collecting Light Energy - A bottle of ordinary holy water can be condensed every day through the collected light energy.Consuming holy water can strengthen one's own skills.

Trait 4: Firm Faith - Immune to instigation, morale suppression, and intimidation negative states, elemental resistance +10%.

Feature 5: Deadly enemy of the undead - +30% damage to the undead, all skills have a "purification" effect on the undead.

Skill: slightly

The characteristics of a stalwart are not much different from those of an angel, except that the "seal of light energy" in characteristic 2 is replaced with "enhanced holy flame", which strengthens the effect of holy flame skills.As a unit with five characteristics, there is no weak one, but the characteristics of angels are too targeted. If it is not against the undead, characteristic 5 will not be able to be used, which is equivalent to missing a trump card, and characteristic 3 is a production effect. When fighting other races, if you don't consume holy water, it will be a bit mediocre.

However, this is only relative. After all, angels still have a hidden attribute, that is, in the holy light environment, the combat effectiveness of angels will increase significantly. The holy light environment is quite easy to create, and many large-scale skills of the light department have such a Effect, "sacred place" is one of them.The reason why the angels that Wu Yi saw before were "vegetables" was because they were fighting enemies with a lot of bonuses with basic attributes. If they didn't pounce, it would be a ghost.

However, in this Doomsday God battlefield, these angels are the strongest units!Holy water?Wu Yi does not lack this thing now, that is to say, even without the excellent commander bonus, these angels can still explode with fighting power beyond the arms!
"Yo, here comes the newcomer!"

Just when Wu Yi was considering whether to temporarily incorporate these angels into Zhu Rong's army or Ma Zhong's army, a human team full of generals appeared opposite him.The opponent's professional composition is quite mixed. There are more than [-] people, including men and women. Just looking at the gorgeous equipment, the overall strength of these people will exceed Wu Yi's side. It is not ruled out that there may be a legendary powerhouse among them.

However, none of these people is a professional of the Holy Light Department. At this point in the Doomsday God Battlefield, the belief systems of the major gods are far from being developed, so there are very few god-type occupations. It can be seen that the profession of Griffin Rider does not exist.

(End of this chapter)

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